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Old 2003-11-14, 06:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #16

Originally Posted by perne
Again overall great interview. A little too fanboi'ish for my personal taste, but that was not to be unexpected considering the source. Afterall if you fellas didnt love every ounce of the game, this website wouldn't exist...
I was having a discussion with several of the PSU staff in the IRC channel (Mad_something and one other I don't recall ATM) regarding the 'difficulty' of the questions asked.

Simply put, yes this is a fan (i.e. fanatic, "A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause.") site for PS, and I fully expect the majority of the people here to be generally positive of the game. Even to the point of failing to acknowledge it's current shortcommings.

However, while some new information came out of the nearly two hour interview, nearly every question asked (save 2-3 by my count) was skewed positively toward the game. (The 2-3 questions I counted I think were still skewed, but to a lesser degree. I believe the original phrasing of the questions was likely more critically worded, was was spun to some degree before asked.)

I, peronsally, find it hard to believe that 100% of the playerbase sees the game in nothing but a positive light. Even a stroll through the SOE fourms gives at least a passing glimpse at unhappyness (search for the words 'cancel', 'canceling', etc.). Unfortunately those no longer happy enough with the game to continue paying cannot comment on those forums.

I presented 2 questions for the devs, both strongly worded, but fair. The first had to deal with the continuing decline in server populations (ie, and the second regarded long-standing stats problems.

The first issue was addressed by Sporkfire some time ago (pre CC) by saying (paraphrased) "it is our hope the expansion will increase the server populations." (I tried to find a direct quote, but the thread it was in has been deleted --

The second issue has been half-addressed with two responses. A Sporkfire "we'll look into it" regarding inaccurate outfit membership listings, as well as stating they expected to release new stats, something like what is available in-game. (See and other posts in early Spetember, since deleted)

My point is this: There are some serious issues still outstanding with the game. If the "Ask The Devs" program wishes to accurately represent the playerbase, and truly be an advocate for the game, simply ignoring the tough questions/problems hurts us all. The best advocate is one who can balance the need to generate interest and portray things in a positive light, while at the same time helping to ensure that even the negative issues are brought up in hopes of resolving them.

Hamma and the rest of the PSU staff: I appalude your efforts, and hope that a little constructive criticism can bring about some positive change.
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Old 2003-11-14, 07:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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We stay away from population questions wherever possible. Why do we do this? Because only SOE truly knows what the servers populations are. If they see an issue with it they will address it, us hammering away at it will do the game no good.

There are plenty of people who love the game, those people are usually playing while many of the posts on the OF are trying to castrate the devs for their every move. There are many questions that are submitted that start out negative, and those people usually answer their own question in the submission. Thus the question is pruned out of the final list.

Remember, this isnt "bash the devs" these guys are people too, and normal human beings are constrained by time, and deadlines.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-14, 08:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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btw I like the idea someone had to ask groups of questions rather than back and forth. That would probably make things easier for both of us. hehe

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-14, 08:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant Colonel

Nice job Hamma and Marsman
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Old 2003-11-14, 10:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

Originally Posted by Hamma
Remember, this isnt "bash the devs" these guys are people too, and normal human beings are constrained by time, and deadlines.
I think you've missed my point. If you ask 60 questions (best guess at this point), and add one or two that are hard and pointed questions, how is it bashing?

Instead of representing the playerbase and it's issues fairly are you prepared to simply be considered a mouthpiece for SOE?
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Old 2003-11-15, 01:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #21

Stop playing that whacko old person music.

EDIT - Woohoo I'm a Corporal!
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Old 2003-11-15, 12:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Like I said, if the questions are submitted and they are well written they will be submitted. Example:

"This game is horribly unbalanced, the pounder was nerfed to hell in the last patch

"When are you going to stop releaseing expansions and fix bugs"

These wont be asked, why? The first one because its a balance question. What will their answer be? I think we all know the answer to that one already.. they follow game trends and dont listen to one side or the other.. TR is always going to think their nerfed, as with the other empires.

Second one we wont ask because well, SOE is a company. I think we all know WHY they release expansions, fixing bugs is always ongoing. If you don't think that I dont think you play the same game as I am.

I think you've missed my point. If you ask 60 questions (best guess at this point), and add one or two that are hard and pointed questions, how is it bashing?
Because nobody submitted GOOD questions that dont start out with bashing and end up anwering THEMSELVES when we go through the submitted list. Submit some good, hard and pointed questions and chances are they will be asked if written well. Myself, Marsman, and the PSU staff dont even add any questions usually. We usually just combine some questions people ask etc. Because we want these interviews to be about you, and 90% of the time the OF folks automaticly think we are bias and dont even bother submitting questions. Thats not my fault

I love this game and have spent THOUSANDS of dollars on this site and bringing things to the communinity. If I am not allowed to express my love for the game and give props to the dev team now and then, then why should I even be here.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-17, 05:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Something that needs attention

