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Old 2012-04-29, 07:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

I was wondering what kind of global resource denial tactics will be available in PS2? If I understood correctly resources of certain type (there will be few of them) are gathered automatically when holding certain facility in your control. The resources gained are then divided among members of an empire for personal use. Right?

So beside usual take over facility to deny access to resources method will there be more advanced methods at your disposal. I.e. if one Empire (i.e. TR) managed to cut off certain part of enemies territory with certain strategically important resource facility on the map how will this affect the resource flow between that facility and the main part of that Empire (i.e. NC)? Will the gain resource from cut off facility still be shared as that part wasn't cut off or will the people in the cut off part of the territory only be able to obtain resources from territories they are connected to. Maybe aircrafts could be used to supply cut off territories? This would certainly make room for more strategic gameplay - instead of taking over a heavily guarded enemy facility you could simply cut it off to deny your enemies that particular resource.

Edit: Visual example of situation described above. F represents grid where facility with rare resource is located. Instead of having to capture heavily defended facility F Empire could attack and capture less defended territory in the grind and by doing this deny the larger part of other Empire the valuable resource produced in facility F.

Also it would be cool if high ranking command officers could deliberately sabotage facility in your own control (i.e. cause a reactor leak) when it's loss is imminent to temporarily (6-24 hours) disable it and deny enemy from exploiting resources from that facility in that period. That would also encourage Empires to go fighting more deeply into enemy territory to take over and sabotage facilities they couldn't realistically hold on to for long simply to deny them particular resources. This would be an interesting addition to the game's global strategy imo.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-04-29 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 2012-04-29, 07:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

I like those ideas and the idea of sabotaging a base if you know a large enemy force is coming, maybe different options that do different things, like stopping resource collection, disabling a base for a time limit by setting off a radiation burst that kills everthing near it, but have a visible timer so that everyone knows when the base will blow up. That could be an awesome option if attacking an enemy base and knowing it's a do or die mission for the team trying to stop it.
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Old 2012-04-29, 09:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Second Lieutenant
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
I was wondering what kind of global resource denial tactics will be available in PS2?
I do too, I had some ideas about it in another thread...

Basically the jist of it is to conduct mission-based resource denial, and interference, with non front line actions deep in enemy territory, given the paradigm that true "back-hacks" are unlikely. Rear area disruptions ("hack-type" mechanics, with different results...), that are centered around resources, rather than land grabs, could be very useful. Especially to a faction that has its back against a wall... I think this would flesh out the mission system even more, and the necessity for defence in depth, or rapid deployment. The meta game of resources would never be a given even for a faction that is steam rolling the others, because the more area / resource nodes they aquire the more targets of opportunity they need to defend.

Here are the ideas:

1. Partisans...
"Partisan hacking" in the enemies rear areas allows for a small resource gain each minute the hack is in progress, regardless of success or failure. So, the needy empire always gets something for the effort. It puts a similar drain on the owning empire each minute also, which simulates supply line interuption abstractly. Resource gain should probably tie into the hack timers (long timer = "safe" and developed) to simulate the value of "fresh / untouched" areas which would be considered more productive for having seen less war ravages for longer, again as an abstraction... If the hack succeeds, then this territory would produce very little if it is recaptured (likely), due to an implied scorched earth policy of the partisan hackers efforts. IE... typical partisans...

2. Sabotage...
Missions in the rear of empires that attempt to destroy infrastructure. These could be "sabo-hacks" that are quicker, but do not allow control, just a destruction of resources. Sometimes you just want to jack them up, you may not need the territory... so the timer for this type of hack takes less time to complete.

3. Raid...
These missions are similar to sabatoge missions, but if an empire needs resources more than they need to deny resources, then this is a marauder mission, or "raid-hack", on depots or bases with intent to steal supplies... Think in terms of attacking baggage trains, depots, convoys, etc. Similar to sabotage, but there may be an element of extraction involved, much like PS1s LLUs. Which, if sucessful, gives the raiders faction that type of resouce.

