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Old 2013-03-07, 01:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
"Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

I have a large pile of station cash on my account and want to make sure I have what are considerer the "best" / "must have" weapons for each class / vehicle.

I currently play Vanu. These are the weapons I use for each class and vehicle. What am I missing/need that I don't have?

Heavy : Orion
Max : Nebula / Nebula
Medic : H-V45
Light Assault : VX6-7
Engineer : VX6-7
Infiltrator : Eridani SX5 / Parallax

Sunderer : (need suggestions)
Galaxy : (need suggestions)
Flash : (need suggestions)
Liberator : Dalton / need secondary suggestions
Lightning : Python HE
Magrider : Supernova VPC / Saron
Scythe : Hailstorm Turbo Laser / Photon Pods

What are some of ya'lls favorite camos?

Thanks for the input!
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Old 2013-03-07, 01:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
EVILPIG's Avatar
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

The Oirion beats the LSW on paper, so why do so many VS prefer the LSW?
"That which does not kill us,
makes us stronger
" -Nietzsche

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Old 2013-03-07, 01:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
The Oirion beats the LSW on paper, so why do so many VS prefer the LSW?
Mag size.
I prefer the Flare at range, I don't use the LSW at all. I use the Orion in CQC if I'm playing Heavy, which I rarely do in CQC.

Originally Posted by irodex View Post

Sunderer : (need suggestions)
Galaxy : (need suggestions)
Flash : (need suggestions)
Liberator : Dalton / need secondary suggestions
Lightning : Python HE
Magrider : Supernova VPC / Saron
Scythe : Hailstorm Turbo Laser / Photon Pods

What are some of ya'lls favorite camos?

Thanks for the input!
Sunderer - 1 Bulldog, 1 AA gun imo
Galaxy - Bulldog where you can, AA every other.
Flash - Wait for the patch
Lightning - HEAT imo
Magrider - I use what you have, though I do have an FPC / Saron for when I feel like playing a true space douche sniper.
Scythe - Same as you.

Camos is pure personal decision. Best actual camo available is the Alpha Squad for VS imo, everything else just makes you stand out more. Looks are half the battle though, if you don't look cool when you kill someone it just doesn't count.

Last edited by Assist; 2013-03-07 at 01:43 PM.
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Old 2013-03-07, 02:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
The Oirion beats the LSW on paper, so why do so many VS prefer the LSW?
The Orion has ROF going for it, but the LSW has better advantages imo.

The Orion has balanced recoil (random left or right on each shot) which will straight up cause you to miss shots you otherwise would have gotten if your target is far enough away. The LSW has unidirectional recoil which you can counter almost perfectly by simply pulling in the opposite direction (in this case, down and a bit to the left). The kind of accuracy at range the LSW is capable of is simply not reproducible with a balanced recoil weapon. You're limited only by the COF mechanics instead of COF and uncounterable recoil.

It has way more damage per magazine and a comparable short reload time. The Orion is a pain in the ass to use especially for midrange+ combat because you're always juggling with reloading. It's not as comfortable as something like the Flare, but with the LSW I don't mind running into somewhere without taking the time to reload. For the Orion, I want to hang back while I get a full magazine.
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Old 2013-03-07, 03:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
First Sergeant
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
The Oirion beats the LSW on paper, so why do so many VS prefer the LSW?
Oirion is great at close range bu the LSW is a better all purpose weapon. And mag size.
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Old 2013-03-07, 08:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
The Oirion beats the LSW on paper, so why do so many VS prefer the LSW?
The Orion ends up being the equivalent of the TR's MSW-R. Huge ROF, awesome hip fire, crap at med/long range. If you are only fighting CQC the Orion is great. The minute you have to run across a field it becomes obvious where it is lacking.

The LSW is a great "overall" weapon similar to (and actually better than) the TR's TMG-50. LSW has decent hip fire, large clip, fast reload and is good at med/long range. The only drawback is a lack of a compensator attachment. When you don't feel like constantly switching between LMG load outs, the versatility of the LSW is where it's at.
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Old 2013-03-07, 01:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Sergeant Major
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

For the lightning id say the Python HEAT is a good choice, though its chep and you might want to just use certs to get it. If you like to specialise the AP is good aswell but i owuldnt call it a "must" have, the HEAT does the job adequatly.

For the Sunderer id say at elast one Bulldog or Fury paired with a Kobalt (again kobalt is chiep so no need to spend SC on it). The Walker and Ranger are also good choices if you are in an outfit or an organsied squad if you keep the sundy away from direct combat. Then it gives you protection from aircraft while on the move.

With the Flash the Basilisk seems like an ok choice though id hold out to see that new shotgun in (hopefully) this week's update. If you catch a tank off guard you can mess him up pretty bad if you get behind him with a basilisk flash. Rear armor hits should destroy even an MBT without relaoding.

For the Lib secondary id say go with the Walker, unless you have friends whith whoom you can ccordinate neuagh to give both gunners angles on ground targets, then the bulldog could work. Especialy if you are rollig with the Dalton, it would give you a bit more anti infantry power.

For the Gal either all around Walkers or Walkers on the top and tail gun with bulldogs on the sides.
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Old 2013-03-07, 01:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

There are some NS "must haves" as well; to allow for maximum versatility when required:

- Dual Bursters.
- AV MANA turret.

And speaking as an AV MAX who delights in blowing up Sunderers with Dual Falcons, the one weapon that makes me think twice before taking on a Sundy is the Bulldog. Nasty!

