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Old 2012-03-29, 01:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Battlefield has moments?

I've played like 50 hours of BF3 and have maybe one cool story to tell.
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Old 2012-03-29, 01:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Lonehunter View Post
Someone here started a website with Planetside stories, the thread it's self also had good ones I think... looking it up

The Planetside Stories Book Project Thread

a couple there

another thread on the topic

Best Planetside Moment Thread
Hadn't come across these, excellent.

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
I don't understand why you call them "Battlefield" moments? I take it the capitalized "Battlefield" means the Battlefield series of games. Why aren't you just asking for Planetside moments?
Battlefield players will recognise what I'm referring to. It's a term that was popularised in Battlefield to describe those small events of absolute awesomeness that happen in game. Planetside also has these kinds of moments but obviously in vastly different ways and scales, so I was just drawing a comparison that BF players should recognise, or at least those that take part in the BF community.

Originally Posted by BlazingSun View Post
"Battlefield moments" ... yes ... that's when I want to pull my hair out and shout at my screen. BF games provide plenty of those moments indeed.
If you don't like the game you shouldn't have played it for 338 hours then.

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Last edited by Skitrel; 2012-03-29 at 01:10 PM.
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Old 2012-03-29, 01:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Skitrel View Post
Hadn't come across these, excellent.

Battlefield players will recognise what I'm referring to. It's a term that was popularised in Battlefield to describe those small events of absolute awesomeness that happen in game. Planetside also has these kinds of moments but obviously in vastly different ways and scales, so I was just drawing a comparison that BF players should recognise, or at least those that take part in the BF community.

Don't play the game then.

That's cool, I get it. I would still call it "Planetside moments with a referrence to the Battlefield stories. The BF players will still relate. Either way, this is a good effort. It's funny, I have soo many stories, it's hard to pick one. Can I just link the Gamespot interview?
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Old 2012-03-29, 01:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by EVILPIG View Post
That's cool, I get it. I would still call it "Planetside moments with a referrence to the Battlefield stories. The BF players will still relate. Either way, this is a good effort. It's funny, I have soo many stories, it's hard to pick one. Can I just link the Gamespot interview?
I'll have pretty much every video ever created in the eventual finished thing, so no

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Old 2012-03-29, 01:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Skitrel View Post

If you don't like the game you shouldn't have played it for 338 hours then.
It was the only game I had. I stopped anyway.
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Old 2012-03-29, 01:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Skitrel View Post
I'll have pretty much every video ever created in the eventual finished thing, so no
I had pretty much forgotten about the video for a while, but it came up once and it became fantastic trollbait, so bringing it up is just fun. However, the gamespot piece is actually a very important part of Planetside's history. It's the reason I was invited to tour SOE the first time and it got me a face to face sitdown with Smedley to discuss Planetside and what to do with a sequel. I've never mentioned that publicly before. Smed was very strong about his love for Planetside and the fact that it is his favorite SOE title. Even back then, which I think was still 2003 or 2004, Smed was thinking about Planetside 2. I'll have to look up the date later and edit it in.
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Old 2012-03-29, 06:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

There has to be a Galaxy paratrooper drop in there at least once, as those are pretty bad assed.

I think not only can we one up on Battlefield, but we can one up "That Other Game"

. About 50 seconds in for a little while is the closest Modern Warfare gets to being Planet Side. Its all canned, of course, but I think we can do better with real players .

"Planet Side 2 Moments: The Drop"

Imagine your player is manning the side gun turret on a Galaxy drop ship, and you pan around to see several reaver air escorts, and two other fully loaded galaxies. The air group flies by a front line of Vanguard and lightning tanks engaged at the front against an equally daunting line of enemy Mag Riders and infantry dug in around a base. "Eagle unit, move on ahead to clear an LZ for the drop!" the reavers then take off ahead with afterburners, rockets blazing on the roof and court yard of a base. Some go down to AA fire, but manage to mostly clear the drop zone. A nearby galaxy starts taking heavy AA fire, and starts going down nearby. It then explodes, all its troops going down with the ship.

