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Old 2012-05-03, 10:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #76
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by WildVS View Post
You know what the difference between you and me is? You just shake your head up and down like any good old fanboi at anything SOE is offering and I offer constructive criticism and alternatives. If you could read my previous posts without those rose colored glasses on you might see that . Yeah you are right. Time to move on from this site and it's constant fanboi attitude. I hope you all get exactly what you think you are getting and come back here to cry about it later. Which I am certain you will.
Uhhh.... did we have the ability to capture enemy empire's sanctuary in PS1? I think not. Yes, we managed to have a big sense of winning(global domination) even without capturing enemy's hometown.

So what I'm trying to mean is, your comments sound like PS2 won't have any significant sense of victory. How can you be so sure, I wonder?

Last edited by cellinaire; 2012-05-03 at 10:38 PM.
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Old 2012-05-04, 02:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #77
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Aside from a few potential problems with having only 3 continents at first, it seems like Planetside 2 is actually poised to have a lot less trouble with giving a sense of accomplishment than the first game. Some good points by Corax.

Again though, the most important part will be that the game be fresh and engaging moment to moment, and that it continues to have ongoing support and development to keep it fresh.

That and F2P. I think a lot of players left PS1 not just because of a feeling of futility, but because they had to justify paying a monthly subscription instead of a one time payment like most shooters, or F2P like PS2. Add to that the many shortcomings of the original Planetside, along with it's blatant lack of support from SOE, and it's no wonder players left.

I mostly stopped playing because of those dwindling numbers, because those massive numbers were essential to what I thought made Planetside great, so I am fully interested in PS2 keeping it's playerbase high. I just feel that they are on the right track already.

Also, more importantly than how I or anyone else "feels," is whether the solutions suggested for these problems are good or bad. Locking continents isn't a particularly good solution, certainly not with 3 continents and maybe not even with 10+. There are better solutions to be had.

Considering that there will never be any real point to the whole thing, we need to have ideas for win scenarios that don't bring the game to a crashing halt, or ruin huge segments of the playerbases ability to have fun. When a round ends in your standard FPS, a new round starts up quickly and everyone gets to start having fun again. Planetside 2 needs to have all of its victory scenarios be similar. That doesn't mean no large scale objectives or victories, just that the accomplishment of those shouldn't preclude anyone from jumping right from that victory/defeat into the next fight.

A lot of PS1 vets like the lulls in combat from the first game, but that should be dictated by your own play style in PS2. Someone who is still itching for a fight shouldn't be subject to someone else wanting down time.

Last edited by Xyntech; 2012-05-04 at 02:28 AM.
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Old 2012-05-04, 03:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #78
First Lieutenant
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

I tried to come up with a solution to this (if "this" is even a problem) that doesn't involve locking continents, but nobody had anything to say about it, not even "That's stupid go away"

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Old 2012-05-04, 04:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #79
Cool Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
I tried to come up with a solution to this (if "this" is even a problem) that doesn't involve locking continents, but nobody had anything to say about it, not even "That's stupid go away"

I had not come across that thread. I think that's be a great option for the devs to ponder, well thought out! It definitely would make base capture and holding more meaningful. Also, timing would come into play, i.e. you might be forced into deciding to recap a certain base before it made rank 5 status.

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Old 2012-05-04, 04:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #80
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by RawketLawnchair View Post
Actually, it was well put, and I couldn't agree more.

And I definitely don't want another crap host based COD rinse and repeat fps where the only thing that matters is your K/DR...
Exactly! That's why my friends and I loved PS1! It's sandbox atmosphere allowed US to decide how to play... wanna jump on the MAG-mowers today, go for it! Man the walls with infiltrators throwing plasma 'nades in a base defense tomorrow, DONE! It should be what we make of it. I'm not the best combatant, but I can fly a Gal and support the effort.

