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Old 2003-03-25, 08:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #91
One thing about hendrix

Not to burst your bubble but... your avatar is a druggie, Ozzie Ozbourne personally i never liked him to me he is the same as manson, he is just gay VS is nice but i still like TR cause TR is the shiz, i go with them because their sign and they are loyal and remind me of Midgard cause so many are playing them so the zerg will be them, if in a game you could be Korea, US, or Iraq/middle East and you put the ppl in the suits of the game like ps, Iraq=VS US=TR Korea= NC what would you pick? this might be out of topic but who cares i just wanna see ): D
-Stupidty makes you look like a coward
-Stupidty hurts your mind, Same with drugs. Smoking sux!!!!:o
Jok3r on Emerald and Alco
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Old 2003-03-25, 08:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #92
Sergeant Major

Uh . . .


You'd better hope not.

They're winning in Beta.

Actually I think the TR is based on a slightly more fascist US of today, the NC is based on the US of around 1776, and the VS don't have much of a historical parallel. There has never been a theocratic technocracy on a large scale.
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Old 2003-03-25, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #93
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if you ask me, TR is based more on a socialist ideal: all are equal but have few personal freedoms. NC is more of a 1776-1946 United States, before everyone was afraid of Commies and Terrorists.
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Old 2003-03-25, 08:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #94
Sergeant Major

I think the TR is actually considerably more fascist.

It is ironic that fascism and communism should seem so alike when taken to extremes.

But I think that in this case, it is extremely fascist instead of extremely communist. In communism, for instance, no emphasis at all is placed on self, or on a person's special skills. It provides no impetus, no PERSONAL driving force behind a need for success -- you are supposed to be motivated to be successful for the love of ALL OF YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS collectively. In fascism, rewards and real incentives are in place -- be a good businessman and make money, be a good soldier and get promoted -- and harsh penalties for failure. Now, the difference is that A) fascism allows those kinds of rewards and selfish incentives, it is not against its basic ideology, and B) however, everything one does in fascism is supposed to be motivated by a love of the Fatherland, the government.

The difference in motivation is important -- communism is about the group, fascism is about the leadership. Communism exalts the collective, fascism exalts only the very best and most powerful.

And if you wanted to be anal you could say that's why the TR lets you choose your certs -- it's not communist.
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Old 2003-03-25, 08:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #95
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Originally posted by mr_luc

Stevie Ray Vaughan.

The two best guitarists ever.

Other guys *may* have been able to pick faster. Other guys *may* have been able to switch chords faster. Other guys *may* be more technically proficient in an extremely linear test.

But the fact is, Hendrix and SRV both could start with NOTHING and turn it into something. They both could pull chords out of thin air (and don't fool yourself by claiming Hendrix was all about the noise and the feedback and less about the guitar). They could take an ordinary song, and really, TRULY CREATE with it.

Other guitarists might be able to play a certain rehearsed sequence better. No one in the world comes close to Hendrix or SRV when it comes to REAL guitar playing, for the same reason that Robin Williams is funnier and more talented than Drew Carey: one creates, one reads lines.
Rock on man!

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Old 2003-03-25, 09:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #96
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Hey, how does this jingle sound? Im gonna make it into a flash movie

2 vanus are hugging and dancing and singing "I love you, you love me, were a happy sovreanty"

then the scene changes to a TR sniper saying "With a bolt in the head as a gift from me to you, this will say I love you too"


Sound good? Oh and Vanu look very gay

Imagin this scene
"Come on you big silly gooses! Those naughty little TRs are gaining on us! Lets show them our love!"

Farther off muffled girley shreeks die off into a echo in the vally...
See you Space Cowbay...
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Old 2003-03-25, 09:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #97
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Originally posted by Sniper Jack
If the TV told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? WOULD YOU?!
depends on how high the cliff is

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Old 2003-03-25, 09:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #98
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Originally posted by Deadlock
purple=gay color used to represent themselves in parades and such...
i took a modern color theory class and this was a topic
anyways on to a better thing...

The Vanu are Jimi Hendrix.

meaning they hump amplifiers, dont know which hand to hold a guitar with, dont know how to put a neck tie on, and when they die choking on their own vomit over 36 species of lice will be discovered in their fros


Stevie Ray and HEndrix are the 2 best guiarists EVER!!!!



Last edited by 1024; 2003-03-25 at 09:59 PM.
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Old 2003-03-25, 09:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #99
Sergeant Major

You're in good company with that opinion.
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Old 2003-03-25, 10:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #100
Lieutenant Colonel
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I don't mind purple because of Eva Unit 01 (look at the sig). Anyone who has seen Evangelion would agree that U-1 almost makes purple replace black as the color of the badass.
Besides, TR=high visibility, NC=Ultor wannabes (Red Faction)
Speaking of which, Geo-Mod would be awesome for this game (too much lag, though).
To Beowulf: Urrr?
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Old 2003-03-25, 10:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #101
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Originally posted by NeoTassadar
I don't mind purple because of Eva Unit 01 (look at the sig). Anyone who has seen Evangelion would agree that U-1 almost makes purple replace black as the color of the badass.
Besides, TR=high visibility, NC=Ultor wannabes (Red Faction)
Speaking of which, Geo-Mod would be awesome for this game (too much lag, though).
To Beowulf: Urrr?
Heh, I was thinking that too. The # of EVA/VS connections grows the more I thought about it: Purple suits, glowing knives, bad-ass looking mechs (not nearly as big, but still bad-ass), urge to evolve the human race, the angsty teens that will be playing...