4. Scorched earth...
If you presently own a territory that is in danger of being taken, there could be a mission(s) of scorched earth, or "scorch-hack", where you destroy a territorys usefulness for a period of time, and this means if you keep ahold of it, you screwed yourself too... It could be as simple as multiple hacks on your own structures, each one reducing, or lengthening the resource degredation of a given territory. This one is cool, because you never know who gets hurt, or helped by this, so feints and diversions could cause the enemy to damage themselves.

All this could be done with no damage to the resource system for territory aquisition, and fleshes out the mission system even more, since it would interact with the meta economics, for more strategy. If tuned well, this could even things out meta-wise, and really FORCE empires to maintain villigance on the rest of the map or really SUFFER from complacency.

Last edited by Grognard; 2012-04-29 at 09:16 PM.
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Old 2012-04-30, 03:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Toppopia View Post
I like those ideas and the idea of sabotaging a base if you know a large enemy force is coming.
After some thinking I reinvented those ideas a bit. I realized it would be hard and impractical game-wise to create two or more separate resource pools for a single Empire. So to still have that strategic element of cutting off territory effectiveness of facilities in areas separated from the bulk of the Empire should be diminished say by 20 %. This kind of implementation would be far less difficult yet it would still keep that strategy worthwhile - encourage other Empires to piece off your territory and force you to keep your areas connected.

As for scorched land strategy/sabotaging there should be few rules to prevent exploits and make this tactic harder and prevent abuse from potential "covert agents" in your Empire's ranks. First only high level officers could start sabotage from main control room of the facility (maybe 2 more should be needed to confirm that action - to prevent double agents from making mischief too easy). Next this option should be available only when enemy has breached facility perimeter. Next effect wouldn't be immediate - this action would then start the counter let's say 30 mins - in that time if you lost your facility enemies hackers could hack and disable started sabotage sequence. So you would have to hold the enemy force out of main control room for another 30 mins for this to succeed. Also once started timer can't be reversed by your Empire just to prevent using this strategy every time your facility is under attack.
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Old 2012-04-30, 03:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Grognard View Post
I do too, I had some ideas about it in another thread...
First I'd like to note that these tactics really aren't the solution for "rich will get richer" problem since they would be as easily available to large/rich Empires as to smaller/poor Empires.

My solution for that problem is far simpler - penalize effectiveness per hex for larger Empires. Let's say there are 33 territories/hexes to be held. Holding 11 would be optimal yet if you had more there would be a kind of saturation (due to logistic problems in managing a large area). Holding another hex above 11 would decrease your Empire hex production effectiveness by let's say 0,5% per hex. So holding 31 hexes would reduce your effectiveness per hex by 10%. However in absolute numbers you would still have an increased resource gain and be stimulated to hold onto your hexes. These figures are just exemplary, exact final values should be tested to work the best for the game.

Originally Posted by Grognard View Post
Here are the ideas:

1. Partisans...

2. Sabotage...

3. Raid...

4. Scorched earth...

I explained my take on scorched earth/sabotage in a post above and how it should work. To sabotage a facility you would need to take over it, activate sabotage option immediately and then defend it for next 30 mins to succeed.

Stealing resources aka "partisan hacking "as you call it should be restricted to infiltrators. Also gains from it should go only to infiltrator doing the hacking personally and his current squad imo. That would make INFs valuable to have on your team when raiding an enemy outpost.

On a Empire level siphoning resources could be implemented by setting up some kind of structure/vehicle in enemy territory to divert up to 10% of resources from that territory to your Empire. It should also be restricted to one effective siphon structure/vehicle per hex.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-04-30 at 04:04 AM.
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Old 2012-04-30, 09:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

I like the idea of supply lines and resource disruption when done by an opposing faction... 20-30% loss like mentioned sounds reasonable

The sabotaging of your own faction's resource generation is a bad plan though. I like it in theory, but with internet trolls it would just lead to a few select people making dummy accounts on their disliked factions and destroying that faction's resource gain. It would be anti-fun.

