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Old 2006-06-09, 06:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
First Lieutenant
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Special Drop Corps

Chapter 1
2coolforu looked around at his squad, Achmonth was bent over, clutching his stomach, and cursing the pilot. Orcoo was looking around excitedly at the dull interior of the galaxies cargo bay
"What could possibly go wrong" Was his chirpy excuse
The pilot walked into the bay, he wasn't happy, flying a galaxy was a risky business, but this galaxy was in enemy colours, above a mass of VS troops.

A small red blip showed up on the Galaxy's portable eagle-eye radar, hartstock ignored it, looking back he saw it was closing in fast
"Warning Missile Lock" came an automated voice over the speakers
2coolforu and Achmonth came sprinting into the cockpit
" What the hell is going on"
" I dunno sir" came the pilots response
" It came outta nowhere, Activating chaff"
the dropship shuddered as small compartments let out peices of foil
" Its still locked, this mother aint letting go, hold on, firing countermeasures"
Flares flew out of the top of the galaxy, a thousand vanu soldiers looked up, on the ground a Vanu Commander noticed the missile
" Who fired that seeker" He yelled over the com-link
negatives rang back through the com-net.
"What is that joker doing, he's cut out his engines"

hartstock wrestled with the controls, no matter what he did the missile kept coming, 2000 meters and closing
"One Minute until impact"
"Come on hartstock, what ya doing man, you've got outta tighter places than this" Yelled 2coolforu
" This bastard just won't let go, Hang on, I have an idea"
hartstock flipped the engines off, air roared around the galaxy as it slowed, the crates of ammunition broke out of their harnesses and banged against the partition wall, 2coolforu and Achmonth were hurled against the cockpit controls.
"What the fuck are you doing man!" came the scream of Madmaxmad from the cargo bay
"The missile is locked onto our heat signiture, we need to lose excess heat and fast" Explained Hartstock
"Get ready for a bumpy ride
"Impact in 10 seconds" Came the computers response
" Come on Come on" muttered hartstock
the galaxy was losing altitude too fast, he could only keep the engines off for another few seconds
"Impact in 5 seconds"
The missile seemed to be losing its lock, it started weaving madly
"Yes!" Yelled hartstock
it was too early for celebrations, the missile was still following the galaxies arc, with no other heat signitures in the immediate area, it just followed its original course, and the galaxy was slowing down
"Shi..." Came achmonths response, but his words were cut off by a huge explosion, the Galaxies tail was thrown away like confetti, Lubricant, exhaust fumes and rudders fluid poured away. Sparks erupted from a severed electrical cable, igniting the flammable fluids, the galaxy turned into a fireball, in the cockpit, hartstock fumbled for the engine controls, flipping them on, the engines whined
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Old 2006-06-10, 03:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #2
mattew kane

good story just i think its being used before
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Old 2006-06-10, 06:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #3
First Lieutenant
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Chapter 2
The engines whined, and then died, the altometer read "200 Meters" and it was beeping warnings angrily, the pitchometer was crazy spinning around like a compass with a magnet, the Terran troops were hurled against the walls of the galaxy like leaves in a storm, 2coolforu winced as he crashed into the cockpit toilet cubicle, he strained to look around, all the others were unconcious, through the window he could see the ground approaching fast. The Galaxy shuddered and let out a boom as it dropped through the sound barrier, the nose was too pitched, even if the galaxy could be slowed it would crumple into the ground, the fire reached the left wing ammunition store, 20mm round exploded and flew in every direction, 2coolforu cursed, and heaved at the controls, they ressisted, but activating a melee booster implant gave him the strength to pull it towards him, the entire aircraft groaned as its tortured mechanisms struggled against the Amerisian gravity. He flipped the switch labelled "Air Brakes" and a grinding sound, and a feeling of braking attacked his body
"Warning: Speed Insufficent" Beeped the inbuilt computer, it echoed and whined as the computer core was hit by a stray 20mm bullet.
The HUD, speed monitor, altometer, lights, pitchometer and all the electricals flickered and died, the ground rushed up, and 2coolforu instictively closed his eyes


