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Old 2003-01-29, 04:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #46
First Lieutenant
Revolution's Avatar

I dont know what speech you heard but this is what I saw:

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Old 2003-01-29, 05:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #47
Lieutenant Colonel
Zatrais's Avatar

I like Bush... he does something more than talk.

All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries. Many others have met a different fate. Let's put it this way -- they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies

hehehehe best part in the speech
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Old 2003-01-29, 06:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Registered User

The issue is not wether he got a BJ or not.... it is about lying to the very people he is supposed to lead.... bottom line. He is a very immoral man for cheating on his wife and lying to us all. He also did give the chinese secrets... How do you think their missile technology jumped 50 years... also the chinese did not give him millions of dollars for campaign finance out of the goodness of their heart. Headway against N. Korea? Wow! They signed a paper and did the opposite anyway... they probably gave him money as well.
9-11 is the issue.... It may have happened prior to his other state of the union but he has had to deal with the fall out. Also the econmy began to decline at the end of Clintons term.
We could sit here and split hairs all day.

As far as war creating jobs and helping the economy... that is true to a certain degree..... Some jobs will be created.. yes. However, our economy is not set up the way it used to be. Many corporations of taken their operations over seas and employ foriegners to save themselves money and help their bottom line. IN WW2 we still made a great deal of things on our own. Now we import alot (not that we didn't before). These are some of the problems of a global economy.

There are too many issues here for me to voive my opinion on them all. Suffice to say... Go get 'em George!!!!!
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Old 2003-01-29, 06:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #49
Major General
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Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
Just so you know, 9/11 wasn't last year so it would have been covered in last years State of the Union Address. I don't see 9/11 as the main issue either.
What.. did you watch the WTC fall and say "Hmph, sucs to be them, glad I wasnt there. Honey, wanna play some tennis later?"

Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
And by listing all of the wonderful things that have happened to this country under the Bush Administration, you have demonstrated that he doesn't have much positive things to talk about.
The State of the Union isn't always a Rosy Picture thing guy, thats not the point. The point of it is to lay out where we are, and where we are going, not for the President to blow his own horn....

Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
So what are your complaints against Clinton? He lied about Monica Lewinsky?

So your big problem with Clinton is he got a BJ? God forbid that every male here gets an extra BJ.
The President is NOT SUPPOSED TO LIE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE NOR LIE UNDER OATH!. And don't give me that Private Life BS line either. Thats a load of horse manure.

BTW I hav ebeen married for 7 years, and I have never gotten an extra BJ. See, when I said "I do" Thats a commitment for life, not just when its convienent. Are you married? I'd love to hear your wifes reaction to that line..

Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
Clinton did not give top secret info to the Chinese. It was Reagan that suplied Osama and the Taliban with weapons. And it seemed to me that Clinton was making headway in diffusing the north Korea situation.

Blaming 9/11 on Clinton is ridiculous.

As far as the corperate scandals, Bush's administration knew about the financial status of Enron months before they publicly reported their bankruptcy. Bush was the person who was in the best position to stop Enron from happening. In fact Bush has engaged in his own insider trading.
Clinton was offered Osama Bin Laden by the Sudanese, they said "Here, we will arrest hima nd turn him over to you." Clinton didn't think Osama was a threat.. Way to go Bill!
Reagan was helping FREEDOM FIGHTERS by giving them some logistic support in thier war against the USSR... mucht he same way the USSR supplied the N.Vietnamese... Thats just how the world works..

Yeah, Clinton really hooked up that N.Korean Situation.. see how well he did? The N.Koreans got Nukes thanks to Clinton! Woot!

