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Old 2014-03-24, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Atheosim View Post
How many players can Gemini actually handle at once? Like 3 pop locks maybe? Anyone have numbers? I wonder if they would need to open another server if they put this on steam.
A pop lock is 133 players per empire, per continent. I seriously doubt it would get that much of an influx of players, were it go on Steam.

Two summers ago, when they gave away a free month on the games anniversary since PS2 was coming out that year, there was a huge influx of players for that. A ton of old PS1 players came back and a shit ton of PS2 people started playing. I believe there were 2 pop locks at one time.

The server was definitely struggling to keep up. Players were phasing in and out. It couldn't render everyone at once. I hadn't lagged in that game in years, and even I was dropping into the red FPS.

It was neat to see large fights in the game again though.

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Old 2014-03-25, 12:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
Two summers ago, when they gave away a free month on the games anniversary since PS2 was coming out that year, there was a huge influx of players for that. A ton of old PS1 players came back and a shit ton of PS2 people started playing. I believe there were 2 pop locks at one time.
Make that 4 poplocks! And iirc they had increased the amount of players necessary for each poplock, probably to around 200 positions per empire.
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Old 2014-03-25, 12:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Babyfark McGeez
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

The free month was due to their cockup with the PSN system.

I remember that because i had a PS3 at that time and when i found out this works for Planetside i used all my accounts one after the other and could play for like 4 or 5 months. Unfortunately i couldn't remember my "main" Planetside account and that's why i'm "only" BR17 now (good enough though).
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Old 2014-03-26, 11:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I made one of these last year when PS1 went F2P. Decided I'd type one up again.

In a little less than two weeks (from my time of writing this) PS1 will be going F2P. Regrettably, this may be one of the last times we'll ever play PS1 again. It is with that thought in mind that I would like these last few days to be as enjoyable as possible.

This is, obviously, a voluntary list of mostly general guidelines that I personally feel players could follow to make the game more enjoyable as a whole and cease in detracting players from the game. In no particular order of importance, refrain from the following:

1. Ceasing to let fights develop/ending fights too early
This has always been a problem with PS, even in it's zenith. There is a "I HAVE TO WIN" mentality that haunts this game. Players will often times go out of there way to end a fight as quickly as they possibly can (I.E. blowing the gen at a base as soon as they arrive). Some may argue that the defenders should do a better job and keeping the opposition away from the gen, but sometimes that isn't the case.

For the sake of longer lasting battles, please refrain from blowing the gen unless it is absolutely necessary. Personally, I don't feel it's ever necessary to blow the gen, but at the very least, let a fight develop over some time. There's no need to ruin everyone else's fun.

2. Use of lame weapons/vehicles

Perhaps one of the more controversial and subjective rules on the list. Although, I don't think it will be an issue seeing as the last time I checked, Core Combat wasn't working.

Essentially refrain from using Flails, and possibly excessive amounts of Plasma/Thumpers.

I think it's pretty much universally agreed upon that Flails are lame and don't add much enjoyment to the game. Plasma/Thumpers on the other hand, are a little more tricky. I think that it's fine to use them when the time calls for it, for suppressing an area and keeping the enemy held back from pushing up. Unfortunately, more often than not, people Thumper/Plasma spam when the advantage is hugely in their favor and only do it as a means to be an asshole.

Use your best judgement. When in doubt, don't spam.

3. General douchebag behavior

I think this is one of the more obvious ones.

We're all playing this game together, let's try not to be dicks to each other, shall we? Avoid necessary flaming, TK wars, TKing in general. I know it's hypocritical of myself to suggest such a rule since I had a reputation in game as being sort of a dick, but the time's have changed.

4. Abuse of exploits/bugs

This one can kind of fall under general douchebag behavior, but I decide to single this specific aspect out especially.

Last year, mysteriously as the game went F2P, a bug arose that caused the Wasp to do insane amounts of damage to armor and MAXs. At first, only a few people knew of it. Quickly, word got out and suddenly a large amount of people were all flying around, instagibbing players. As a result, this caused the already miniscule and dwindling population to only further fade away.

In essence, please do not abuse any bugs that are gaming ruining such as this. If it weren't very players abusing this bug, the population wouldn't have dwindled so quickly. There is a lot of debate of what an exploit is. A lot of people consider "warping" to be an exploit, but that's something that really can't be helped as a completely new player to game could start playing, strafe his keys at certain speed and begin to warp on people.

I consider abusing a bug or exploit something that you purposely go out of your way to do, so that you may obtain an advantage over another player. Abusing glitches, router bugs, etc. are all detrimental to the game and only serve to do irritate and detract players from the game. There were a lot of people who took advantage of the Wasp. Please, don't do be a dickhead.


I understand that some people will probably read this and do the exact opposite just in spite of it being suggested, and that's fine. But I would like to encourage as many people as possible to follow through with this list and just try and make the game as enjoyable and frustration free as we possibly can.