Last edited by Arteste; 2012-05-04 at 04:27 AM.
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Old 2012-05-04, 04:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #81
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by Gandhi View Post
I tried to come up with a solution to this (if "this" is even a problem) that doesn't involve locking continents, but nobody had anything to say about it, not even "That's stupid go away"

Just read it and responded to it, as I had missed that post previously. This is what I like to see. Tossing out ideas so that we can have them readily available once we actually see the pluses and minuses of PS2 in action. It's way too early to be drawing conclusions about how PS2 will play, but it's never to early to come up with some interesting ideas on how to potentially diversify and add depth to the game.
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Old 2012-05-04, 08:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #82
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

The purpose of PS2 for me will be to fly around at stupid fast speeds, barrel rolling through canyons; repairing bases and vehicles; healing people so yhey don't have to respawn somewhere else.

I really don't care about or comprehend the e-thug "competitive" thing people go on about in online games (been playing on a pvp server in wow for years and it's sad the amount of QQ that occurs when "pvp happens".... Lol, i had a guild called that for a while, but the server is so dead I transferred the gl off...most people don't want to "play the game", ie have the chance to lose, they just want to roflstomp lesser geared people...). I'm there to just play the game. PS2 will have this great combination of huge zones, customization, great mechanics (combat and vehicle), and the freedom to do whatever, whenever you feel like it. No levels to grind to gain access to new parts of the game, for instance.

The point of PS2 really is what you personally make of the experience.
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Old 2012-05-04, 09:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #83
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Personally I was all about game mechanics and just enjoying the arcadey shooting of PS1, that and out playing a more populated side to hold them up. That will most likely go out the window with higher pops let alone the system changes but I imagine another roll for the kind of outfit I roll in will be found with the new game. I shall miss my main love of PS though, the combat mechanics.

Maybe one day they'll do a classic server or make PS F2P some how =)

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Old 2012-05-05, 08:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #84
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by Corax View Post
stew..... say what now?
I think you basically said that for you having epic and amazing fights is what the game is all about for you....

As for the OP.... Yes PS2 will have a purpose, simply put it will be to drive the enemy back, and force them to give up any land they have taken from you. The purpose will be to kill and keep on killing while taking all the possible real estate there is on Auraxis. The goal here is to take and own everything that the enemy owns, and force them to admit to defeat.

You WIN when you have taken every conquerable piece of Auraxian soil. You WIN when you look at the map and see that the other 2 Empires have nothing but a measly foothold on any given continent.

You know you WIN when you realize you won and you don't need the words "YOU WIN" flashing across the screen.

Its actually fairly straightforward. Take everything and don't give anything up. When you own everything, sit back, take a screen shot, and enjoy the feeling of complete and utter triumph as you realize you have accomplished something truly difficult.

Now actually making all that happen is a whole 'nuther story .

Edit: Thought of the day: Does one need to be told they have won to know they have truly won?
Do you realise whats u said ? I dont think so !

If the 2 others empire like u said have to be compleatly wipe out what will be the goal for those people IF as u seams to say are to BAD to take over the dominant empire ?

Theyre will be no goal at all and the game will Not be fun and the game will die !

You (( win )) everytime you sucessfully capture a strategic spot everytime thats u suceed by taking a base a bridge a regions or ressource for ur empire but also sometime denied ur ennemies to get the one they need !

The ultimate domination is stupid and not fun !

The fun is having the figth change from an area to anothers etc..

Whats will be the purpose of the dominant empire in ur (( ULTIMATE DOMINATION SENARIO )) ???

Base raping ? red line camping ? it will be as boring on both side and what will be the purpose of all the based of all the regions if all the figth left are at the 2 others empire foothold ?

All thos awesome terrain to figth will have no more purpose we will figth in the same 1 square km all the time having millions of ressource and denying the ennemies to have some at 100 %

thats ultimate domination senario is a Joke and its impossible to achive ! If the game is NOT BALANCE and one empire is to dominant people will start to quit and THE GAME WILL DIE !

Do you understand thats ?

The purpose of the game is taking as much territory as u can but the regions must be taken and take back our empire strategies have to be focused on whats regions is more profitable for us to hold Not on wipping everyones from the maps !

