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Old 2013-05-16, 03:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #211
Emperor Newt
Second Lieutenant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Originally Posted by Highway Star View Post
Originally Posted by Highway Star View Post


Originally Posted by Highway Star View Post
I've pretty much bought all guns and equipment in the game now - I've got a million possible loadout combinations per class and vehicle. Being limited to just 3 is such a pain. I'd like to have at least 6.
You should not be charged for the convenience to use things you already payed for.

Last edited by Emperor Newt; 2013-05-16 at 03:09 AM.
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Old 2013-05-16, 03:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #212
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

My personal numero uno request would be: More Loadout slots.

Either an ability to purchase more loadout slots from the depot or have more loadout slots unlocked as you level your battle ranks, I'd prefer the latter option because right now after BR15 you havent got much purpose in your leveling, it just happens as you play.

What kind of a number am I looking at, you ask? Well, for me personally five would be ideal (for now anyway, later on I'd imagine the need for more would go up as new stuff comes available), but there are people who do fine with just 1 loadout slot and people who wouldnt be satisfied with 10 slots. I personally would be happy with an increase to total of five slots right now, but as I searched for people's opinions about this subject I found a nice suggestion:

Someone had the idea that you could basically have unlimited amount of loadouts, as you would be able to tailor every class and vehicle as precise as you need. You could keep adding more slots if you had to, so for example for HA you could have 5 loadouts, while for sunderer you might want even 7 (just numbers top of my head, nothing concrete).

Nutshell; moar loadouts plix plox.
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Old 2013-05-16, 03:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #213
Canaris's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Originally Posted by snafus View Post
Seems like a lot of people don't like it so far.
well everyone opinion will of course differ, I was just giving my take on it
bumped your thread back up and gave my opinion, I love the jeopardy factor of a burning wreck coming at me, you know I think I've only been killed once by debris that I can recall, I got my dodge skill at maximium

"Don't matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war, and now there ain't no going back. I mean shit, it's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it! If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight. "
Slim Charles aka Tallman - The Wire
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Old 2013-05-16, 03:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #214
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Adding this for an outfit member.

Proper joystick support. Apparently real pilots don't use mice... which explains why I use my ESF as a taxi.
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Old 2013-05-16, 03:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #215
Second Lieutenant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Originally Posted by Spoof View Post
Adding this for an outfit member.

Proper joystick support. Apparently real pilots don't use mice... which explains why I use my ESF as a taxi.
Seems there's plenty who want it, yes. We (others) already asked for mouse axis rebinding, since aiming with A and D while trying to kill a Turret as a liberator with the CAS30 (yes I farm turrets) is a PAIN!

Also, is there a separate option for mouse smoothing/acceleration for vehicles? Because when playing infantry I use raw input, however with vehicles I would gladly be able to turn my turret or my aircraft around without sliding my mouse to the other end of the room. And if we get mouse axis rebinding, aiming with slow mouse movements and executing maneuvers with fast ones looks like an appealing option.
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Old 2013-05-16, 04:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #216
Master Sergeant
Artimus's Avatar

Might as well bring this up: Make "Night" dark again.

It would make me so happy.
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Old 2013-05-16, 04:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #217
Master Sergeant
Zenben's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

After pondering for about an hour this is what I have come up with. If I think of anything else significant, I will come back and edit.

