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Old 2003-04-24, 12:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Staff Sergeant
[Post Your Battle Stories]


I know that there isnt as much experience in it for it right now, but I think defending can be so much more fun then attacking sometimes. Even if I have to do it alone.

Im a BR11 Adv Hack, Adv Eng, Inf, Wraith - NC

Last night I set up shop alone at a tower behind enemy lines on Hossin and lay down mines/spitfires(etc) before any enemy really came to take a look. (It was semi-remote location is with one side only being bridge accessible which was so wonderful for my defensive purposes.)

The first one to show up was of course a lone hacker thinking he can just take it back easily because no one would likely be there. He didnt make it past the treeline as my cleverly hidden spitfire tore him up and down. He tried one more time alone, evading the first spitfire but not the second. (One hidden spitfire needs companionship you know)

I was feeling pretty successful in holding my little gun tower as he hadnt even made it close to the door. Its so nice being cloaked so you can actually stand beside them and watch their feeble attempts to get in. With a knife ready in case the oppurtunity arises of course.

My little friend had not given up on recapturing my tower and now he had brought a couple of friends with him according to my radar. From my vantage point on the roof I saw the three of them approach. Thank god no MAXs yet. I took to the ground as they arrived and apparently they knew all about my spitfires as one fired a couple of energy rounds from a lancer and they became smouldering piles of melted steel.

Cursing the Vanu, I dashed in behind them as they approached the front of the tower. I began constructing a new spitfire as their hacker approached the door... BOOM. And I thought they would have been looking for mines by now? Ah well. The Spitfire suddenly pops up behind the other two as they stare at the body of their only means to open the door in front of them. The first one dies before getting off a round but the other is in reinforced armor and is carying the lancer. He manages to take it out but it hurt badly. He makes a break back towards his facility, but I am between him and his escape. He doesnt see my knife fall into his back.

I now have a brief respite thankfully due to some friendly forces finally spawning at the tower. I let them know I am defending it and they agree to help. Two finer soldiers never lived and its only with their help that we take out the three Vanu returning a second time. They were very much watching for my mines and turrets now.

Now things start to heat up. I look towards the bridge. 5 Vanu making their way towards our position. 4 on foot and a MAX. Not good. Still only 3 of us to defend. I make a mad dash for the bridge and manage to throw down a couple of mines around the offramp. I have to go and restock aces as they finish crossing. The MAX steps on the first mine, BOOM. Damn! He doesnt even slow down. He evades the other mines and approaches the tower while firing at one of my spitfires. Once more my companions were my saviors as they now engaged the MAX leaving me free to worry about the soldiers. One had not survived the remaining mines at the bridge but the other three were seemingly in good health as they also approached. Behind me the MAX fells my fellow on the wall and my nearby spitfires. Nothing gives confidence to foot soldiers like seeing their MAX own, so they carelessly stepped on one more mine and lost one more member.

Once again I managed to construct a spitfire behind them and both went down before the MAX once again took it out. The MAX knowing I was powerless against him began smashing any defenses he could find. I needed to dash inside and reload and was wondering where my backup was. I got the wrong answer as my other friend was also killed by this damn MAX. The three of us loaded up in the respawn room and went out with rockets and grenades. The MAX finally fell.

After this it really became a battle which is foggy in my mind with gunfire and explosions everywhere. Many more NC respawned at my little tower and many, many more Vanu attacked. They shook the tower with Tanks, Reavers and MAXs for almost 30 min. I can hardly believe that in the end we managed to prevail and begin to take their nearby facilities. It was a great time and was fun to know I started the whole thing. I managed to learn that it takes 7 mines to take down a Vanu Magrider and only 1 to anhilate a Wraith as I had placed a line of them all the way down the bridge just before a convoy came down it. 15 mines in total and it wrecked 3 vehicles and a bunch of foolish infantry. I think that really pissed them off hehe.

Now lets hear some stories of your.

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Old 2003-04-24, 12:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #2

LOL, for once, Fein wasn't gettin' me with his spitfires.

hmmm.. i posted my new player squad experience from last night. That was a lot of fun.

But earlier in the day, I was in my outfit commander's squad (still on searhus) fighting along the volcanic base. I love when three factions cross paths.

Again, tower Defense.

Mainly good old fashion fire fight. there was a combat engie puttin' as many turrets up as possible. NC brought in two Vanguards. yikes, while My squad was tryin' to deal with 4 vanu maxs.

