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Old 2003-06-02, 01:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

Originally posted by OneManArmy
One Mans humble opinion:

Guass > Cycler > Pulsar

Jackhammer > Lasher > Mini-Chaingun

Lancer > Pheonix > Striker

Terran MAXs > Vanu MAXs > NC MAXs

Vanguard > Magrider > Prowler

Marauder > Enforcer > Thresher (I dont see too many buggies so this is a basic observation)

We all have our own opinions but I feel this to be fairly accurate
I think the Enforcer is > than the Marauder, personally. Its gun is powerful, and has no fire arc at all, meaning it is extremely accurate given that the projectile moves in a straight line toward the target.

But yeah, otherwise I agree with the above.
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Old 2003-06-02, 01:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Incompetent's Avatar

I agree fairly close to your list as well OMA, except i think the Striker is slightly better then the Pheonix, its a more general purpose weapon while the Pheonix is very specialized in its use. The Marauder and the Enforcer are too well balanced for me to pick a better vehicle, same for the Gauss/Cycler.
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Old 2003-06-02, 02:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #33

However, at close range ive been known to take out a rek instead of the pulsar, becuase its only slightly less useful....
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Old 2003-06-02, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Sergeant Major
Nitsch's Avatar

I love the maurder.... as a vanu i took a threasher cert just for the chance to jack one of them. I was a maurder driver during beta and that was by far the most fun vehicle to drive.

Because of the arc of the pounder you can lob grenades into places where they cant fire back. Having two gunners really helps, one gun is a strait fire while the other lobs in an arc... so you get the best of both worlds.

The enforcer is the most manuverable of the 3 (technically the threasher is, but because you have to drive it in 1st person mode you can get disorented easily and fly outa control), but i like how the maurader bobs around, and it gets some nice air on occasion. The maurader just has a more fun feel of the 3.

There are two main reasons why you don't see many threshers:

1) driving one is nausiating, driving from 1st person mode the camera jumps around too much... you cant see as wide as other vehicles, because they are hovercraft they bounce around much more than the other buggies, often you will slam into a tree because your nose was bouncing around too much.

2) The magrider.... other than the reinforced armor restriction and top speed, the magrider is superior in every other way. Why choose a thresher when you can drive a magrider for the same cost. Magriders actually handle better than threshers because their nose doesn't jump up and down as much, much more pleasent feel to driving them. And the main reason... Magrider drivers get a gun!

Other empires have compelling reasons to drive the assault buggy, but not Vanu, mainly because our heavy tank is really an assult buggy on steroids.

"Never pet a burning dog and never fry bacon naked."--Gary Busey
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Old 2003-06-02, 02:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #35

The AV weapons are so varied, it's hard to believe they're in the same class. I believe they're balanced though. Here's my take.

TR Striker


Nice all-round weapon, 3 shot clip, easily deployable indoors, good against VS Max jets, air units have to really move quick to evade


Relatively weak damage per shot, have to keep visual to maintain lock (kinda hard when a reaver is trying to pick you off)


NC Phoenix


Slightly more powerful than the Striker per shot (I think), it's major advantage is that you can shoot from cover and if you're good w/ it, actually shoot targets taking cover, no missile lock warning against air


Hard to deploy indoors, 1 shot clip, difficult to hit fast moving targets.


VS Lancer (limited experience and only on the receiving end)


You can snipe with it! It does a shed load of damage too! Kills REF troopers in a few shots, fast projectiles, easily deployable indoors, chews through maxes quickly


I have no idea
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Old 2003-06-02, 02:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Second Lieutenant

Why do you have to drive a thresher in 1st person? I always drive those in 3rd person.......

They are way too fragile and the gun is awful though.
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Old 2003-06-02, 02:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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There's only really two ways you can get 1hit killed versus a Jackhammer.

1: Run right into it through a door. you're running for the control console, you open the door... and you're staring the gun in it's three-barreled face. your next thought is usually 'shit.' and your next action is most likely 'fall over dead'.

2: Get snuck up on. I cannot tell you how often i've snuck up on people and MAXes with my JH. i can tell you that it is a rude awakening, because i can get right up next to you and triple-blast you.
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Old 2003-06-02, 03:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Sergeant Major
Nitsch's Avatar

Originally posted by Jarlo
Why do you have to drive a thresher in 1st person? I always drive those in 3rd person.......