- Numbered selections for loadouts: Go to terminal, press 1 for Infiltrator, 2 for LA etc, then press 1, 2 or 3, for respective loadouts. Also, more loadouts please
- Allow full deceleration when ascending in an aircraft. It is currently impossible, at least in a Scythe, to decelerate to 0% forward power while holding spacebar. Whether it's a bug or an intentional mechanic, please remove.
- Remove fire delay from Saron HRB. It honestly just makes aiming it annoying. If it's a balance issue, nerf it in some other way, don't piss off my gunner.
- Make engineer turrets easier to deploy. They're on tripods, which are designed to be deployed on angled surfaces, yet it seems you can't deploy them on angles more than about 5°
- Make ammo packs deploy like C4, rather than just mirroring the turret deploy method. It is especially frustrating when someone steps on it before the deploy completes and cancels it.
- A free look option on the Magrider similar to that given to aircraft pilots would be amazing for situational awareness, and would probably help with accidental TK's.
- A gunner cam, particularly for the Liberator, would really help with the teamwork aspect of vehicles. Maybe as a cert? Though I don't know if the tech would support something like this. Barring a camera, maybe just a direction indicator.
- More voice macros. The system in PS1/Tribes: Ascend is amazing. Please replicate it.
- Make it more difficult for the fall animation to occur. Drives me crazy using ADS when walking down a slope and you stumble every couple steps, making it impossible to aim.
- I don't know what to do about it, but having to go in every once in a while and manually buy your grenades, medkits, and C4 is a boring and tiresome mechanic.
- More useful attachments for sniper rifles. Currently, the only thing worth getting is a scope. Things like bipods or range finders would be cool. Bipods might steady your weapon when crouched behind a rail or box. Range finder could add distance to crosshair in your scope.
- A tool slot for Light Assault. My first thought was a tazer, but being able to deploy something like a rope ladder would add an interesting dynamic to base assaults I think (obviously need ladder mechanics first) After thinking about it, completely negating walls might be a bit OP.
- I'm pretty sure it's already slated, but just to cover my bases, PLEASE let me attach multiple cosmetics of the same type. I want lumifiber AND fins on my Scythe, please. This means you get more of my money too!
- Add a zoom cert to the Lancer. For such a precise weapon, having no option zoom really holds it back in my opinion.
- Scopes for pistols, please? Iron sights suck. I would be fine with 1x holo sights.
- I suggested this in beta, but I would like to try an option for mouse flight controls to be oriented like a joystick, much like aircraft yaw in Planetside 1. To pull up, move your mouse down (or up if not inverted) and keep it down until you don't want to pull up anymore, then re-center it. This probably has a name, but I don't know it. I don't even know if I would like this control scheme, but I would like to try it.

- Gunner wobble. Right now, this is my #1 bug, and I've been vocal about it. Supposedly the next patch fixes it. If so, I'll be happy.
- Medkits seem extremely sensitive to latency. Anywhere near primetime, even when lag is unnoticeable in other situations, latency will cause medkits to fail.
- Landing gear on the Liberator being stuck in the down posititon. Every time my gunner and I take off in a Liberator, I have to check with him and make sure landing gear is up. Half the time, it isn't, and it obstructs his vision.
- Ammo counts don't accurately display after reloading MAX weapons with extended mags.
- The lancer will sometimes get stuck only being able to go to the first charge level. I'm not sure what causes it, but you have to fire that single shot in order to charge up again.
- The sound for the Vortex on the VS max does not match up with the charge levels. It's obviously the recycled Lancer sound, and that would be fine if the Vortex didn't charge up in about half the time. It would be nice to be able to use the sound as a cue when to fire.
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Old 2013-05-16, 04:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #218
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

I think the most annoying quality of life bug for me and many others is:

1) ESF - Ground Render Distance ( Its better now than before but still its incredibly annoying to be forced to just fire at where i think enemies are until i get absolutley destroyed by bursters :s)

2) FPS optmization still needs to be sorted out. We consistantly have larger and larger fights as the game gets bigger and evovles. But i do not believe you can improve it further without tackling the deep rooted issues such as CPU bottleneck for almost 90% of players. And im playing on a very high end system with ultra graphics, but still get the annoying CPU bottleneck in massive fights..

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Old 2013-05-16, 05:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #219
Staff Sergeant
Tapman's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

