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Old 2004-03-05, 03:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Major General

Good Post Marbo!
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Old 2004-03-05, 04:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally Posted by Peacemaker
I dont get any of that crap for my ideas. You bastard black. Anyways. Good ideas I like em.
Your ideas were awsome to
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Old 2004-03-06, 12:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
SlyMarbo's Avatar

Actually the following are ones of the above that are mine... the intitial post w/ the Empire-Spec Aircraft, the chainsword/bayonet/BR spec weapons post, the message directed to NCFighter (our BH resident Female and Goddess... chant like prayers!!), MARBO = Catachan01 (WH40k get the dual conections?), and of course my still as of yet incomplete Tides of war Concept
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-06, 07:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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next Post is most recent Update of "Tides of War" Concept
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-06, 07:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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PS: Tides of War
(recent update)

10 New Weapons
X New Ammo Types
6 New Armors
3 New Implants
X new Vehicles
X New Facility Systems
3 New Facilities
X New Certs

Such as;
*Empire specific aircraft
*Ships; Capitol, Escort, Carrier, patrol, Submersable
*a Common Pool Amphibious Tank
*Amphibous Armor (alows for new Swiming Function and for Extended oxygen time)
*Amphibous Max (alows for Swiming function and Unlimited oxygen time)
*Empire specific Sniper weapons
*Amphibous/Aquatic Weapons (Can fire while underwater) AND Modifications to existing weapons for Amphibious purposes)
*CR/BR Requirment Weapons/Vehicles
*New Weather Effects: Interactive Weather

Expand the Playable oceanic areas around each continent to allow for Nautical movements. This will allow for a wider area on the same map field to cut down on Zerg lag. Also utilize an oceanic warp system for pilot's and captains alike. The system will work Similar to a Hart allowing the Pilot/Captain to go to any of the Continent Providing it isn't pop locked. This will also ass another dynamic to the air war on auraxis... You wont always know where aircraft will show up from so camping a warp gate with skygurads wont keep your skies clean. The Warp in will however have the Aproaching ship/aircraft "spawn" at a random point on the edge of the map closest to their point of origion. This will acount for planetary wraping as auraxis is a planet not a plate.
*(This will be patched in)*

Interactive weather! We see sandstorms and stuff across auraxis all the time but they usually don't bther us and some of us don't even have weather particles turned on so we barelly see them anyways. Welll ladies and Gentleman things just got messier. Within a storm if the variable is right the following events can occur;
*Random Lightning strikes; Hope you'r not out there golfing
*Destructive twisters; Hey look is that A flying Vanguard oh sh*t here it comes, RUN!
*EM or Nanite Storm; Bane of all Banes the EM storm acts as a Jamming field as well as still having low visibility and Lightning, this also disrupts Command abilities, Broadcasts, Cloaking, and radar. These rare occurances are a gift of the Vanu race, byproduct of the Warp technology they left behind as even it creates a form of Polution.
*(This will be patched in)*
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-06, 07:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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New Weapons
Micro Torpedo; Underwater Rocklet
Hunter Torpedo; Guided Shoulder fired Torpedo
Concussion Grenade; Grenade launcher launched Depth charge
Speacial HE Sniper Rounds
AP Harpoon
HE Harpoon
Micro Harpoon

Hunter Launcher; a Dual Tracking style Torpedo Launcher, which fires in wire guided

or dumbfire. Prerelease on Wire guidence fire causes torpedo to detonate.

Heavy Assault
harpoon Gun; Large Amphibious Harpoon weapon is relatively silent with a slow ROF.

Medium Assault
Punisher Mod; can now fire underwater albiet at a reduced range, ROF. Punisher can

also Utilize the MicroTorp and Concussion Grenade
Amphib-Carbine; Silenced Carbine Utilizing the 9mm with a specially designed

chamber to keep the ammunition dry allowing Underwater fire at a Reduced accuracy. Highly

Accurate this is the Evolution of the Supressor on it's way to the Rifle. Medium Damage,

Long max Range, Fast ROF. Low COF Bloom. BR 14 Usage requirement.