I typed this up somewhat tired late at night (it probably shows) so it's not the most thought out post I've ever made. If you have any suggestions (problems/confusion with some rules, ideas for additions to the list, etc.) feel free to post and I'll update the list.

Thanks, I'll see you in game.
I had a giant wall of text in response to this, but i lost it. I'll sum it up for you though:

NO. To all of this. Chivalry is dead in Planetside. Play the game as it is, or go play something else.
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Old 2014-03-26, 05:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Play the game as it is, or go play something else.
I think D2A's point is exactly this; we're trying to keep people from going to play something else... Since we can't rely on the dev's to alter the game mechanics to prevent lameass gameplay, we have to police ourselves...

Yes, chivalry is dead; you can be ass big a douche-bag asshat as you want, but if PS1's few remaining players choose to do so, they'll shortly be playing with themselves.
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Old 2014-03-26, 11:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
NO. To all of this. Chivalry is dead in Planetside. Play the game as it is, or go play something else.
It's exactly that kind of rationale that killed off the player-base last year. Instead of avoiding use of the Wasp, players purposely went out of their way to use and abuse it, pissing off what little population was left of the game and inevitably turning it into a ghost town once again.

Mouser said it well:

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
...Since we can't rely on the dev's to alter the game mechanics to prevent lameass gameplay, we have to police ourselves...

Yes, chivalry is dead; you can be ass big a douche-bag asshat as you want, but if PS1's few remaining players choose to do so, they'll shortly be playing with themselves.
As I said in the OP, I don't expect this list to deter players from going about playing like douchebags. On the contrary, it might entice players to do otherwise. My hope however, is that it will sway enough players to at least take part in some of the points on this list and uphold some crude level of "honor" in the game and that those incidents where people are being unruly are few and far between so that they don't drive away any of the population.

Everyone coming back to this game in April obviously wants to play it and presumably wants it to last. That "I'll play however I feel like!" business won't fly. There's few enough players coming back as it is; You'll have to be accommodating for them if expect them to stay around.

Of course, nothing is stopping you from playing however you want. But don't expect people to stick around when you purposely go out of your way to ruin the game for them.

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Old 2014-03-27, 03:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

I highly doubt the people you speak of trying to ruin the game for others actively view this thread or even visit this forum anymore. They've found newer games to grief people with.

Honestly if someone takes the trouble to download a 10 year old game just to bother the little community is left, I fear more for their pathetic miserable lonely life than planetside dying forever.
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Old 2014-03-28, 03:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

I had a giant wall of text in response, but then i realized something...

Your argument is invalid. Also, i just don't care anymore.
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Old 2014-03-28, 06:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

With all the people posting here, and no mass email going out, I expect a total of 30 people to log on and try the game. I'll be there and I hope I'm wrong, but kind of doubt it.

I'm also not entirely convinced that on April 1st they won't say "April fools" and shut servers down forever.
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Old 2014-03-28, 04:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I had a giant wall of text in response to this, but i lost it. I'll sum it up for you though...
Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I had a giant wall of text in response, but..
You're either really bad at using internet forums, or you're somehow vastly over-estimating the effectiveness of claiming to have written out a "wall of text" without actually showing any pretense of an actual rebuttal...
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Old 2014-03-28, 05:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

what kind of rebuttal are you looking for?

the idea of a PS "Code of Honor" has been rehashed and tried for over a damn decade,
Mouser,you know that and I would think that D2A has seen them before in the old PS forum.

Godless is making the point that it doesn't really matter how much you write about all this and it is as pointless as the original idea.

shit,remember the funeral that got bombed,that was a huge clusterfuck LOL
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Old 2014-03-28, 06:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Yea I do remember the funeral bombing Mad, and I also remember the near universal outcry from the community towards it. That was the point for many in the PS1 community where Buzzcut and the Enclave lost all respect and were shown for the attention whore, asshat, egomaniacal twats they are...

Actually, now that you bring it up, I think that incident is a good analogy for this thread too...

The guys who organized that funeral were not attempting to invoke a moment of silence and serenity upon the battle field of Auraxis, they weren't trying to lay down a requirement for all players to have a sense of eHonour and show deference to their fallen comrade. They were instead having a service for a dear friend who had deeply enjoyed the game and spent a great deal of time playing it with them. They were choosing to honor his memory in a fashion they felt appropriate to commemorate the time they'd spent together.

The organizers did not attempt to insist anyone show up, or that the dev's halt all activity, or in any way impede anyone else's ability to play the game; they were simply setting up a service to honor their friend. Buzzcut and his twat friends took objection to that and decided to bomb it for laughs, and to show they could, and in doing so did a great disservice to their fellow players and marked themselves as total and complete jackasses.

Similarly, D2A's proposing a Code of Honor here that is "obviously, a voluntary list of mostly general guidelines". He is in no way insisting that people follow this list, nor is he trying to enforce it in any way. The point he is making is that there are things players can do in PS1 which in general make the game less enjoyable to play for others, and that if players keep doing that the populations will quickly plummet, because it won't be fun to play the game against asshats.