Matt just wanted to be an engineer, but because of the recent events, he had been conscripted to the VS Mobile infantry, he sat in his portable nanotent, inspecting his pulsar.
"Working Perfectly" He said to himself
he decided to loosen his legs, he walked outside, and looked up at the picturesque Auraxian sky. Amerish was his favourite continent, he sighed to himself
"Stupid war"
he saw a galaxy in the corner of his eye, it was very low, and it seemed to be on fire
" What the fuck"
its tail was missing, and it was unleashing 20mm bullets from what was left of its left wing gun turret, suprised yells echoed over the plain, and soldiers dived for cover from the doomed galaxy, and the bullets that were coming out of it, some were to slow, and hit the floor, well, most of them did.
Matt froze, the Galaxy was heading straight for him, it must of been only 100 paces away from him, it was in albiet charred VS colours, but a split second before he ran, he saw a Terran commander wrestling with the controls
"What in the name of the vanu?"
that was the last he said before the galaxy swiped him out of existence
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Old 2006-06-24, 05:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
First Lieutenant
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2coolforu hit the belt release button on his chair, he fell onto the floor, he heard voices, they sounded distant, but one was close
'We've got to get out'
he felt himself being lifted up and rolled over, then he blacked out

Achmonth roused orcoo using a med-app
"Im off to check the cockpit"
He walked to the cockpit door, he heard moans from the cargo bay and from the passenger holds as the squad was roused by orcoo, he kicked the door open, but stayed low so the VS surrounding the downed dropship couldn't see his red armour, he saw hartstock, sprawled on the floor, dead, his agile armour's kevlar chestplate punctured by a chunk of shrapnel, he was dead. Achmonth sighed, another comrade lost, the respawning had been very tempermental lately and there was a chance he wouldnt appear in sanctuary, The core scientists had said there was an 'Unknow' script rewriting all their respawning codes, Achmonth scanned the room, he was letting his mind wander, he saw 2coolforu in a small pool of blood, he was lying on the floor, a muffled moan came from him, at least he was alive, Achmonth grunted as he lifted the heavy customised reinforced armour, he cursed at the weight, why did 2cool force the outfit armourer to add an extra layer of reinforced titanium alloy, it slowed the outfit down, even the harrasers struggled, at last he got into the cargo bay, he dropped 2coolforu onto the metal decking, and gave him a long burst if medical nanites into his neck, he asked orcoo if there were any casualties
"Nope,a few injuries but we are OK"
"Good, now we need to find a way out"

A VS commander crouched against the cargo bay door of the crashed aircraft. She had definatly seen a Terran commander in the cockpit and she wanted to be the one who captured the evil republican, it might give her a nice job in the Vanu high command, and an extra 20 minutes free time a day, she actived her audio amplifier, removed her helmet and put an ear against the door, she could hear some talking, she smiled
a voice was picked out by the implant
" Hey MADmaxMAD, you ok man?"
" Yeah im ok, what happened and where the hell are we"
" Its a long story, but we are in a crashed galaxy, with little weapons in the middle of an amassed and annoyed VS army and about 4000 miles behind enemy lines"
"Sounds good"
she had heard enough, she walked round to the front, a voice came
" Hey, what you doing, purple"
She moaned, it was that newbie, god, he annoyed the hell out of her, he always called her by her old nickname "PurplePower" it had seemed a witty name when she was a newbie, more carefree and younger, maybe when she captured that commander she would be allowed to change it, but she needed to get rid of this loudmoth greenhorn, otherwise he would alert those Terrans
" Go alert the outfit, there's some dangerous....Prisoners in here" She shouted to the newb, he ran towards the outfit mobile commander vehicle, now she could get to business.