My top quality of life concern is for the Devs. They deserve a lot of credit for the work they have put in, I hope they're being taken care of.
Currently torn on the outbreak of SGS (Shaky Gunner Syndrome) because I think it should require skill to be be a good gunner on any vehicle but the Harasser is kind of ridiculous
Can we get a rough ETA on Vehicle and Squad EXP Sharing?
Planetside 1 Voice Macros and new ones, both the voices and the expanded options
Inter-platoon logistics support (Player generated missions!)
VR load-out bug
ADAD scripting detection
MORE MUSIC RAWR, but as an enemy gets within earshot of footstep noises, the music should die down
Fixing my Bursters' hit markers during big battles
Night time needs to be dark. Night vision and thermal scopes are not expensive. Is it unreasonable to suggest a new destructible object in larger facilities, flood lights?
Mobile App and Stats page need a lot of work, they don't even show AV Mana stats...
Minimap needs more detail, things like letting us pick what type of terrain map we want (elevation, satellite , etc.) and MAX units need to be distinguished from infantry.
Different types of alerts including those that span across all continents (Capture all Bio Labs/Tech Plants/Amp Stations on all continents by a certain time, etc.)
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Old 2013-05-16, 05:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #220
SternLX's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Originally Posted by Canaris View Post
N.O. spells NO, debris damage/kills is a great original part of PS2, wish they had it in PS1. I say let it stay.
I agree. It adds another random element to the battles. Getting killed by destroyed vehicle parts can suck, sure... but hey that's war. It's unpredictable.
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Old 2013-05-16, 05:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #221
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Speaking of medkits/restoration kits, I'd really like to use the alt-fire/aimdownsights button to use the kit on a friendly - For those 'two soldiers holding a point and he's injured with no medic support' moments.

Also if you do go for darker nights ever (I'm not convinced you will but, yaknow), give us access to a nanite-systems flare gun we can swap into the pistol slot for firing over enemy positions at night (In fact do that anyway, would be awesome).

When swapping around between weapons in loadout selection, maybe let the game client remember what you had slotted into the weapon when it was last removed from a loadout.

Bring back voice macro-ing that uses a lettered system instead of the numbered system we have now. V-S for sorry is FAR easier to remember than V-8 when you're in a hurry. And let me warn people about explosives using a voice emote.

Allow us to select which types of in-game voice we receive using tick boxes, so we could choose to receive one for vehicle crews that allows them to co-ordinate inside a tank/harasser/etc, but have proximity switched off because it's usually used for silliness rather than some proper purpose.

I'd really like to be able to press a key and my character then takes a moment to detach/re-attach the scope. So I could for instance choose night vision for a scope and then when night comes to an end I press a key and can aim down sight without having to find a term. Or alternatively, I could have a 4x scope on my assault rifle during a field fight and then when our forces push up to a building, I can press that key again to remove the scope for close quarters fighting.

Last edited by Larington; 2013-05-16 at 05:32 AM.
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Old 2013-05-16, 05:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #222
Second Lieutenant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Originally Posted by Tapman View Post
Can we get a rough ETA on Vehicle and Squad EXP Sharing?
Planetside 1 Voice Macros and new ones, both the voices and the expanded options
Inter-platoon logistics support (Player generated missions!)
VR load-out bug
ADAD scripting detection
Night time needs to be dark. Night vision and thermal scopes are not expensive. Is it unreasonable to suggest a new destructible object in larger facilities, flood lights?
Mobile App and Stats page need a lot of work, they don't even show AV Mana stats...
I absolutely agree with all of these points I quoted, including the last one... though the AV MANA technically has no medals at all IIRC. No "kills to next medal" indicator.

DESTRUCTIBLE LIGHTS! That light up small areas everywhere; can be destroyed and fixed by any faction! Will grant no repair XP of course. But just let everyone fix and break lights as needed. Will be AWESOEM!
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Old 2013-05-16, 06:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #223
Sergeant Major
Koadster's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Increase T5-AMC damage to be more inline with other factions long range carbines;

Perhaps make it 30rounds with 164 dmg, not giving TR a high damage carbine is shit.

More anti-TR baist crap... Give TR a 845 ROF carbine, we afterall are meant to be the guys with the fastest shooting guns.. Theres no reason why we dont get one

MuNrOe : Eat a Dick sandwich TR
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Old 2013-05-16, 07:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #224
Staff Sergeant
PsychoXR-20's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Allow us to use any of our empires iron sights on any gun. For example, I hate the EM6's iron sight, but I like the Gauss Rifle and Gauss SAW's iron sight. It would be cool if I could use the Gauss Rifles iron sights on the EM6.

Allow us to use spawn tubes to deconstruct, bypassing the 10 second redeploy period and giving a much faster respawn (say like 5 seconds). Redeploy can still be used if you are in the middle of no where, but spawn tubes can be used for a much, much faster redeploy if you happen to be near them.