As for radiation leakage or reactor meltdowns, that would be insanely awesome... as long as you cannot do it to your own faction's. I can already see the implementation of this adding to gameplay in a very large way.

Leak: everyone inside the base, for all factions, receiving a DoT, until the generator is repaired.

Meltdown: A countdown like mentioned, at the end of which, a blastwave killing everyone in the base and then some. IMHO the countdown should only be visible on the interior of the base or even restricted to only the generator room. This would necessitate communication and would make for some epic moments in TS/Vent.
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Old 2012-04-30, 12:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Sergeant Major
Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

scorched earth is not a good idea.all it would take is one troll to go and destray everything and your empire suddenly has no resources. anyway what if you were taking over a base, wouldent you be angry if you got nothing for it. which would happen at every base cap because people would want to deny the other team every time. then what would be the point of playing the game if this was in?
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Old 2012-04-30, 12:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by PlaceboCyanide View Post
The sabotaging of your own faction's resource generation is a bad plan though. I like it in theory, but with internet trolls it would just lead to a few select people making dummy accounts on their disliked factions and destroying that faction's resource gain. It would be anti-fun..
Originally Posted by Purple View Post
scorched earth is not a good idea.all it would take is one troll to go and destray everything and your empire suddenly has no resources.
Please guys just don't troll without reading first. I have addressed all the outstanding issues you mentioned here in my second post. First I said only high ranking members could do it (this would be one of the certs unlocked in the last stages of commander path) so it would require a lot of effort - double agent would have to play an opposing faction for a long time before attempting such an action. Also this measure could be activated only when your base perimeter has been breached - multiple hostile have entered your base, and at least 1-2 other commanders would have to confirm such action as I mentioned before. Going against your own faction would ruin your credibility and career from then on for certain. In theory it could be done but it would require a lot of effort from a double agent to pull that off - also by the stage he could do it he would certainly made a lot for the faction he infiltrated as well. So this obviously isn't a problem at all from that perspective.

Originally Posted by Purple View Post
anyway what if you were taking over a base, wouldent you be angry if you got nothing for it. which would happen at every base cap because people would want to deny the other team every time. then what would be the point of playing the game if this was in?
Lol well that's the point . If you took it fast enough this wouldn't happen (read my second post). Beside that it would be only temporary and you'd still get regular general resources for holding that territory (just not the special ones). It would be hard to pull off, so I really doubt it would happen every time.

As for the second part if you read my posts above you would have known that the defenders would have to evaluate the situation very carefully. If activating this measure too early they could end up messing production for themselves (i.e. if you have reinforcements on the way or the attacking force is simply to small and weak to take over your base). Also as I said they would have to defend the main control room for a certain amount of time before (30-45 mins) before sabotage could be pulled off - these kind of situations wouldn't really be that common and very hard to pull off since you would have to know that you have no chance of winning and yet manage to stall/counter enemy forces for long enough to make it. This would be sort of reward for holding your base against the stronger and larger force for that amount of time.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-04-30 at 12:45 PM.
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Old 2012-04-30, 01:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Sergeant Major
Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
As for the second part if you read my posts above you would have known that the defenders would have to evaluate the situation very carefully. If activating this measure too early they could end up messing production for themselves (i.e. if you have reinforcements on the way or the attacking force is simply to small and weak to take over your base). Also as I said they would have to defend the main control room for a certain amount of time before (30-45 mins) before sabotage could be pulled off - these kind of situations wouldn't really be that common and very hard to pull off since you would have to know that you have no chance of winning and yet manage to stall/counter enemy forces for long enough to make it. This would be sort of reward for holding your base against the stronger and larger force for that amount of time.
you missed the point. people will run around to all of our bases and destroy them just for the hell of it. and it takes away the point of capping bases in the first place if your not going to get anything for it. also you said this would happen for 6 hours? the base most likely would flip back by then.
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Old 2012-04-30, 02:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Purple View Post
you missed the point. people will run around to all of our bases and destroy them just for the hell of it.
Well if you read what I wrote you'd know they couldn't "destroy the bases just for hell of it". You don't like it, ok it's fine. But don't make up invalid arguments.
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Old 2012-04-30, 03:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Sergeant Major
Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

So you dont think people will make a person leave him for a month then come and spend his passive cert gain to disrupt the other team? You say high ranking people but people will make the effort to gain this skill to troll the other sides.