The sound of glass shattering roused 2coolforu, he looked around, the outfit were there, apart from hartstock, aaroedude was looking worriedly at the cockpit door, achmonth was looking calm and cool, aiming a modified gauss at the door, it had a double magazine and a longer barrel, with a well made starlite scope clipped on top of the main body of the gun, all the other outfit were aiming at the door too, 2coolforu reached for his guns, but they had all gone, suddenly the door blew off its hinges, 2coolforu swore as he realised half of it was heading towards him, he rolled, but in his half asleep state, was too slow, the door clipped him on the head, there was screaming pain, the stillness, in his unconcsious sleep, he had dreams of strange, sleek, silver creatures cutting down terran soldiers, it was in the sanctuary, it was massively realistic, he could feel his chainsword in his hand, he could smelll its oiled teeth, one of the creatures charged forwards towards him, he saw orcoo lying on the floor with a huge wound, he felt anger well up inside him, he activated melee booster and charged at the creature, it swang its arm at him, he parried, it was long, sleek, made out of a silvery metal, it had claws at the end, he swung round, adding to his centrifugal force by swingiing his arm, the sword screeched as it hit the chest of the creature, it burst through, and a red, plasma like substance poured out, he did a sidekick and the corpse fell over a few meters away,then, the sanctuary melted together, and he woke up.

PurplePower slapped a high intensity sonic grenade on the armour glass of the galaxy cockpit, she turned off her audio amplifier and took cover, a loud screech echoed across the amerish plain, birds flew from the trees, and some deer ran from a nearby peice of meadow, the expeditionary force had brought a large amount of animals, earning its nickname 'The Arc'. The cockpit glass shattered, Purple walked towards the nose of the plane, and pulled herself in, there was a corpse of a TR sprawled on the floor, she checked the body, it wasn't the commander, she placed a small semtex shaped charge on each hinge of the reinforced steel door, she took cover behind one of the steel chairs, a huge explosion ripped through the air, but the explosives shape forced it all into the door, it flew at almost supersonic speeds and slammed against the thick cargo door, a huge amount of fire ripped through the door, she swore, those Terrans were gonna be hard to get, she threw a pair of concussion grenades through the door, they would only stun a reinforced exo suit, but any other infantry would be knocked unconcious, the fire stopped, a single bullet twanged as it richoched dangerously around the cargo bay, the she walked into the smokey interior of the bay.

2coolforu slowly woke up, the cargo bay was smokey and bulletholes marked the walls around the cockpit entrance, the entrance was blackened, some parts ripped off by the unexpained explosion, the entire squad was on the floor though, 2coolforu felt a pang of fear, it would take a deadly enemy to incapacitate the well trained men, he looked around, he slowly moved into a crouched posisition, ready to spring up and fight by hand if he had to, he saw a figure, it was a slim figure, dressed in an agile exo-suit, 2coolforu recognised it as the Vanu Sovereignty design, he activated melee booster, the VS seemed to be distracted, checking the bodies of the SDC, 2coolforu sneaked up behind, he grabbed the VS round the neck, and hit it in the pelvis with his knee, he heard a sickly crack as the vanu's pelvis broke, he felt a feeling of sucess.
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Old 2006-06-24, 05:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
First Lieutenant
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PurplePower walked into the the wrecked cargo bay, huge crates of ammuniton and large weapons lay on the ground, thrown about by the explosion, she checked the bodies, looking for the commander, she hear something, a scrape of metal on metal
'Must be a crate breaking free' she though
at that moment she felt a huge arm grab her neck, she called out for help, but no sound came, she cried in pain as a knee came up and hit her in the pelvis, she felt it break, she fell to the floor and cried in pain again, the terran leaned over her, fist raised, she rose her arms to parry, the blow broke her right arm, she gave up, the terrans fist rose again, she just lay her arms on floor, she closed her eyes and waited for the blow to come, it didnt.
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Old 2006-06-25, 04:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
First Lieutenant
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Chapter 3: Discoverey