Sniping; note STKR = Shots to Kill Rexo
Bolt Pistol; 4x zoom, sniper bullets, one shot clip, 6 STKR, B.Driver COF bloom,

B.Driver Reload
NC Guass Cannon; HE tipped sniper rounds, one shot clip, 1 STKR, 2x B.Driver COF

Recoil bloom, Standaard B.Driver Bloom for movement, B.Driver Reload
TR Hyper Driver; Sniper bullets, 6 shot clip, 2 STKR, .5 B.Driver COF Bloom, 2.5x

B.Driver Reload, "Medium" ROF as per SOE Ranking
VS Rail Rifle; Standard Energy cell, 3 shot clip, 3 STKR, nil COF bloom, B.Driver

Reload, "Slow" ROF as per SOE Ranking

Special Assault
Bariccuda Disposable torpedo launcher; single shot Ant-ship decimator type
Rocklet Mod; Rocklet can now fire underwater when equiped with proper ammo

Standard assault
Needler; A Pistol Sized Amphibous Harpoon weapon, silent, Slow ROF, Short range
Supressor Mod; Supressor can now fire underwater albiet at a reduced range, ROF,

and increased COF

Combat Engineer Special Weapon
Demo Charge; Thrown Grenade type Sachel takes up Ammo crate's worth of Space. Large

Damage and Blast. Impact or 6 second fuse.

New Engineering Tools
Aircraft Fuel Repairgun Clip - Allows the engineer to refuel a non-VTOL Aircaft.

Must target the Aircraft Fuel Port.
Heavy Support Max - See New Armors - Requires Combat Engineering

New Armors
note: All Airtank Armors use an Armor special ability gauge to display breathable airtime.

which is measured in minutes. Surfacing will cause the Tank to recharge. When a Tank

runs out of air you will be counted as submerged and the Oxygen meter will apear on your


Wetsuit - Cloaking, 2 Pistol Slots, 3 x 6 storage (two boxes of ammo), 5 minutes

breathable air time, 0 armor, movement akin to Standard Armor on land.

note: all new aquatic Max's are common pool and support lighter armor than their gland

based cousins. the are generally faster in basic movement on land due to this but they

lack the auto run function and their general manuvering on land is a bit clumsy. The

larger Max Aquatic armors are equiped with an aquatic lung device allowing the suit to

remain submerged indefinately.

Scourge- (Sea AV max) - The Scourge max allows for aquatic movement similar to

Flight. It is equiped with a more powerful homing variety of Micro Torpedo as well as a

secondary firing Shoulder mount Rocklet for Surface engagements. Auto Run is replaced with

a cruise ability allowing the max to travel quikly in a fashion similar to that of the

Crocodile - (Sea AI max) - Nightmare of Nightmares. The Crocodile is equiped with a

shouldermount Repeating Harpoon gun. But it's main Weapons are the Heavy Pincer claws

mounted on the arms. Capable of Ripping through a Reenforced armor in a matter of two

strikes. Gains Bonus from Melee booster Implant. Auto Run is replaced with a cruise

ability allowing the max to travel quikly in a fashion similar to that of the submarines.
Heavy Support max - The Swiss Army Knife for Combat engineers willing to pay for a

max cert or the Uni-Max Cert. This low armor Open frame max is equiped to Apply Repairs

to Damaged vehicles quickly and efficiantly in the field. The system uses Standard

Engineering Materials in order to perform it's operations. Each arm is counted as a

holster slot. Left is equiped with repare tools and can toggle between Repair-Armor,

Repair-Heavy, And Manufacture Munitions (which requires Repair ammunition to perform). the

Right Hand is a Rapid deployment ace Dispensor capable of laying out mine fields quickly

and effectively.

Dive Suit - 2 Pistol, 1 back holster, 9x9 Storage (9 ammo boxes), 30 min breathable

airtime, 100 Armor, Movement as per Reenforced Armor while on land.

Scuba Gear - 1 pistol, 1 back holster, 6x9 storage (6 ammo boxes) 10 minutes

breathable air time, 50 Armor, Movement as per agile Armor while on land.