The cross fire was insane. We found the NC AMS parked on the far side of the ridge. I managed the killin' blow on it, but splash damage took out alf my team. oops.

I still don't know how many striker missiles it takes on a vanguard, but a lightening tank is about 4.
"Strangers are what Friends are made of."
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Old 2003-04-24, 01:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Staff Sergeant

I want stories!

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Old 2003-04-24, 01:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
John Matrix

So i log on inside a TR base.(We the Vanu, had it last night) I dediced to check out the CC room. I made it to the bottom floor without seeing anyone, the tr were fighting the NC.(I Went through the backway). Once i get to the bottom floor i check out the CC room. 2 maxes and a infantry,i decided not to go for it but to do some killing inside the base.

I hide on the bottom floor for a minute or two. Finally killed an tr in agile. Then 2 more tr came. One with a chaingun and one with medium assault who went into the CC room. The TR with the chaingun was hiding in between 2 boxes, so i sneak up nest to him and unload by AMP in him. Then take his repeater. I turn on my darkligt and see a enemy infil hiding in a corner. Wam blam hes dead.

I must of caught the attention of the others because 1 from the CC room came out and started to spray the corners trying to flush me out.

THinking its only a matter of time before he gets lucky or they bring somone with darklight, i start to head for the stairs. On my way to the stairs i see a TR infil shooting randomly at the walls. So i take my chances and kill him. But in the process the medium assault TR sees me and finally kills me after i killed the other terran.

-Nothing spectactular but it was one of the funnest times i had in Planetside.
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Old 2003-04-24, 01:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: [Post Your Battle Stories]

Originally posted by Feign

I know that there isnt as much experience in it for it right now, but I think defending can be so much more fun then attacking sometimes. Even if I have to do it alone.
I hope you're right
All Venu are the same, especially when i'm scrapping them off my boots
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Old 2003-04-24, 03:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Staff Sergeant

Well its all what you put into it, my particular style of play lends itself towards defense and infiltration so those are what I do for fun. Defence DOES always give you a tactical advantage anyways and watching a large group attack your base and then succesfully fighting them off feels much more rewarding then the HACK, WAIT, REPEAT which some squads are still doing.

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Old 2003-04-24, 04:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
MilitantB0B's Avatar
Re: [Post Your Battle Stories]

Originally posted by Feign
Cursing the Vanu, I dashed in behind them as they approached the front of the tower. I began constructing a new spitfire as their hacker approached the door... BOOM. And I thought they would have been looking for mines by now?
You seem like a knowledgable combat engineer. Tell me something, do foot soldiers set of mines? I thought I heard somewear that only MAXs and Vehicles set em off. Thanks i advance.
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Old 2003-04-24, 05:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

Alright, this is the first one that comes to mind, but I have had a lot of very memorable moments in my short time playing this game. More than any other game I can think of.

I was the Adv. Hacker of the New Conglomerate squad on our way to Gunuku on Cyssor. As we left the WarpGate one of our gunners on our Galaxy began firing, then all three... we were surrounded by four Terran Republic Reavers. The pilot ordered us to bail out and fire at them from the ground, considering the beating our Galaxy was taking I didn't argue. Luckily one of our MAX's was an Anti-Aircraft MAX, he took down one Reaver as it came around for another pass on our now heavily damaged Galaxy.

I thought this would be a routine CQB situation at the base, and hadn't planned to fight off aircraft, I had a Sweeper shotgun. However, desperate times call for desperate measures. I loaded AP rounds into my shotgun and waited for one of the Reaver to come close. Just as the Reaver came screaming only a few feet off the ground I unloaded as many shots as I could right into his cockpit. The pilot pulled up, just in time for him to collide with his team mates Reaver, killing them both. The final Reaver was hit by a Phoenix and the pilot ejected (I used the "Great Shot" Voice, because that was a pretty cool sight). We didn't bother to hunt him down, we had bigger fish to fry.

After repairing the Galaxy, and everyone getting healed, I discovered that we hadn't lost a single person. We then loaded back into the Galaxy and headed off to our objective. Which was relativly undefended and we took with little resistance except an Infiltrator that one of our guys saw with his Darklight implant, but he was quickly disposed of.
"Why do I like this job? Because I get to travel and they let me use explosives."
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