Godless' response of "Play the game as it is, or go play something else." Is exactly the mentality that D2A is pointing out is destructive to the game. That idea that players should consider only their own fun, and not give two fucks about anyone elses'... Obviously (as D2A points out), anyone can choose to take that view, but they do so at the peril of the game they're deriving their own fun from...

As to what kind of rebuttal I'm looking for, I'm not necessarily looking for any rebuttal, but Godless' repeated references to his walls of text would imply he has one and is just cagily refusing to share it with us...

Last edited by Mightymouser; 2014-03-28 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 2014-03-29, 02:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Fine. Here's your wall of text. I can't say i didn't try...

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Yea I do remember the funeral bombing Mad, and I also remember the near universal outcry from the community towards it. That was the point for many in the PS1 community where Buzzcut and the Enclave lost all respect and were shown for the attention whore, asshat, egomaniacal twats they are...
Oh yea...i'm sure your collective QQing totally stopped them in their tracks...OH WAIT. They never wanted or needed your respect or acceptance. That's why they did what they did. That, and it was probably the most hilarious shit ever to them. Trolls have an odd sense of humor.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Actually, now that you bring it up, I think that incident is a good analogy for this thread too...

The guys who organized that funeral were not attempting to invoke a moment of silence and serenity upon the battle field of Auraxis, they weren't trying to lay down a requirement for all players to have a sense of eHonour and show deference to their fallen comrade. They were instead having a service for a dear friend who had deeply enjoyed the game and spent a great deal of time playing it with them. They were choosing to honor his memory in a fashion they felt appropriate to commemorate the time they'd spent together.

The organizers did not attempt to insist anyone show up, or that the dev's halt all activity, or in any way impede anyone else's ability to play the game; they were simply setting up a service to honor their friend. Buzzcut and his twat friends took objection to that and decided to bomb it for laughs, and to show they could, and in doing so did a great disservice to their fellow players and marked themselves as total and complete jackasses.
All of this could've been avoided if they'd just done their stupid-ass "funeral" in a Warpgate or something...

Better yet, they could've gone to his ACTUAL funeral like oh i dunno...real people? GAMES ARE SUPER CERAL GAIS! Anyhow, the only way the instance you describe and this argument are the same is this: A statment was made. In my case, its something along the lines of...

None of you have any actual authority to enforce the rules that were stated, so why bother in the first place? Why give even a single fuck? What that answer is, i can't say for certain. All I can say for sure is that i don't agree with it. If i have to delve any deeper than that, then i'm going to get irritated.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Similarly, D2A's proposing a Code of Honor here that is "obviously, a voluntary list of mostly general guidelines". He is in no way insisting that people follow this list, nor is he trying to enforce it in any way.
He insisting on something. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered. As are you, since you bothered me. This list of "guidelines" sounds like something that should be taken up with an outfit or clan. Not tossed on here like you've got the balls and brains to make it stick.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The point he is making is that there are things players can do in PS1 which in general make the game less enjoyable to play for others, and that if players keep doing that the populations will quickly plummet, because it won't be fun to play the game against asshats.
You must've been playing another game for the last decade or something. You do know that we're talking about Planetside...right? The game's entire existence revolves around ruining someone else's day. IT'S A WAR GAME. The only objective of war to walk away from it intact, more or less.

The End.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Godless' response of "Play the game as it is, or go play something else." Is exactly the mentality that D2A is pointing out is destructive to the game. That idea that players should consider only their own fun, and not give two fucks about anyone elses'... Obviously (as D2A points out), anyone can choose to take that view, but they do so at the peril of the game they're deriving their own fun from...
First off, fuck you for being a passive aggressive weiner. Secondly, there are varying "guidlines" in the escalation of battle. Most of which are murky at best. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst. Your team is counting on you to SUCCEED. Not make excuses or whine. More than anything else, people like to "win". This isn't to say that exploits and hacking are acceptable, but if my crew needs me to blow a generator, pull a MAX, Flail an enemy courtyard, etc. then i'm going to do it. It's your job to figure out how to stop me and vice-versa.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
As to what kind of rebuttal I'm looking for, I'm not necessarily looking for any rebuttal, but Godless' repeated references to his walls of text would imply he has one and is just cagily refusing to share it with us...
There. The first of many here. You and D2A have made my shit-list. A mistake on your part. SgtMAD can attest to this...assuming he cares at all. My guess is he's waiting for his popcorn in the microwave.

Last edited by GodlessHeretic; 2014-03-29 at 04:47 AM.
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Old 2014-03-29, 09:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Welp, sounds like PS1 is still doomed. Oh well...
Don't feed the trolls, unless it's funny to do so...
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Old 2014-03-29, 11:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Just a reminder. If people find it impossible to behave with even a modicum of civility then I will close this thread down.
You are free to disagree with each other as mucn as you like. However, stop making it personal.
Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature

*Disclaimer: When participating in a discussion I do not do so in the capacity of a semidivine moderator. Feel free to disagree with any of my opinions.
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