"Drop drop drop!" is screamed by the outfit commander as AA fire starts pelting your galaxy, and your squad bails out, and after what feels like forever lands on the roof of the building you are assaulting under gun fire. A MAX suit nearby is unloading heavy machine gun rounds, up until he gets hit by an enemy AV rocket (with the predictable screen blur and ringing noise). The squad leader yells in your ears to "get your asses indoors NOW!". Pulling out a sweeper, the player blasts two near by enemy light assaults, and pushes into the door of the base, and down the hall to a room where what's left of your team is ready to breach the CC room.

Its then when the movie cuts out and says "In the other guys' game, this is a cutscene. In Planet Side 2, these are players and this is game play." The movie cuts back in, and all the name tags can be seen over the heads of the players as an infiltrator hacks open the door, MAXes take point to breech, and the squad lead calls to breach the door. After a tough, intense battle, your team gets the hack, but a couple minutes later is overwhelmed by a tough fire fight against a determined enemy in a crazy last stand, and the hack is lost. You don't get a reload, you don't get an inspirational quote from some guy you read about in history class, you get a trip back to the spawn tubes and the battle still rages on.

The sweet thing about PlanetSide 2 is you could easily show this movie in Part 2 from the point of view of a Vanu Sovereignty defender, and make it just as epic. The camera could point to a random VS foot soldier (that took down the player) and ask "What about this guy's story? Find out in Part 2."

Last edited by Mezorin; 2012-03-29 at 07:15 PM.
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Old 2012-03-29, 07:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

On a note about the Battlefield moments, say what you will about the BF games (personally I've had a blast with BF2142, BC2, and yes even BF3, haters gonna hate), but the Battlefield Moments were a great marketing campaign idea. The ghist is rather than a trailer or cutscene, you show the highlight of a multiplayer match, from the point of view of the player.

Here's what the OP is talking about for reference.

Sure, its pretty canned, but its a fairly decent approximation of what a good run on Conquest might look like if you're having a good game.
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Old 2012-03-29, 09:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Personally this is more akin to a true Battlefield moment that I'm talking about, but you get the gist yeah Those epic events that we all wish we'd only had better computers to record with, or that YouTube even existed back in the glory days... Planetside precedes YT by 2 years and it took a year before YT truly took off.


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Old 2012-03-29, 10:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Nothing really has the same feel as gal-dropping with your friends to heavily inconvenience and repeatedly kill all the people you hate.

But one of my most memorable moments was with a friend just last year. We were on the southern part of Searhus and the pop was really low (very early morning EST). While I was at the southern part of the battle, my friend was north and met opposition at a tower. This VS man had come at him 3 times, once in a MAX and lost to my buddy who was in his Rexo each time.

Then the guy runs in up to him at the tower in his Pajamas and drops his suppressor...

This I had to see. I went up their, saw and killed him. He ran up to me and dropped his suppressor at my feet...

This VS was surrendering to us. It was a hilarious moment and 'dropping your suppressor' to us has become synonymous with surrender.

As a TR, needless to say, I killed that seperatist.
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Old 2012-03-30, 01:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Skitrel View Post
I want to put together a compilation of things that make Planetside awesome, it'll go together in a larger promotional thing I'm making. Planetside generally sounds great as a whole, thousands of players fighting simultaneously on a continent, with multiple continents to a world, in absolutely massive battles, but it really doesn't capture the essence of awesome that's within Planetside. What really captures that is the moments and events that happen during gameplay.

Explain (not a wall of text please, a couple of paragraphs) those events in Planetside that leave you in absolute, total awe. Those moments, like Battlefield moments, that make you think "This is what makes Planetside amazing, this is why I love this game".

Try to do so as artistically as possible, this is a persuasion piece, make people feel what you feel. As if you're talking to someone that's never played the game, explain an event in Planetside that makes it incredible.

