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Old 2014-04-01, 11:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #61
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by SgtMAD View Post
please let this thread run,it is the best thread on these forums.

it feels like 2004 on the original PS General Forum
Needs more Rang imo.
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Old 2014-04-02, 01:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #62
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Hehateme View Post
Where did I suggest you weren't a PS1 vet? I merely tried to reword your arguments factoring out the arrogance.
I never assume anyone knows who i am. You are right though. I am comming off as a bit arrogant. Sometimes though, in order to fight monsters...

Originally Posted by cHaM View Post
Needs more Rang imo.

I miss him.
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Old 2014-04-02, 02:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #63
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I never assume anyone knows who i am. You are right though. I am comming off as a bit arrogant. Sometimes though, in order to fight
In fairness, your arrogance was only a response to the aggressive arrogance thrown at you by the other two.

By the way: I was cheering for you the entire time, especially when you commented on Mightymouser's inability to not insult someone. Bravo
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Old 2014-04-02, 03:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #64
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Godless, I'm done with you. At the point that you have to resort to utter vulgarity to try and make a point, you've run out of useful things to say... Now you're just arguing to argue.

Originally Posted by Hehateme View Post
GodlessHeretic also has a point, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to try and put it in a different way than you did. He is asking "why would I not play lame to win a base." Let's face it, no one likes being the people constantly getting killed when invading a base. It sucks, you hardly get any kills, you die loads (and since you're spawning at ams' spawning takes FOREVER), and it's just not a fun experience. You can be the best player in the game and barely pull out a 1:1 k/d (yes k/d is stupid if you want a good one go play an Arena FPS, still though no one likes dying). So why would anyone not want to just get that hellish experience over with as fast as they can.
I actually agree with that point, I just don't agree that it's the one Godless was making... If an empire isn't having fun at a fight (especially if they're getting farmed); I don’t have any problem with them working to end it (short of exploit routers, which are IMO utter rubbish in all cases). I’ve ended my fair share of interfarms and I can’t fault anyone for ending one of mine.

However, there is a far cry between ending a farm where your side is getting slaughtered and moving base to base running more MAXes to the generator than the enemy has players on the continent, over and over because you’re “playing to win” and justifying it with the "This is war, there are no rules in war" crap we saw over and over in years past (and which Godless has reiterated in this thread).

Last edited by Mightymouser; 2014-04-02 at 03:36 PM.
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Old 2014-04-03, 12:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #65
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Godless, I'm done with you. At the point that you have to resort to utter vulgarity to try and make a point, you've run out of useful things to say... Now you're just arguing to argue.
Vulgarity? That's the breaking point for you? Geez...if i'd have known that, i would've tried to end this 3 pages ago...

No. You're done because the tactics you use to "argue" are failing. What's worse is that you're attempting to play the "victim" now to garner sympathy. I didn't start this. You did. Own up to it.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
However, there is a far cry between ending a farm where your side is getting slaughtered and moving base to base running more MAXes to the generator than the enemy has players on the continent, over and over because you’re “playing to win” and justifying it with the "This is war, there are no rules in war" crap we saw over and over in years past (and which Godless has reiterated in this thread).
The circumstances you're using as an example here are kind of isolated, and are usually reserved for truly pain-in-the ass fights that HAVE to be ended. Additionally, i've only seen a few outfits with the quanitity of people required to pull this off.

I can't believe i'm saying this again, but for the last time...there are multiple ways to "win" Planetside. For some, it's taking bases. For others, it's stats. For others, it's those little moments. For others still, it's the discipline required to uphold a standard. For more, it's something else. There are too many people. Too many variables. All of them are required though. In the end, you do what works for you and yours. More importantly, you bring it up with you and yours.

Just do two things for me though:

First, expect that your way of doing things will not always work and is not always warranted. I don't care how successful you think it is, you are not the status-quo.

Second, do not begrudge others for what they do. They have their place, just like you do. Learning to work together despite differences in method is what truly makes a great player in Planetside.

Last edited by GodlessHeretic; 2014-04-03 at 12:32 AM.
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Old 2014-04-03, 08:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #66
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

how about this play the way you wanna play, get tked by the other platers. Get trash talked on command chat and global. Get tked more. Just keep inmind everyone a blueberry a strawberry and a grape all need guidance and if they see you acting like an idiot they will follow you like an idiot. So how about everyone just act like you have some common sense. I know your shoe sizes aren't big enough to be mature ages so lets actually act are age and hop off each others dicks. Let godless be a dickhead and watch him get tked. Watch everyone else be dickheads watch them get tked. Its a game you can ruins someones fun just as fast as they ruins yours. So remember that killing a good battle. Meams your on someones shit list and your probly going to be tked for days after. Thank you
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Old 2014-04-03, 03:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #67
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

The weapons lock comes fast enough and if we really need we can global a kill on sight order to keep the trolls at bay. TKing isn't really an issue to me.
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Old 2014-04-03, 06:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #68
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

We can make 100 accounts and tk all day
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Old 2014-04-03, 09:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #69
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

And we can kill them 1000 times a day.
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Old 2014-04-04, 03:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #70
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Minigun View Post
And we can kill them 1000 times a day.
I think Bedzike means that we can make 100 accounts to TK people who are acting like shits (godless), and to enforce the global KOS order for trolls and such.
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Old 2014-04-04, 07:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #71
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

^^^^^^^^ thats what i meant. And unlike other mmos all we have to do is add you as a friend and it will show us that your online. Just do /who on a cont and we found you its that simple in ps1. So enforcing the law that we as a community together can and will be enforced quite easily.
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Old 2014-04-04, 11:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #72
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
The circumstances you're using as an example here are kind of isolated, and are usually reserved for truly pain-in-the ass fights that HAVE to be ended. Additionally, i've only seen a few outfits with the quanitity of people required to pull this off.
Actually once the population drops to the point you have 1 or almost 1 pop-locked continent the situations Mouse is talking about are incredibly common.