Enron! Wow.. you drink heavily of the Tom Daschle Kool Aide dont you? Bush knew that there were some issues with Enron, but Enron asked Bsh to save them and he siad "NO"

BTW Bush has been cleared of ANY WRONG DOING in his "insider trading" that you speak of, thats old hat, and you needs get a new line.
Back from the internet!
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Old 2003-01-29, 06:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #50
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and the 2 parties fight.

politics is such a waste of time, US government does nothing but bicker, and accomplishes little to nothing. Like prescription drugs, we dont talk about that at every state of the union

On a lighter not, people dont want hydrogen cars. Thats obvious from what the auto makers showed off at the auto shows this year. I want power, I want a fast rumbling engine. Hell, if we are gonna take out this world, may as well do it while having fun.

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Old 2003-01-29, 09:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #51
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LOL hamma sometimes your posts just hit straight to the .

I must agree politics is a complete waste of time. who's ever elected might get stuff done or he might not depending on whos in the hizzie or sizzie for shizzie... (House of representatives and Sentate )

Politicians come and go, but nothing drastic changes, taxes go up, taxes go down.... but america is always billions of dollar in debt and people are still dying all over the world from simple preventable shit. I really could care less who's getting laid where and who's making what kinda car... fix the shit thats seriously broke first!!!
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Old 2003-01-29, 09:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #52
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar
That's because Hamma is oobar

I would drive a hydrogen car in a second if it could perform as well as gas-powered and it wasn't at risk of spontaneous combustion.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-01-29, 09:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #53
Staff Sergeant
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Re: That's because Hamma is oobar

Originally posted by Airlift
I would drive a hydrogen car in a second if it could perform as well as gas-powered and it wasn't at risk of spontaneous combustion.
plus it has to look cool.
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Old 2003-01-29, 09:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #54
Sig Mastah!
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Too true, too true
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-01-29, 10:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #55
Roxxor your Boxxorz
Yuyi's Avatar

Wow vich. Couldn't of said it better myself
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Old 2003-01-29, 11:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #56
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sry, been a long day

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Old 2003-01-29, 11:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #57
Major General
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LOL, the gov. from Washington has a 30% approval rating in his own state!! Way to pick a representative. This is the same guy that took medicare and medicaid away from the homeless people so they would move to CA. What a dick.
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Old 2003-01-29, 12:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #58
Sol's Avatar

Bush wont actually support hydrogen cars. That would threaten his oil empire. Anything positive about the environment? Forget it. Cheney and the fatcats will shut that down in no time.

His taxcuts will grossly favor those who already have money falling out of there ass. I dont need a tax cut, a lot of people dont need them. But obscene amounts of people need more money, and as long as there is a republican in office, those who struggle to feed shelter and clothe themselves will get the short end of the stick.

Why give a taxcut to everyone when the doing so would stimulate the German auto industry more than the US economy?

As far is Clinton is concerned... well see my sig for details. Shrub new Clinton was a great man. Sure he had some... heh... ethical issues in his private life, but that did not interfere with his ability to run this nation.

The election was a mess too. Al Gore had more votes, no one disputes that. But Jeb Bush gave his brother an early Christmas present in a very American coup. I could rant on for pages and pages but I'll reduce it to this:

See the movies:

Roger and Me, and Bowling for Columbine

Then read the book Stupid White Men by Michael Moore.
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Old 2003-01-29, 12:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #59
Sol's Avatar

And Hamma's right. People dont want hydrogen powered cars. Who gives a shit about the environment if your great grandchildren are going to be dealing with the problems? I like my 8 mpg SUV so why shouldnt I have one?

Its a damn shame many people are short sighted.

The oil companies dont want hydrogen cars either. Hydrogen cars would be great for the environment, but if introduced too quickly the economy would be pwned. Stock in oil companies would drop like a rock.
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Old 2003-01-29, 12:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #60
Major General
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One Fact. I'm not asking for alot. These whackjob liberals go flying off the handle spouting absurd rants, and all I want; is to see them produce one fact. Just one to back up any of the whacko statements. I don't think it's too much to ask.

I hear the democrats are changing their symbol from a jackass to chicken little. I guess the sky really is falling.

Did you even watch the SoTU address? Was the sound on your TV on?
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