A figure crept slyl'y through the meadow, it wasn't the most pleasing thing to look at, it was sleek and metallic, a silver colour, the colour of the ancients, its head was a maelstrom, it had long, sleek legs, it had arms with long serrated blades at the end, it had fists, each with 6 fingers, each finger was a serrated blade, its mission was memorised, kill the carbon lifeform heralded '2coolforu' Name: Robert *Invalid Data*, its hunter-killer missile had failed to kill the crude flying machine, it crept closer towards the charred hulk, until its exosuit was scraping against the metal. It smelt the blood of a human, secretly it was scared, the human would be surrounded by his outfit members, the modified armour of the human was strong, very well made, and that Achmonth person smelt of ability, it followed the path of the other human, hovering over the cockpit and walking through the blasted-off cockpit door
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Old 2006-06-25, 05:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
First Lieutenant
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2coolforu held is head in his hands as the outfit discussed its position
"Whats taking the Vanu so long to get into the galaxy" Asked Achmonth
" I dunno" replied orcoo

outside the galaxy 100 VS aimed their weapons at the wreck while slowly moving forward, word had gone round that there were dangerous prisoners inside, armed and with a hostage. They made a ring arounded it, then moved inwards
" Im sure i saw something move in the woods"
" I see it too"
" Open fire, incoming enemies 9 o'clock, empire unknown"
A gargling scream echoed over the comm-net as a soldier was cut down by a horde of silverish figures
Echoes of small arms and anti-vehicular fire bounced around the open meadow, armour melted were pulsar shots hit, lancer shots fizzled against the creatures armour, sometimes they did damage, blowing away limbs, but it was a lost fight, after a few minutes half the VS were dead, the other half routed
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Old 2006-06-25, 04:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #8
First Lieutenant
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I need characters, so if anyone wants to join just ask, tell me your empire character name and certs, there is gonna be some arse kicking action soon so
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Old 2006-06-25, 05:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
First Lieutenant
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2coolforu raised his fist to finish the vanu, but then paused
'This fishhead could have some valuable info'
he paused, then cracked the commander over the head with his open hand, knocking her out, he bound her hands and feet together, made sure he removed all possible weapons, then tied a long peice of alluminuim chain to her hand binds, then to her feet binds, then clipped the chain to a clip on the wall. A movement disturbed the smoke of the cargo bay, a figure about 7 ft tall was standing in the door, it looked just like the figure from his dream
He noticed Achmonths modified gauss lying on the floor, he grabbed it, then grabbed the Vanu's Lasher, holding both guns one handed, he opened up at the figure, a hail of deadly fire ripped into the alien and the area around it. It started to walk slowly towards 2coolforu, as if weighed down by the barrage hitting it, he threw away the lasher, and brought up the gauss 2 handed, aiming it accuratly, he fired at what appeared to be the creatures head, one of the bullets hit a weakness, the teflon coated round rotated as it flew towards the creature, the bullet rocketed at 1300mph, sparking as it hit the connection between the headpeice and the torso armour, it drilled through, then it detonated, ripping through the neck, the creature fell to the ground, dead, its corpse deconstructed
"Whats all the noise about" Came Orcoo's voice
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Old 2006-06-25, 05:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
First Lieutenant
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The 7 remaining creatures closed in on the galaxy, they did not notice the small group of terrans sneak out of the cockpit.

2coolforu ran ahead of his battered squad, PurplePower draped accross his shoulders, he considered throwing this vanu into the forests, it was alot of dead weight to carry around, but the information she could have could be priceless, so despite moans from the squad, he let the VS live.

