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Old 2004-03-04, 11:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Staff Sergeant
SquirrelMan's Avatar

deee-amn. Cont Lock + Dominion + Cavern Lock + Sanc Broadcast = Almost Invincible Cont
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Old 2004-03-05, 02:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
First Sergeant
Unknown's Avatar

A few days ago (maybe a week or so) there was a coordinated cavern meeting between TR and VS on Emerald. I was on VS' side and you know what? It was awesome. We had a blast and battled for hours on end, I think the whole thing lasted upwards of 3 hours and spanned 2 caverns (after one was closed we moved to another one). So you can't really say cavern battles suck, because that cavern battle was one of the greatest times I've had in PS. Rather, you should say the lack of cavern battles suck, because that's how it is most of the time.

There really doesn't seem to be anything fundamentally wrong with the caverns, if you can manage to get a battle started (once we got to < 100+ positions available and the CR5s were requesting help, the people just kept coming, don't think we ever pop locked the cavern but we had it pretty full) then it's a blast. I never had the desire to leave the caverns once the battle got started, and I doubt many other people did either. Even with it's problems (difficult to navigate and unfamiliar map and building layouts) I found I was having a great time. Heck, I even started to get the hang of the bases and ziplines, I actually started making sense of the map. It reminded me of one other time since I started playing PS...hmm...I wonder, what was it? Oh yes! When I first started playing! . I remember getting lost in the intricasies of the base layouts, and losing my way over the terrain when I was just starting the game. Heck, it took me a good month or so just to get used to the basic base designs.

The problem with CC lies in the fact that there's never anyone down there. And because there's never anyone down there to fight, nobody ever goes down there. It's a self-reinforcing problem that won't be solved unless people are given incentive to go down there. I honestly don't know what it would take to get people down there (other than getting people down there, but that's a contradiction), but maybe this new cavern lock incentive will be just what we need. If/When cavern battles finally start happening on a regular basis, I think people will enjoy them enough to finally not regret purchasing CC. I know that if I had just one or two more repeats of that epic cave battle, I'd be able to justify my purchase of CC.
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Old 2004-03-05, 02:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
SlyMarbo's Avatar

OH i wish i had been On my TR car that glorious day that would have rocked
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-05, 03:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant Colonel
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Too many invincible cont-locks and one empire would only have to patrol trouble areas in order to create a permanent world-lock.

Watch out before NC or VS imprisons everyone else in their sanctuaries.
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Old 2004-03-05, 03:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
SlyMarbo's Avatar

ok when that happens those who are trapped get supper broadcast... umm jeez could you imagine? organise a large force to set up at all three Sanc gates tell them where they need ot be then warp in at once.... the cage wont last long
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-05, 05:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
Lieutenant Colonel
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Assuming people don't flock to the caging empire to be Mr. Kewl.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

"Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2004-03-05, 09:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
SlyMarbo's Avatar

Eh i play NC most but if things are looking too good i play my Alt.. i want a good fight you know
Drill Instructor Lt. SlyMarbo, New Conglomerate Markov Server, Blackhawks Infintry Division
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Old 2004-03-05, 02:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
TheRagingGerbil's Avatar

Originally Posted by EarlyDawn
So they're reducing the ammount of capturable buildings, right? Wern't they gonna put redoubts by the geowarps?
That part confused me too. Currently there are six individual building to capture, and three differnt types. I'm not sure if that meant there will now only be 4 buildings to capture or 4 different types of buildings to capture. If it is four types, that means they added buildings to the geowarps. Otherwise, it means they axed two of the buildings.
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Old 2004-03-05, 03:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Major General
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Right, but what's confusing about that is it's contradicted by evidence of both equipment terminals added to Redoubts, and references to module and AT facilities.
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Old 2004-03-05, 05:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #25

I don't see anything worth $30 to me.

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Old 2004-03-05, 06:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Staff Sergeant
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I think they axed Module Facilities. They said the modules would spawn randomly, right? so what about if they spawned in AT plants? that would make it sorta easier i guess...
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Old 2004-03-06, 09:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Sergeant Major

Originally Posted by ViperGTS
I hope the caves close in on you people. :P
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Old 2004-03-06, 09:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Sergeant Major

The Devs did the only thing they could do to make CC viable, give it some sort of gigantic benefit to fighting down there.

Problem currently is that it's easier to let someone else go down and get a module and then just steal it from them. The Cavern Lock system makes it so no CR5 with at least a quarter of a functioning brain (yes, I realize there was a strict ration of two intelligent CR5s per empire) can ignore the caverns. That's an insane benefit, but it's probably going to make CC worth something. Even if nobody fights in the caverns, those module benefits will make it easy for people to stock up on AT gear.

There will be big fights down there now, because what's going on in the Core now greatly affects the surface. You won't *need* to get CC to stay competitive, but it's going to be a very uphill battle if you don't have enough guys on your side to contest the caverns.

Pretty good move by the Dev team, from a business standpoint. As far as gameplay? We shall have to see.
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Old 2004-03-06, 04:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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It's a shame SOE has to force us to use their expansion. I guess the alternate would be to admit defeat and refund our $ (and then give it away free). I imagine there is more to stake than just sales of an expansion pack though. I bet a few folks at SOE have their neck in a noose, hoping they show some revenue. Wonder if the recent staff reductions for the SOE PS team were a result of lagging sales? Oh well, doubt we will ever get the real story. However, if you want to see future expansions, remember they won't even dream of launching a new one until you buy this one. If they wanted to be smart about it, set up a new and better second expansion, requiring the first expansion for it to work. Add things like empire specific vehicles and weapons and even the orbital platform. Those with expansions get to use the stuff, those without don't (it would just have to be stuff folks want to buy). BTW, I don't agree they should force expansions down anyones throat, just playing devils advocate here.
KIAsan [BWC]

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