Anyway peoples mentality shouldn't be "your going to take this base so im going to make it worthless HAHA!" if people are able to rip the base away from the other side then they deserve the resources that they will get. the game will be boring if the other sides cant afford tanks and air.

Last edited by Purple; 2012-04-30 at 03:16 PM.
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Old 2012-04-30, 03:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Purple View Post
So you dont think people will make a person leave him for a month then come and spend his passive cert gain to disrupt the other team? You say high ranking people but people will make the effort to gain this skill to troll the other sides.

Anyway peoples mentality shouldn't be "your going to take this base so im going to make it worthless HAHA!" if people are able to rip the base away from the other side then they deserve the resources that they will get. the game will be boring if the other sides cant afford tanks and air.
Again you failed to understand what i'm trying to tell you. First of all as far as I understand people will need to attain certain battle rank to unlock some certs - this would be one of those. So they couldn't just make a character and leave him for a month as you said - they would have to play that character for couple of months first. Next they would have to know people in that faction to convince 2 other officers that this measure is necessary and would also have to stage an attack by opposing Empire that would breach perimeter of the base to even have that option in the first place. This "conspiracy" would have to be huge to work out properly. If someone had the nerves to play for months and coordinate all the factors right to pull this off it certainly would be a deserved thing. Also he could pull it off only a couple of times before others realized foul play and discovered him after what that character of his would be useless. So would it be worth to play for months aiding your adversaries to pull off a couple of sabotages that would last several hours - I sincerely doubt it.

The base isn't going to be useless, only it won't produce it's main resource for couple of hours - you could still fortify it and gain basic resource/credits. Also defenders would have to really work hard to make that base useless since if attackers managed to capture it within say 30-45 mins their attempt to sabotage would fail.

I understand you don't like the idea in general. As I said it's ok. But please don't make arguments against it that are essentially false.

Last edited by Immigrant; 2012-04-30 at 03:56 PM.
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Old 2012-04-30, 04:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
My solution for that problem is far simpler...

I explained my take on scorched earth/sabotage...

Stealing resources aka "partisan hacking "as you call it should be...

On a Empire level siphoning resources could be implemented by...
I have zero problem at all with refining those concepts. I just think they make a lot of sense in this game. Especially to interact proactively with the meta economics, flesh out the mission system, and broaden the scope of targets on the map to un-stagnate the front lines...
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Old 2012-04-30, 04:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Immigrant View Post
First of all as far as I understand people will need to attain certain battle rank to unlock some certs - this would be one of those. So they couldn't just make a character and leave him for a month as you said - they would have to play that character for couple of months first. Next they would have to know people in that faction to convince 2 other officers that this measure is necessary and would also have to stage an attack by opposing Empire that would breach perimeter of the base to even have that option in the first place.
This makes sense to me, since even in "RL", a scorched earth policy is not undertaken lightly, and a single individual, even trusted and/or high level, generally will not make this kind of a decision unilaterally... I think this approach simulates the gravity of a scorched earth policy well.
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Old 2012-04-30, 04:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: Global strategy - resource disruption and scorched earth/sabotage tactics

Originally Posted by Grognard View Post
I have zero problem at all with refining those concepts. I just think they make a lot of sense in this game. Especially to interact proactively with the meta economics, flesh out the mission system, and broaden the scope of targets on the map to un-stagnate the front lines...
Agreed, I believe that any of these could improve game and deepen the experience for command involved players.
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