The terrans were crowded around a camp fire, trying to contact the rest of their outfit, purplepower knew this was her chance to get some help, she watched were they placed the radio as they went to sleep, she was about to make an attempt to grab it when she noticed the one she had worked out was called 'Achmonth' was still awake, he had the radio in his left hand, and was working on it with a nanotool in his right, a crackling signal suddenly erupted from the set
" SDC Squad alpha tzzzzzschh do you copy, our location is tzzzzcchhh make your way to us if you are there, i repeat Tzzzzcchhst
"Hey guys, i got a signal anyone got a mike" Achmonth yelled
'" Whaa.. you still workin' on that thing ach, what, you got a signal!, let me see that" Came the muffled voice of MadMAXMad
he leapt up and ran over to the radio.
"This is squad alpha do you copy. Ovwe"
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Old 2006-06-26, 02:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Lieutenant
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The desperate radio attempt failed, Achmonth swore as a short circuit set the radio on fire
"Ah...Son of a bitch"
he tapped the radio with his boot, it rolled over, scorched and blackened
"Aw for fucks sake" Achmonth sighed
"You ain't gonna fix that, so shut up and get some sleep" muttered aaroedude
Achmonth lay down and soon fell to sleep, but one person wasn't so happy, 2coolforu lay awake, staring into the distance, he still remembered the strange dream, the creature he had killed a few hours ago, seemed identical to the one slaughtering his comrades in the disturbing dream, but not only that, he was basking in good, old memories, from when he was a child on Earth, he and his friends would throw stones at the Terran royal honour guard, sneaking away, at 18 he enlisted into the Special Drop corps, at 20 he was in a commanding posistion, at 24 he was the commander, at 25, he and 205 outfit members were sent with the expediationary force to auraxis, ever since then he had remained 25, you didn't age on auraxis. He remebered when he had first set foot on auraxis, he had tracked the same silver, metallic creature through the hossin swamp, he told noone, they'd just say he was mad, and his wife, who dissapeared 6 months after the 3 empires had formed, he sighed, time to look to the future, not the past. He stood up, sighed, and walked towards the fire, careful not to look directly at it, as that would ruin his ability to see into the gloom, then, he heard movement behind, he turned on his audio amplifier, and slowly turned round, picking up his cycler, slowly bringing it up into a firing position.