EX: is their any purpose to play BF3 with 32 players waiting at the ennemies spawn line ? It will be boring for the atackers and for those who are trap in the spawn most of them will quit and the game will be BORING AS HELL !

Planetside is a war game the thing thats make it really fun is the confrontation not the base raping so yeah !

If their is a single empire who dominate at this point thats will mean thats the game and players based are pretty unbalenced and the game will suffer or die from it !


eVERYTIME I WILL suceed my mission my goal of the day or week it will always be a victory for me and my empire i dont need to hold the entire land for absolutly NO real purpose but saying we have all the map in blue yeah !! and whats ? where are the amasing figth ? where are the amasing strategies the multiple bases bridge and tower figth ?

think twice dude Ultimate domination is a joke for fanatiks in my opinions

My empire will be the ritchers and we gonna get rich by holding the very territory thats we need to get the most ressource out of it after thats if the regions do not worth it strategically or ressource wise i do not care who own it until its come back as a profitable regions to hold this is how you dominate in planetside the richers are the winners

Last edited by Stew; 2012-05-05 at 08:18 AM.
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Old 2012-05-05, 08:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #85
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by WildVS View Post
I have an idea. Let's suppose those regions on a map are basically the equivalent of a BF3 map instance. Does seem to kind of work our that way anyway. Why don't we setup instance queues to form up groups to fight over each of those regions every 30 minutes or so? And since base captures are also fragmented this type of logic could also apply there. World is still persistent and voila, instant win condition. Capture a region, fireworks go off and a win is scored in your in game stats total.

I am just joking (I think).
First of all, that's not really a large scale MMOFPS if it's like that, secondly, when PS2 is successful, the competitors will probably do something like that because they can't manage to do any better than that for at least a couple of years.
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Old 2012-05-05, 09:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #86
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Winning is what you want winning to be. My number one "victory condition" is to have fun when I've got some free time, whether its with Planetside or any other game, or any other form of entertainment. I consider my time to be precious.

When it comes to Planetside however, I expect I will login, decide where I can best help the team (while fulfilling my primary objective of doing something fun) whether that's a last ditch defence, an all out attack, or some other operation - and I'll get on with doing that. "Victory" will be when the enemy is pushed back and base/hex is securely under TR control.

When enemy soldiers and vehicles stop coming back for more in the area I'm playing - that's when I won..... I don't need fireworks to tell me that.

... and then I'll go find a battle elsewhere.
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Old 2012-05-05, 09:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #87
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Originally Posted by WildVS View Post
While I think about it. Did I read somewhere that missions will be generated by the game?
I kinda hope not, I can see why it would - but it sort of takes away from 'free will' if the game is directing too many people to go certain places doing certain things. I'd say fine if its an optional layer to give people some suggestions when they don't have squad/outfit or an obvious objective - but a big 'NO' to there being bonusses for taking AI generated missions on because I want to see player driven strategies develop.

Originally Posted by WildVS View Post
I did also see somewhere else that missions will be player generated by those with high enough cert level but at first who is going to have high enough level to do that?
Good point. But I've heard rumblings also of a 'follower' thing so rather than getting command rank for time spent in a leadership role (which you may or may not suck at), it will be up to people (I assume) to 'upvote' good commanders and team players, which will give them more options to plan missions?

The GDC video was great and all, but I think we really, really need to get some more in-depth descriptions or footage of the strategic side.
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Old 2012-05-05, 10:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #88
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

The point of any game is community and shared experiences.
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Old 2012-05-05, 10:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #89
Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

the purpose of this game is to wipe the floor with everyone you fight so they run to the forums and start huge threads about how your outfit should be disbanded/nerfed and how it isn't fair that all the talent seems to be joining that same outfit.

thats how you "win"and you can tell how close you are to that goal by the hate generated on the forums.
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Old 2012-05-05, 12:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #90
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Re: Whats the purpose in this game?

Fight. Win. (And then get it all stolen from you while you sleep, rinse repeat)

SuperTroopers is recruiting for PS2!
Originally Posted by Hamma View Post
Really? You need to take a few steps back and think before posting drivel like this. Either reply constructively or don't reply.
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