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Old 2003-06-18, 11:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

And as a side thought, why don't you just post the majority of your topics here at PSU, the general atmosphere is more... gentle, and there's an ignore button for use in such a situation? Then, after you see how we feel about your input, you can go post it at the OFs. Similar to a safe little sandbox for you to work in.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #32

serpus HAS violated the TOS, and HAS been the incinuator of MANY incidents,

the POINT of my post was that I wanted to bring up his special treatment

and I got banned for it

I got banned for bringing up someone elses obvious violations,

this is so wrong

I got banned from PLAYING...
theres NO REASON why I couldnt continue playing because I posted a thread about SOMEONES violations on the forums...
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #33

Originally posted by LNS0388
It's also interesting that you selectively prase those who support you, while condemming those with an alternate view to yours. Probably another factor that lead up to the flame war and your subsequent banning.
Except we're not talking about some rinky **** messageboard banning or something, we're talking about $50 + $13 and shut out of the service he was paying for with nary a discussion about it. Sony either needs a lot more disciplanary options or to get a clue... you can't just take someone's money like that, and for such little reason...
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #34

i agree LNS
maybe in the future,
i was just trying to defend the right of posters over there not to have to deal with serpus
he post in every thread
he has personally insulted everyone who post on those forums

I mentioned that,

this is SOOO totally wrong,
its ridiculous

even a permanent banning from the forums, for a year would have been more decent than banning me from the game for however many weeks this ban last,

utter crap.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Staff Sergeant

Listen Dipietro i was trying to help you before because you seemed like a decent guy. But whining about how bad Serpus is isnt helping you. I agree you shouldnt have been banned from playing and i agree serpus posts to much. But complaining here wont make anyone want to post about it on the official boards. I think that you probably should send a e-mail to spork asking whats going on, if you can get your service back, and if not then ask that your subscription be canceled.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

If you have some specific points you would like to link me to, and outline the TOS versus he has breached, go ahead. Until then, everything you are posting is hearsay, and in my eyes, you have been the agressor. I haven't seen Serpus start any fights, and I haven't seen him post anything in a forum that's not suited to what he was saying.

/if you have any bullets to fire, do so, but please stop speaking out of your ass, it makes you look bad.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #37

exactly tera

and jackal
i care not to discuss serpus and his offenses on here
but there were people on here acting like I WAS IN THE WRONG, and serpus hasnt done anything

I mean, any kid with a brain and a mouse could goto planetside right now, and type in serpus in the search, and disgusted is all that I can say will DEFINANTLY come to mind

the facts are, I didnt insult a saint,
I didnt insult anyone
I didnt question the integrity of jesus christ or the pope
I brought up the fact that a certain individual has been harrassing peopel on those forums for weeks, and nothing has been done about it..
i merely brought up the question of, "WHY?"

and they gave me the "boot"


i dont care about serpus..
i do care when people act like I was castrating an upstanding citizen over there, and got banned for it
that is so far from the truth its pathetic.
and that is why I posted what I have in regards to that individual
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

Originally posted by teratravp
Except we're not talking about some rinky **** messageboard banning or something, we're talking about $50 + $13 and shut out of the service he was paying for with nary a discussion about it. Sony either needs a lot more disciplanary options or to get a clue... you can't just take someone's money like that, and for such little reason...
It's a global ban. It is assumed that if he is banned from the forum, then he is banned from the game, it's common sense (To me.) What he posted was dealt with, and he persisted, so Sporkfire took proactive measures to quell what could have been a full-scale riot.

If I were banned from the game due to using a hack or some other exploit, I wouldn't expect forum use either. It just so happened that he pissed his account away on a trivial matter like one person on the forum. But hey, I don't care, now I don't have to hear his self-centered attention grabs related to such a trivial matter.

[Edit- Nary a discussion about it? He was specifically advised not to post such a topic again after a lengethy discussion about the topic. He was also talked to personally, out of the public eye. This wasn't an unexpected thing. I rather wouldn't, but if you'd like, I can even try and retrieve the specific post by Sporkfire.]

Last edited by EarlyDawn; 2003-06-18 at 11:52 PM.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #39

the other day, he was so rude, sprok actually had to post in the thread and warn him TO STOP

no, he didnt do it once,it was MULTIPLE TIMES, until the thread was locked

he wasnt banned...just a public warning for it,
and it was BAD,

rude, and insulting

I dont need to "prove" anything
the fact that he's got nearly 10 post on page 1, and that nearly 5 other post have his name in it like "Please ban serpus, he's insulting and rude"
the circumstantial evidence, and the PROOF is right there,

I have done nothing but point out what the rest of the community is DISGUTED WITH
and was banned for it

Why should I go look up post THAT ARE THERE FOR YOU TO SEE?
there 200+ pages of threads,
almost all of em have something rude said by this kid,
because I am not willing to go search through all of them, i am wrong?

Listen, simply posting as much as he does, about the things he does, is spamming, and possibly trolling....
those are indisputable, and violations of the TOS
why should I get specific when the obvious violations are right there?

AND ARG, this is not what I was trying to do here,
see jakal?
I am not tryin to down serpus,
anyone who doubts me only needs to got the boards and go back maybe 5 pages and you'll see more rude and insulting comments than on any other board.

stop asking me for proof he's soo bad,
in giving you this proof, its making me look bad,
so find it yourself please.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Staff Sergeant

Well at least let the guy cancel his service.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #41

mainly I just want everyone to see i was banned FROM PLAYING not just from posting

anyone who would be so kind as to bring this up over there
and point out that its MAINLY THE BANNING FROM THE GAME that seems so unfair
id appreciate it

theres no reason I shouldnt be able to play for pointing out anothers violations.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

Burden of proof is on you, not me. It's my email to Spork you're trying to win. As for looking bad, the way you've handled this debate is already killing your support, so I'd start to really think about what you say from now on.

Again, after that post was locked, Serpus continued to post, but unlike your posts, who's core message caused debate, Serpus' messages only brought up side conversations that started controversy as a side-issue, while your posts were all about controversy. You always had the option (but not the willpower) to skip over any of Serpus' messages. Nobody asked for your help to police his messages.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Staff Sergeant

Im not asking for proof though im saying what serpus did had no bearing on what happend to you. You should stop telling us to go check his posts. Why dont you write Spork an e-mail saying that you believe that it was unjust for him to ban you. Give me the e-mail and ill write one too. It doesn't matter if Serpus is and idiot or not. Thats a matter of opinion. What does matter is that you are having something you paid for taken away for something that really wasnt that important. Thats the real problem here.
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Old 2003-06-18, 11:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Major General
EarlyDawn's Avatar

I would concur, either show some specific examples or take this issue to a private forum, it's your one-man-war.
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Old 2003-06-19, 12:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #45

I got a reply
now, they have said they cannot and will not help me because I accused them of illegal actions (WHICH THEY HAVE DONE)

they have prevented me from gaining access to my own account information, and fom playing a game I paid for, and have paid for ahead of time,

I mentioned this,
they wrote back "SInce you 'threatened' illegal action, we cannot help you"

this is totally bogus, what a cop out
now I cant play,
I cant get help
Im screwed
all for trying to point out the special treatment another individual is getting when he is obviously violating the rules.
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