Adraxus moved slowly towards the fire, his squad surrounded it, he moved into a bush and peeked out, he counted 7 TR, 6 asleep, 1 awake, he saw PurplePower lying in the centre, looking worse for wear, his squad numbered 10, and they were the elite of the elite, he trusted them to the end of the world, they moved in, all bearing silenced pulsars, the laser blasts dampened by specially designed barrels, they moved slowly in, the one TR awake didnt notice them, then, suddenly, his head twitched, a tiny amount and barely visible, then he slowly reached for his gun
"Incapacitate the Concsious one, dont kill him!" whispered adraxus into the comm-net
the Vanu slowly moved inwards, then, just as they were close enough to land a blow on the Terrans head, he span round and hit the closest soldier on the head, the soldier squeeked a small "Oh" before turning round and falling flat on the floor, all the vanu simulateonously levelled their pulsar's and opened fire, but the terran wasn't there, he rolled to the right, on the floor he kicked the legs of adraxus from under him, he cursed, he landed akwardly on his wrist, he felt it break, the terran kicked him and he rolled away yelling in pain. Adraxus's second in command, simon ran forward and swang at the terrans head with his pulsar, the terran grabbed the gun with his hand and span it round, Simons wrist clicked as the joints tried to pull of a movement they couldnt do and he automatically grabbed his wrist and cried in pain, the terran swang the pulsar at his head, but simon rolled onto the ground at this point and he missed, overbalancing, in the pain, simon lashed out, catching the TR in the calf, causing him to collapse, Nostrodamus ran forward, eager to be the one to take down this annoying TR, but the other Special drop corps were waking up, achmonth raised his leg up, and Nostrodamus went flying towards 2coolforu, he kicked at the flying vanu, catching him in the chest, cracking 3 ribs, he jumped up and unleashed a triple punch at a vanu that ran forward at him, 2coolforu noticed the other vanu were busy with the rest of the squad, he headbutted the vs that ran at him, he dropped to his knees, 2coolforu finished him with a knee to the chin, 5 vanu remained, and they were fighting the 5 out of the 7 special drop corps, Aaroedude lay on the floor, part of his agile helmet smashed, MADmaxMAD was on his knees clutching his chest, 2coolforu gave them both a blast with a med-app, and turned round to face the VS, but hey had routed, grabbing as many wounded as possible, they had left 3, PurplePower, some guy called Simon according to his dog tags, and some guy called Nostrodamus, he gave the two recent prisoners a blast of medical nanites, and gave purplepower a small one, he wanted to make sure that she had at least a couple of broken bones, to make sure she didn't make a run for it. He felt a burst of pain in his arm, he took of the armour surrounding the painful area, and noticed a bone poking through the flesh, he yelled in pain, his adrenaline was wearing off, and so was its pain-stopping effects, he fell down in agony, he fumbled for a medical applicator and healed it up, watching the bone creak back into its original position.
"I can hear a galaxy" Yelled Achmonth
2coolforu looked up and saw 2 powerful lights in the sky, it was slowing, and appeared to be landing, he couldn't quite make out the colours, his fellow squad members raised guns, and he too, raised his cycler.
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Old 2006-06-26, 03:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
First Lieutenant
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I need some replies and opinions guys, no point writing if theres noone to read
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Old 2006-06-26, 03:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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DrInfinity flicked on the searchlights of the galaxy and focused them on the fire, he saw his comrades sitting there, aiming an assortment of guns at him, he turned on the loudspeaker
"Hey guys, figured you needed a lift"
below him the tired Terrans cheered, and piled into the galaxy's cargo bay, greetings echoed around the compartment, the galaxy roared and headed North East. it flew over the Bastet sea, eventually arriving at an island 150km off the coast of solsar, it was the headquarters of the Special Drop Corps
"This is Firebird SDC1032 requesting clearance to hangar bay B2, Code is 228344***XYZ"
"This is island control, welcome home alpha squad"
the galaxy shuddered from deacelleration, and touched down in a huge bunker, massive gun turrets surrounded the bunker, and the island itself was encased by huge walls hundreds of metres high, bristling with guns and huge cannons, Modified reavers screamed around and tanks rolled along the roads, non-combat staff chatted as they walked home, there was a small city on the island, housing the staff, and in the centre, on a walled off raised plateu, was the Headquarters itself, huge missile silos sent shadows racing down the sides of the plateu, a giant waterfall cascaded down the eastern side, into a huge river that had a massively defended port in it, ships patrolled the coastlines, cruisers and aircraft carriers dwarving other ships, a huge cargo container steamed in, holding masses of tanks, Huge missile racks holding proton missles, designed to cause huge bursts of radiation, the battered SDC squad, they met up with old freinds. Achmonth walked off into the area of the city filled with bars and nightclubs with maximute and trino, 2coolforu saluted 0Shadow0 and his brother 0Strudder0, even though 2coolforu was now leader, he looked up to 0Shadow0, the original founder, he gave a huge salute
"You look a mess" Joked 0Shadow0
2coolforu span around and looked in a mirror, his face was scratched and caked in dried blood and gore, his arm had not been fully healed yet, (He'd just got the bone under the skin, he saved the rest of the med juice for the squad) and hung limply at his side, every time he breathed, small amounts of blood leaked out of his mouth, and he had Purple power draped over his shoulder, Orcoo was behind him, with Simon sprawled on the floor next to him, the purple vanu armour caked in blood, Orcoo's nose was broken, and he favoured his left foot
"Some VS bastards tried to get a jump on us, but we..ah.. shook em"
they dumped the prisoners in the cells, and went about their business

Last edited by 2coolforu; 2006-06-26 at 03:59 PM.
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Old 2006-06-26, 04:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
First Lieutenant
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Orcoo filled 0Shadow0 in on the recent events, giving detailed accounts of the weird creatures, and the random missile attack on the galaxy, 0Shadow0 stroked his chin, soaking it all in the opened his mouth
"Our scientists have detected enhanced core activity, we think" He paused, hesitated, then carried on, a worried look etching his face
"That the Vanu have come back, their knowledge of nanite-physics is amazing, they can shroud all their people, they can decive our instruments easily, they respawn just like us, it turns out...That ancient tech weaponry are parts of their body, and it seems like they are mounting an offensive. For some reason, from the records we can decipher, you show up alot in their records 2cool, we still dont know why"
2coolforu paused, and looked thoughtful, the last thing he needed was some wannabe aliens chasing him around, he joked about it was Orcoo, but he was scared, those things were good, they had massacred the Vanu Sovereignty battalion surrounding the galaxy, and the one 2coolforu killed had shrugged off a massive barrage of fire, then, he remembered the neck shot
"These creatures, they have a weakness at the neckjoint, if they invade, thats where we need to aim" Murmured 2cool
0Shadow0 nodded to show he heard, he span round and started walking away, then turned round and added
"Rob" He said
" Yeah" replied 2coolforu
" Get a shower and a haircut"
and with that remark, he left for the Labs.