New Implants
Adrenal Dampner - By Controling the Release of Adrenalain to the body this implant calms

the soldier allowing them to place their shots better. Improves the COF for Carried

Rebreather - Using a derivative of Anceint Vanu Technology the soldier is able toBrake

down the C02 they exhale Burning away the Carbon and "Rebreathing" The 02. This system

effectively extends the time a soldier is capable of Holding their breath if forced to

Submerge without A source of oxygen. Often Found Aboard Ship's crews.
Pulse Emiter - A varient of the personal shield technology this harnesses the energy

produced by the body to transmit a EM shockwave around the user, immeiately draining all

Stamina reserves but cuasing an effective jamming effect simmilar to that of a Jammer

grenade, The Total radius is dependant on the ammount of stamina left when the system is


New Vehicles
Vehicle weapons

Ships Common Pool
Dolphine Ship Tender/ Vehicle Transport
Harbinger BattleShip
Leviathon Aircraft Carrier

Hammerhead Mini-Sub
Dual Heavy Torpedo Launcher

Stingray Min-Sub

Siren Mini-Sub


New Ground Vehicles

New Aircraft
Common Pool Aircraft
max speed:

max speed:

Empire specific Aircraft;

max speed:

max speed:

max speed:

New Facility Systems
Anti Aircraft Artillery (Flak cannons) Certain bases will be geared with centrally located

flak weapons with a slow rate of fire low acuracy high Explosion area. to increase acuracy

these flak turrets with their dual cannons can be manned however the Firing rate will at

no point in time surpass that of either of the other existing Flak Platforms.
Air Strip Runway setup for non VTOL aircraft. Runways will be set in pairs to allow for

other aircraft to safely land, and Refuel. The runway willl act as a take off point for

these aircraft to achieve minimum velocity. There will be a taxi-way to the side which

will allow for Ground planted Repair/Refuel/Re-arm pads. These Pads will be rendered

non0fuctional if the generator is down. If there is no proper link they will only allow

for Refueling of the Aircraft.
Hangar Spawn point for Non-VTOL Aircraft. The Aircraft Will autodrive to the Runway and

allow the pilot to accelerate and liftoff.
Air Control Tower Airbase Nerve Center. Contains the CC, Two External Turrets, Lockers,

Equipment Terminals, Airlock Style Doors ( Hack step in hack again)
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-06, 07:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
SlyMarbo's Avatar

****Name List****
This will be left on for those wishing names for their Ideas. Names Marked with an Astrix

have been used by me.

Black Night
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-06, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Lieutenant General
Dharkbayne's Avatar

Edit button : Use it. Love it.

Good ideas though.
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+200 Cool Pts
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Old 2004-03-06, 08:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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i didn't edit it as i don't want to try and search the whole document. I had to seperate it into seperate posts just to put it up as is. The final edite will be fully checked don't worry. However said final edit will likely be unimaginably long.
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-06, 08:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Lieutenant General
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I mean, you posted about 15 times in a row.
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Old 2004-03-07, 11:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
PhoenixTypeX's Avatar

how about as you said before a nanite storm but it could be like the one in the book "Prey" by Michael Crichton. If your not familiar it was about a rogue nanite swarm who became self-sufficient and started hunting (they were called nano-machines). It would be easy to make as it could be a small version of the sandstorm but coloured black. In the book the swarm attacked and killed, in PS it could slowly strip away armor points then slowly take off 1 life point every so often. This would encourage people to take the fight inside and push forwards into the base quicker. The swarm would fit in with PS as it could be the product of a out of control VS experiment in evolution of technology

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Old 2004-03-07, 07:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
SlyMarbo's Avatar

Dhark there is a 10000 character limit to posts
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-07, 07:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
SlyMarbo's Avatar

interesting idea... but you'd have to think of the player reactions as well. even a slow drain will be hell to an infintryman caught out in the open in that. complaints would rack up quick.. I kept my destructive ones to sporadic at the worst and random attachments to other storms. the twister may last 30 seconds but it'll either a) make for awsome background screenshots or B) hit the unlucky [or stupid] bugger who is in the way. even still it is a random variable contingiant on other random variables. Nanite storms would be like other storms, even to being color coded. YOu'd see them on the map. THe twister is an event that may occur withing a Violent storm, like sandstorms and other extreme low visibility, high wind storms. Lightning is reserved to thunderheads and the like and is even more sporadic. I mean most of the time it would probably end up as background to the most dramatic of screenshots other than that it has to hit you dead on... howver... dead on is as dead as it gets.
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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