I've reposted to several communities to get as many as possible.
For me it's based on a simple emotion and probably goes back to my childhood when I first saw Empire Strikes Back on the big screen where the small group of rebels setup a prepared position to hold off the enemy in a rear guard action before retreating. I love that feeling of not knowing when the attack is coming in the next minute or ideally in the next half hour? can I get all my mines down on the stairwells, entrances and likely paths the infiltrators will take? Can I get all my shadow turrets down around the drop zones in time? Can I get the pain-fields boosted in the spawn room and generator before they get rushed? Will I have time to setup an Aegis with my Sundy inside charging it's shield for AMS hunting? Can I get all the wall turrets upgraded to AA before the reavers and Galaxy Gunships start to buzz the base? Are my AA turrets and Spitfires all down in the right places? Are the nanites topped up? Every second of that half hour I can hear my heart jumping out of my chest constantly watching the pops for fluctuations. That's what keeps me coming back nearly every night...might be preparing a base...might be a bridge or a tower...but always watching the horizon panning the turret and waiting.

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Old 2012-03-30, 07:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Graywolves View Post
As a TR, needless to say, I killed that seperatist.
I'm so proud
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2012-04-01, 12:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Since no one really seems to be contributing and just poking fun of this I guess I will write a cool thing that happened and I was apart of.

I was apart of group in SWG and we were good friends, we decided not to really play the game anymore so we were looking for a new game to play. I and few others were big fans of Planetside so we got others from our group to play with us.

There were about 8-10 of us in a squad/platoon and I was really the only one who knew the ins and outs of the game. In the group were about 6 new comers and 3 newbies. I decided to teach them all about the game so I got a Galaxy, told some to get in the gunner seats, some to get MAX units, and one to get a lightning for the Galaxy.

Everyone hops in and I over voice chat give them a summary of the game and how it plays while flying over the various locations in the world showing them the scope Planetside.

I decided it was time to fight when over global TR CR5's were requesting everyone to defend a base(I don't remember at all which one or locale). So I hit the warp and head there. I noticed by the map that we were coming from behind the NC attackers and I told this to the group.

Coming in on the base we seen TR tanks destroy NC's only AMS. And NC really did not have a central mass anywhere so I was trying real hard to find a nice place to drop everyone.

Zipping around a mountain we noticed a new NC AMS deploy on the outskirts of the TR base. I decided this was it, so I land behind the mountain and tell all the new comers their first mission(No Gal drop). In a all out rush we killed about 15 NC soldiers, some ATV's and the AMS itself.

With that little victory the TR pushed back and made 8 new Planetside players, fans for life.

Last edited by Owalpo; 2012-04-01 at 12:46 PM.
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Old 2012-04-01, 02:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

Originally Posted by Owalpo View Post
Since no one really seems to be contributing and just poking fun of this I guess I will write a cool thing that happened and I was apart of.

I was apart of group in SWG and we were good friends, we decided not to really play the game anymore so we were looking for a new game to play. I and few others were big fans of Planetside so we got others from our group to play with us.

There were about 8-10 of us in a squad/platoon and I was really the only one who knew the ins and outs of the game. In the group were about 6 new comers and 3 newbies. I decided to teach them all about the game so I got a Galaxy, told some to get in the gunner seats, some to get MAX units, and one to get a lightning for the Galaxy.

Everyone hops in and I over voice chat give them a summary of the game and how it plays while flying over the various locations in the world showing them the scope Planetside.

I decided it was time to fight when over global TR CR5's were requesting everyone to defend a base(I don't remember at all which one or locale). So I hit the warp and head there. I noticed by the map that we were coming from behind the NC attackers and I told this to the group.

Coming in on the base we seen TR tanks destroy NC's only AMS. And NC really did not have a central mass anywhere so I was trying real hard to find a nice place to drop everyone.

Zipping around a mountain we noticed a new NC AMS deploy on the outskirts of the TR base. I decided this was it, so I land behind the mountain and tell all the new comers their first mission(No Gal drop). In a all out rush we killed about 15 NC soldiers, some ATV's and the AMS itself.

With that little victory the TR pushed back and made 8 new Planetside players, fans for life.
I've had a number of great contributions from here, reddit and /v/. Haters gonna hate. Thanks for adding to this.

Fuck knows how I'm going to go about displaying these as part of a larger piece. Going to have several posts worth of character limits to break, not just here but everywhere.

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Old 2012-04-02, 11:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Re: Planetside "moments", just like Battlefield moments.

As much as I like writing, I think what's really going to sell PS2 to new potential players is fan-made videos. A 20-60 second snippet of gameplay that just blows your mind.

That being said, I look forward to seeing more fan stories in this format. Good idea, OP!
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