Are Dual Comets any good?
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Old 2013-03-07, 01:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
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Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Originally Posted by psijaka View Post
Are Dual Comets any good?

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Old 2013-03-07, 02:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Galaxy is 2 Walkers and any combo of Drake and Bulldog. I currently run with only one Bulldog, and circle the target base with that wing towards the target area. Auto-repair systems are probably the best, because (with air support) you can feasibly stay in the air without landing, even if you take damage every now and then. Chassis depends on your flying, if you are terrible at landing then avoid speed and use precision drops instead.

Flash with Radar is key. Radar is broadcast to friendlies, and extends to incredible ranges at the highest level. Any weapon is better than no weapon, use thermals to help spot targets and deployables. Mine Guard is probably the best bet. Chassis depends on what you do with it, but even the default climbs like a beast.

For the Liberator, Tank Buster, Zephyr (Dalton only if you know you are only hitting vehicles) and Walker (unless your tailgunner prefers the Bulldog) is the best setup. The secondary gun must have great optics, either thermal or maximum zoom. Some pilots I know prefer High Speed, Afterburner, and Nanite Auto-Repair to make passes and get away, which avoids a lot of rockets and minimizes the time period where flak can hit effectively, as well as giving the ability to get hit and repair fully without touching down for repairs.
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Old 2013-03-07, 03:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Master Sergeant
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

I'd buy some kind of shotgun

Nova/Phobos seem to be all the rage.
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Old 2013-03-07, 05:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

For VS, I'd recommend the Nova with slugs, extended mag and IRNV.
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Old 2013-03-07, 05:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

Originally Posted by Laldy View Post
For VS, I'd recommend the Nova with slugs, extended mag and IRNV.
Are slugs any good?
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Old 2013-03-07, 05:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
Lieutenant Colonel
Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

I was all for twin dogs on the Bangbus but having tried the AA on one I'm making the switch to one of each.
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Old 2013-03-07, 07:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
Neutral Calypso
Sergeant Major
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Re: "Must Have" weapons for each faction / vehicle?

For infiltrator...

Your faction's SMG. Or one of 'em.
If you intend to snipe, a bolt-action sniper rifle might be gold.

For Light Assault...

C-4 is a selling point, but you can only buy that with certs...

For the Engineer...

The new Anti-Vehicle turret is a definite must-have. Also tank-mines, but like the C-4 above, those require certs.

Can't think of any definite MUST HAVES as far as medic weapons go.

Heavy Assault...
ROCKET LAUNCHERS! The two that I have the greatest respect for are the Grounder (or equivalent) and the Decimator. All-around, grounder is probably the best rocket launcher before they introduce the new faction-specific ones. It has an anti-air lock on, but can still be dumb-fired at ground targets such as maxes and tanks. The decimator is pure dumbfire but has the highest damage output of any rocket launcher in the game (though it is suggested that it may do less damage to non-max infantry... if you just want to anti-infantry with your rocket launcher, stick to the default).

Depending on faction, your faction-specific heavy weapon may be a must-have. Though most TR agree the mini-chaingun is not quite at that level.


The burster for the arm that doesn't get it by default. The anti-infantry weapon for the arm that doesn't get it by default. Aside from that, nothing else is necessarily "must have" though there will always be those weapons like the TR's Mercy that people swear by.

ANY weapon is theoretically a must-have, since otherwise the flash is completely unarmed. Most people swear by the fury, though you may find the basilisk to be the best all-around weapon, and the only one that deals decent damage to enemy vehicles. The other two are more anti-infantry.
There is nothing like destroying an enemy tank with a flash basilisk.

Personally, I would put my faith in the walker for anti-air and the bulldog for the sunderer. That being said, I am not 100% sure that either can necessarily be called a "must-have" as the sunderer basilisks are quite effective against all targets. Just most people don't trust them because they are DEFAULT OH NOES and assume that any sundy driver using them must be a NOOB. This is not actually the case, the truth is any sundy driver who hasn't given them at least 1 cert of ammo upgrade and 1 cert of manification is a noob.

Skyguard, because sometimes you just got to pull out the anti-air. Aside from that, it is up to you whether you want your lightning to shoot 6 fast weak bursts or 1 slow strong shot.

None that I would necessarily say is a -must have- but people swear by the walker for your anti-air needs. The basilisk would be fine for anti-air except for the substantial problem that it can't aim very high. Of course, the walker has problems aiming down, so it's an even trade off. But then, you can always shoot ground targets with your HEAT.
Other people swear by the HE for anti-infantry, but that reduces your anti-vehicle efficacy, and the HEAT is perfectly good for AI and AV.

Rocket pods rocket pods rocket pods. No other extraneous weapon is as necessary for your mossy as rocket pods. Maybe if you feel inclined to AA exclusively, you may want the A2A missiles, but with the prevalence of flares all over the place, those are not as reliable as they might be. The alternate nose guns for the mossy are a give-and-take, and hence not terribly "must have."

The default belly gun is crap. Replace it with a Dalton or a Zepher. ANYTHING but the default gun. If you feel inclined to give the pilot something worth shooting, a tank buster nose gun is also nice. The tail gun need not necessarily be replaced depending on circumstances, but if you feel compelled to find something better for it, I would suggest the walker.

This... is the one vehicle the offensive and defensive capabilities of which I have not adequately analyzed, but I would reccomend replacing some of the weapons with walker. I need to review possible Galaxy loadouts in more detail to give you anything more than that.

Hope somebody finds that useful.
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