15 people trying to have a fight at a base and getting overrun by 20 maxes is not unheard of. That or seeing hot spots and responding as a small group to find gens in the 3 or 5 bases near them blown.

The problem is, we know the pop is going to be low to start with, and if 'winning' is happening at any cost, or in ways that are kinda pointless, ie avoiding the actual S in the FPS of the game, it gets pointless. When the game feels pointless people quit. When you have a low population and people quit you don't have a game.

That is all anyone is asking. Please try and think of PLAYING the game. If you are just out to make circles change color on a map then play MSpaint.
It is a lot to ask, but it is little things.
Killing a router exploit and reporting the exploiter even if it is on your own empire.
TK and report barcode hackers and the like
Name and Shame in Global chat people doing douche things like draining an entire continent.

All things that if we had enough population for 3 continent locks or at least a primary, secondary and tertiary fight for each empire they would be isolated, but with the pops we are expecting we either play fun or kill the game.
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Old 2014-04-04, 04:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #73
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by BeatCrazed View Post
I think Bedzike means that we can make 100 accounts to TK people who are acting like shits (godless), and to enforce the global KOS order for trolls and such.
I was going to leave this alone, but you guys seem to be getting the wrong idea here. I'm not really for or against any style of play. I was merely arguing one side of it. The difference between myself and another is that i don't expect anyone to fight "fair". So, i prepare for it.

On the note of your Gen-blower "justice": The troll in me is seriously tempted to do it, just so you can ponder the meaning of the word harassment while your suspended for a week. Nothing boils my blood more than cry-babies.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
Actually once the population drops to the point you have 1 or almost 1 pop-locked continent the situations Mouse is talking about are incredibly common.

15 people trying to have a fight at a base and getting overrun by 20 maxes is not unheard of. That or seeing hot spots and responding as a small group to find gens in the 3 or 5 bases near them blown.
Good point. It sounds like if this MAX crash is occuring in a situation like this, then they're probably more interested in a larger conflict elsewhere. I don't know all the variables though, so it's just speculation on my part at best.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
The problem is, we know the pop is going to be low to start with, and if 'winning' is happening at any cost, or in ways that are kinda pointless, ie avoiding the actual S in the FPS of the game, it gets pointless. When the game feels pointless people quit. When you have a low population and people quit you don't have a game.
I agree with you. I mentioned it previously, but i was arguing an opposing side of an issue, that's it. I understand how escalation works. However, if there's a higher objective at stake (which would only occur in larger population scenarios anyway), expect me to do what it takes to meet that objective.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
That is all anyone is asking. Please try and think of PLAYING the game. If you are just out to make circles change color on a map then play MSpaint.
It is a lot to ask, but it is little things.
How a game is played is a matter of perspective. Sniping might be considered lame to some, but that wouldn't stop you...would it? I'm not saying a 'play to win' mentality it's right exactly, but i am saying that it's your/your teams job to stop these things from happening that detract from your fun instead of complaining about it later.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
Killing a router exploit and reporting the exploiter even if it is on your own empire.
I would and usually do.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
TK and report barcode hackers and the like
TK? No. Report? You bet.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
Name and Shame in Global chat people doing douche things like draining an entire continent.
This is fine, but going out of your way to kill them won't fix anything. There's always another fight to focus on. If there isn't, than one asshat ruining one fight should be the least of your concern.

Originally Posted by Wahooo View Post
All things that if we had enough population for 3 continent locks or at least a primary, secondary and tertiary fight for each empire they would be isolated, but with the pops we are expecting we either play fun or kill the game.
It's all speculation until it's FTP.
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Old 2014-04-04, 10:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #74
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

I would think a fully free to play game would get us more than a single poplock depending on how loud we are and how many friends we have.

Look at CS 1.6 that game is 14 years old and still has a massive player base and new people are still trying it out.

500+ shouldn't be too hard to obtain in the first month or so.
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Old 2014-04-04, 11:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #75
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Minigun View Post
I would think a fully free to play game would get us more than a single poplock depending on how loud we are and how many friends we have.

Look at CS 1.6 that game is 14 years old and still has a massive player base and new people are still trying it out.

500+ shouldn't be too hard to obtain in the first month or so.
It's all a matter of getting the word out there. As of right now there haven't been any mass emails sent out or any official word other than a post on a nearly unknown SOE site.

Although even last year, despite the abruptness of the announcement that the game had gone F2P, there was a semi-decent pop in the game. We've had a little more breathing room and time to spread the word, so there could possibly be more pop back this time. I still hope that an official email is sent out to all past subscribers. Only so many people read these forums and not everyone who played PS1 keeps in touch with everyone else, so word of mouth is only so useful.

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