I think planetside is awesome, theres only one thing thats made my desire to play fade now tho. And thats gettin owned by people that i know are abusing the game(cheating). I'm pretty positive theres no programs that enhance gameplay, but there is a way to cheat. And players that do it just ruin it. I dont know exactly how its done short of [edited out for fear of my post being deleted] real fast with a foot pad or something. But its pretty easy to tell when players are doing it. They kill you in 1-2 hits every time even if your moving in a agile suit with surge jumping behind em which if you play the game know that a direct shot is pretty rare to score on even if your one of the best out there. I was frustrated with this and thought they had to have a aimbot until one time during a fight my internet must have bogged up. Because i waded through about 5 VS that almost completely ignored me and stood still, one by one i killed all 5 and got the kills. Immediately after i recieved tells from them sayin i use speed cheats and aimbots yada yada. So that obviously has to be it, its the same affect. The players i keep dieing to do the exact same thing, they appear nearly out of no where moving at least half surge speed more then normal, which is nearly impossible to hit. And always seem to manage 1-2 direct shots no matter how good of a dance i put on with surge. How do they do it? In thier eyes i'm not moving at all when they fire the two shots, nor am i firing back. Its a cheat and there has to be a way to fix it or i'll just play a fps shooter with cheaters like i always did except i wont have to pay.
I hope someone can verify this because i'm as positive about it as can be. I experienced what it was like and obviously there must be a way to harnass it and abuse it. If the devs read this and wanna know a name or two to watch first hand and see in game shoot me a email.

Last edited by Gonjaman; 2003-11-17 at 05:12 AM.
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Old 2003-11-17, 07:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #24

Hey Guys,

I think that my question was not poorly written.

Taken from my post in your topic - Ask the Devs
About 10 weeks ago, Spork said that the removal of the server population dots was the first step to increasing server density.
We were supposed to get more info a week after the removal as to the further stages of that plan.

We haven't heard anything since then.

What are the devs' plans for increasing server population? How was removing the dots essential to this plan?


How was this poorly written, or dev bashing??

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Old 2003-11-17, 09:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #25

About 10 weeks ago, Spork said that the removal of the server population dots was the first step to increasing server density.
We were supposed to get more info a week after the removal as to the further stages of that plan.

We haven't heard anything since then.
Well, that comes off as some sort of accusation. I think you'd have done better to simply ask:

"Removing the populations dot was the first step in boosting populations, what is the next step?"

Simple, concise, and without any antagonistic accusations.

Guys, remember that the Dev and the PSU staff are doing this as a coutesy to the PS community. Neither HAVE to do this. It's simply not cool to put the PSU guys into the role of interigator/prosecutor or put the devs on the hot seat. I'm relatively certain that no one would be happy with an answer like:

"You know what, I don't need this kinda crap, interview is over."

I doubt any of the devs would actually say something like that, but if you needle them enough, they sure might think it, and then the next time an "Ask the Devs" interview comes around, surprise-surprise, no Dev has enough time for an interview.

Personally, I don't mind how fanboyish the interview has to be to ensure that another takes place.

I'm pretty sure the PSU crew isn't too eager to get "all up in a dev's face" and possibly ruin their chances at continuing a very informative and interesting dialogue between the community and Devs.

Bottom line: If you want to needle the devs, do it on the forums. Don't expect the PSU staff to do your dirty work.

BTW - I missed the show, any word on the transcript?

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Old 2003-11-17, 02:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
PSU Admin
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Originally Posted by Gonjaman
[edited out for fear of my post being deleted]
We dont delete posts.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-17, 02:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Originally Posted by ZetaLAG
How was this poorly written, or dev bashing??

Originally Posted by Hamma
We stay away from population questions wherever possible. Why do we do this? Because only SOE truly knows what the servers populations are. If they see an issue with it they will address it, us hammering away at it will do the game no good.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-17, 02:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Originally Posted by Degenatron
BTW - I missed the show, any word on the transcript?

Takes a long time to do and most of us are pretty busy, it will come but probably not for a bit.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-17, 03:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #29

OK, thanks Hamma. I'll just keep an eye on the "Articles" info box for the update. Thanks again.

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Old 2003-11-17, 03:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Originally Posted by Degenatron
BTW - I missed the show, any word on the transcript?
In addition to Hamma's comments, I'd like to remind everyone of our AGN STREAMS section where you can INSTANTLY get a live stream of the show without waiting to download it. Some may not realize that the stream can be fast forwarded to any part of the show by simply moving the progress slider on the Winamp player after the stream has started. So even if you don't have the time to listen to the whole thing, you can fast forward to any part of the show you want and listen to it in pieces.

With regard to server population questions. The senior game designer isn't in charge of server population - that's more of the producers and/or marketings area of responsibility, thereofore - we did not include those questions and instead we chose to spend our time asking questions we could get answers to.
The server population questions were asked in a previous interview anyway and were answered as fully as I would expect Sony to do on this issue.

Originally Posted by Octavian
Stop playing that whacko old person music.
Lets see - last playlist included Foo Fighters, Garbage, Godsmack, Trapt, Powerman 5000, POD, etc.. old people music??? How old are you? - NINE ? What exactly would you suggest is not "whacko old people music"
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