They are way too fragile and the gun is awful though.
You need to drive thresher in 1st person because it doesn't steer like other vehicles (except magrider). You turn the thresher with the mouse and strafe with the "a" and "d" buttons... If you try to drive the thresher in 3rd person mode ... it gets all wacky woo.... like trying to fly a plane in 3rd person.

"Never pet a burning dog and never fry bacon naked."--Gary Busey
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Old 2003-06-02, 09:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #39

I think that the most overpowered weopons in the game are maxes. Not that one is better then another just overall. Sure you can take the out with AV, but it shouldnt be limited to just that. Im TR and was in a squad of 10, and most of us had Cycler and/or Punisher and/or sweeper, and we all were unloading on this one VS max till we were practically out of ammo, then he shoots 10 times and gets 10 kills, I bet he wasnt half dead. I know that AV would work but AV isnt always incredibly accessible, just lower the Armor or something, not the weoponry on them. So at least a group of people with Normal weapons and make Pasma/Frag grenades can take one out.

I dont wanna start a flame here, thats just my opinion, albeit 100% true or not.
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Old 2003-06-02, 09:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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can hammers take out maxes quickly
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Old 2003-06-02, 10:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Originally posted by Warborn
Might have something to do with the fact that the Jackhammer kills in about two hits, and that a Jackhammer user can easily take out three Reinforced guys in close quarters when used by absolutely anyone, which the Sweeper can not not.
I never thought i'd be correcting warborn, but the jackhammer kills in about 3 hits on a reinforced. And not anyone can take 3 Reinforced with it, it takes SOME skill, if not a lot, to palce 6 dead on shtos with that thing, not to mention that the person is probably unloading at you with MAX ammo or cycler or lancer. You die pretty quick to the most common weaopons, so it's not only the power of your gun, it's also the power of your oppenent's guns...

Just my opinion, not a flame.

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Old 2003-06-02, 10:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
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The marauder and enforcer are for two totally different purposes. The enforcer is primarily anti-armor, and its splash damage aint that great. The marauder is anti-infantry, and it absolutely demolishes them in the proper hands.

My outfit swipes marauders often, it is great fun to use ;D

And on the issue of chaingun versus jackhammer... again they are two totally different weapons, requiring very different playstyles to use effectively. But the chaingun CAN murder in the proper hands. I have done it, I have seen others do it. I have had terrans screaming their heads off at me because I was merrily murdering them all with their own 'crappy' weapon
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Old 2003-06-02, 10:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Second Lieutenant
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I didn't play in beta, haven't been on these forums in awhile, a nd have been playing since tuesday two weeks ago. I'm now br15/cr3. And after testing out the weapons I believe most are equal. I think the gauss could be a little more accurate because it's useless at any range but long and at that range its too inaccurate and the projectile speed is too slow, I think the pulsar just needs to be overhauled and completely redone, I have no idea what you guys are talking about the jackhammer, it usually takes 4 shots to 5 shots to kill a reinforced within 5 feet of him, it does absolutely nothing at medium range (by medium range i mean 20-30 feet), and you will never ever kill anyone outdoors without either sneaking up on someone or surging like hell. I think the pulsar should have much higher damage then it does now, its sooo weak, and I think the lancer should be toned down against infantry. I don't think the lancer should be used as a sniper rifle. Another thing I find is that the tr maxes are useless against vehicles. Both the dc and the pounder can basically only kill infantry. My suggestion is to make the dc less powerful against infantry and more powerful against vehicles like it was meant to be.
Jackhammer really isnt overpowered, every time i find a chaingun or a lasher i trade mine in, it's just too useless at medium range.

edit: I also think the rocklet should be overhauled, it's just not made for this game. It can kill a reinforced within seconds at any range, and just causes massive amounts of grief for the user. It's overpowered and a grief producer, do the developers want either of those? I highly doubt it, or I hope not.

Last edited by Venoxile; 2003-06-02 at 10:23 PM.
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Old 2003-06-02, 10:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
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I dunno, I get along with the gauss pretty well. My first 1400 kills were with that rifle.
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Old 2003-06-03, 03:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
Staff Sergeant

My first 1400 kills were with that rifle.
Good Lord.

Care to let us, the less l33t ones, in on some of the 'secrets of Your trade'?
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