When you are killed, some sort of indication on A). Where the kill shot landed (basically did you die from a head shot or a body shot) and B) a breakdown of where you took damage. Some sort of paper-doll image that shows how much damage you took from body shots and how much you took from head shots. This could also help identify potential cheaters, if you find yourself dying to the same person several times and they score nothing but 100% head shots every time, something may be up.

It would be nice to be able to see what attachments your killer was using. I was killed the other day in 2 shots from a shotgun at a ridiculous range. My first thought was what the hell? Then I considered that maybe he was using slug ammo, but I had no way to verify that. This might also help new players, seeing what more experienced players are using on their weapons.

Add some way to deconstruct your own deployable stuff. I accidentally misplaced some C4 the other day and had no way of getting rid of it with out hurting/killing friendlies.

Make the grief system more visible. How much grief am I getting for X action, how much more grief can I get more being locked etc.

Do something about running over friendlies in vehicles. I think I have died more to friendly vehicles than to any other source in the game. Either reduce the damage friendly vehicles do or increase the greif substantially so that people will be more cautious when driving in high population areas.

Darker and longer nights!

Give a small grace period (say 5 minutes) that if you log out, crash, DC, freeze etc. That when you get back in the game you are either in the same place you were when you left or the nearest friendly spawn room. Don't put us all the way back at the warpgate the instant we leave the game.

Where is the music?! Very rarely do I hear music and when I do it's the same one piece every time. Where's travel_desert, combat_arctic, nc_soi_standard? At the very least just throw in PS1's music (because let's be honest, PS1's music was pretty damn awesome.

Personal wishes (well I suppose these are all personal, but I have a hard time believing anyone would be opposed the above wishes):

Allow medics to heal themselves with the med tool. Say right click to heal self (since there is no ADS for the med tool)

Allow us to pull out our knives like in PS1 and make it a one-hit kill.

Burst fire modes for weapons should fire their bursts at a much higher rate of fire than the weapon normally fires at (I'm looking at you crapham...I mean Jackhammer)

Generators should need to be physically destroyed rather than just holding down your use button. This would allow infiltrators or coordinated groups to make a much more stealthy entrace into a facility by taking down all the generators at once and not giving the enemy much time to react.

Add a delay when entering/exiting a vehile so that people cannot instantly bail when their tank has 4 health left, and can't just instantly enter their vehicle when they come under fire while repairing it.

New suit slot ability that highlights enemy explosives (even though walls!) with higher ranks extending the range. Theres really zero counter to mines, especially if placed correctly.

As much as I love the IR/NV scope, it's too good and there's no reason to use anything else. Reduce its range during the day and extend its range at night.

Allow infiltrators to hack common-pool vehicles.

Remove the death stat. Please, please, please, please, please, remove the death stat. Just get rid of it, don't just hide it, remove it period. In 5 years if people ask to see their K/D your reply should be, "sorry, we don't track that so it's not possible to show you, the stat simply doesnt exist".


Flak armor randomly un-equips from all my loadouts.

Tab screen stops working (typically after the game freezes at an equipment terminal (which minimizing and maximizing fixes))

Originally Posted by Chefkoch View Post
Death Tracking only per Session and not in total. (Why keep tracking negativ stats ?)
This a million times.
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Old 2013-05-16, 08:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #225
Boroming's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

- HITBOX. Getting hit when you see yourself behind a wall is really bad.
- Loadout keybind, as many have asked.
- Gunner Cam. (liberator) Asking your gunner every 10 sec if he has LOS on the target is not cool.
- Share XP in all vehicles.
- MBT should be 3 seated, Lib alike
- Minimap customization. A filter that allow me what to show on the minimap and at what size/layer priority.
- Selectable Platoon Squad Color. For colorblind people and for a better quick look.
- Selectable Platoon & Squad Waypoint Color. as above.
- Specific Squad/Platoon Galaxy/Sundy. Squad/Platoon leader should be able to mark a galaxy/sundy for their squad for easy recognise at any distance.
- Fire Sound Spam. Some weapon are literally deafening, audio is very important in a fps
- Recert Shop Item.

Last edited by Boroming; 2013-05-16 at 08:18 AM.
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