Chapter 4: Denial

Inside the labs scientists worked 24/7, improving guns and magazines, optimizing armour motors and implants, 2coolforu strode in, a scientist took a sip of cofee from a mug that read 'You don't have to be a mad scientist to work here but it helps' with the SDC flag superimposed on it, he put down the mug and strode towards the now healed, showered and haircut 2coolforu
"Here's something you might like" he laughed
he held out a bolt driver, it seemed normal enough
"What am i seeing here"
"Well" The scientist took on the role of smart guy explaining new toy to stupid grunt
"Dont use that tone, or ill hit you over the head with that gun of yours, then smash all your toys" Growled 2coolforu
At that point Maximute walked in
"Now Now children, no fighting"
the scientist let out a small cough
" As i was just saying, this bolt driver has a 30 clip, high explosive rounds, and twice the power and range, its made of an ultra-light alloy that will survive anything, you could walk this thing through a volcano and it would still work, oh, and we got you a new and improved Melee booster implant, twice the strength"
"Sounds good, and don't worry, i wont bring it back in 1 peice"
2cool grabbed the sniper rifle, and walked to the implant terminal, and implanted the melee booster.

In the shadows Male crouched, his Vanu Pattern Infiltration suit cloaked him. He had hitched a ride on the TR Galaxy, they had been innattentive idiots, not even scanning the bay with a darklight, the sovereignty will hail him as a hero when he comes back with the location and codes to this secret headquarters, it was too late for the TR now, even if they killed him he would just respawn at sanctuary and report to the nearest Commander
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Old 2006-07-08, 10:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Chapter 4: First Wave

A security camera beeped, it span around in a 180 degree arc, beeped again and continued its loop, the screen blared red, then a wave of grey static cascaded on every single security screen. The Vanu had found the SDC Island base.

Batoutofhell continued his rounds of the entrance lobby, 5 troopers sat on a row of grey seats, then all the lights flickered, died, then came back on again, all the security screens on the reception desk hissed static, the troopers shut up and rose out of their seats, the lights went. The only source of light in the room was from the laser sights of the ceiling guns, which were now running on back-up nuclear batterys, red dots danced along the main entrance, a 5 meter thick titanium blast door rumbled down, the door was illuminated as one of the troopers managed to turn on his flash light, the blast door was about 2 foot away from the floor, when a group of silver figures rolled under it, the receptionist ripped a sweeper shotgun from its hiding place under the desk and shot at one, the pellets bounced of its armour. Crouched, it was nearly 5 foot tall, had the silver colour of ancient tech weapons and vehicles, what looked like a maelstrom for a head, it had arms that from the elbow had a serrated edge, it looked insectile, each of its 6 fingers were razor sharp claws, a whip of lightning erupted from its head, catching the receptionist on the elbow, blowing off his arm, the sounds of gunfire bounced around the room as the security troopers opened fire, spent cartridges clinked against the floor. Batoutofhell sprinted away and dived into the lift, a beam of lightning licking his toes, the reinforced armour smoked, the 3 remaining troopers joined him, sealing the door, their armour was smouldering in several places
"What in FUCKS name are they" Yelled a trooper with the name "PatchesOhulahen" Blaring green on batoutofhells Heads-up display
"Fuck knows, lets report to command".

The small amount of Vanu in the HQ were not the force of the alien assault, they were an elite branch, assigned to kill the commanders, in the airspace above the island, sleek silver spaceships waited, defying gravity, inside them millions of vanu waited, their mission was to reclaim the Arc of the lost, a sacred artifact buried in the earth under the island, it was the key to the main core of auraxis, with it, the vanu could finally rid their homeworld of the humans, with it they could truly control the nanites, and easily thwart the humans.
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