Now all we need are some giant monsters!

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Old 2003-03-25, 10:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #102
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k, didnt want to make the post go this way but uve forced my hand...

k, question number one, whats the problem with hendrix?... well i think hes over rated as a guitarist, he's good but no where near the best. as far as pulling stuff out of thin air, well thats simply a load of crap. he did nothing "new" he just altered what was already there. now i agree, srv is one of the greatest, he's one of the 20 i would have posted. most of hendrix's "great" songs are done ten times better by him.

as far as hendrix playing the guitar wrong, i admit, that was a low blow. but upward struming sounds like shit thats why he needed to cover it all with the feedback. i believe that people like zack wild, dimebag derril, kurt hamit, srv, dave mustain, james hetfield, both the young brothers, and eddie vanhalen, just to name a few, all play circles around hendrix

and about the ozzy comment, u shouldnt go there, dont disrespect the godfather of metal. sure he was a druggie but so was hendrix. ozzy and his family have more moral values than the majority of american familys. u should all learn from him and his life. cause without him and blacksabbath, people'd still be listening to all that flower child crap and u wouldnt have any of the good rock bands today. cause no matter how much u might hate it, every rock song, in some way or another, can be traced back to an ozzy song. half the rock stars out there have admited to that so dont try to argue it.
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Old 2003-03-25, 11:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #103

well i started this and i guess i should try and end it, though i cant remember everyones quotes that i need to comment on i do have this one.
Originally posted by |3e0_Wu|f
[B4th reason why VS sucks:
After I read this topic Ive found out that the VS care a lot on style...Well answer me this...which would win.... A big ugly mutha fucka from alabama that eats his meat raw and drinks the blood of the inosecnes(sp), or that anal lover named Fabio?!?!?!?!?! huh huh!!! Apparently fabio and all his so called "style" would be torn limb from limb!!! What im trying to say is, WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT STLYE!!!! Its all about death, mayhem, and destruction....

STYLE RULSE! for gos sake, ugly suck dont mater how good they are.

Purple = Manly, suave, sexy, style, classy, rich, masculen, clean, so dam cool, the list goes on and on.

Red= Devil, death, blood, no style/ color scheam, black and red are boring.

Blue/yellow= try hard old school super heros, like the x-men and such. Although my favorite ausie rules footy team in blue and yellow, the colors in PL plain suck.

Purple and green is the way to go, so dam appealing if u ask me.

someone els said that vanu only has lasers, well i didnt know that, but i also prefer bullets too, but remember there are a common pool section where everyone gets to choose from guns that anyone can have. All teams are eaqual, it just comes down witch one has the best stylish and stuff. BTW someone else also said that Vanu guys r nerds, im not a nerd, i just like the looks of them. Well, see ya guys, btw the Aussie SAS are kicking ass in Iraq there better than usa.
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Old 2003-03-26, 12:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #104
Sergeant Major

"He did nothing new, he just altered what was already there."


You've heard Stevie Ray Vaughan's "Mary Had a Little Lamb", right? :P Your statement applies just as well to SRV as it does to Hendrix.

And there isn't even any comparing those other guys to either Hendrix or SRV. For those of you who don't know, Zach Wild is a guitarist for Ozzy, Kurt Hammett is a guitarist for Metallica (and a damn good one), Mustain was the good guitarist for Metallica before going to Megadeth, the Young Brothers are the Young Brothers and Eddie VanHalen is likewise himself.

Those are all talented people, *especially* Mustain. However, he is the ONLY one that deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with Hendrix and SRV, and even then -- it's just not the same, it's not on the same level.

Mustain is probably the single most proficient guitarist in metal -- he has the mad goddamned skills.

But he could not take "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and make it worth listening to all by himself. Hendrix and SRV were that kind of players.

You want real proof of how good Hendrix was?

So now, did you ever get a chance to actually, uh, meet Jimi Hendrix?

Never did. Never did. Lots of dreams. But, uh, for a period of time, I would have dreams that we would be showing each other stuff -- sometimes unloading semis in a driveway in suburban . . . uh, housing district, you know? Sometimes in some kind of wild-looking hall. But, one morning, I remember jumpin' up and trying to go play what we were playin' in there, and I realized that we were playing on the bottom of the strings [laughs] between the strings and the neck, and I went "Naw this couldn't be right...this couldn't...this isn't it!" [laughs]
And check this out:

Hendrix and SRV are really cut from the same mould. Even if (like me) you prefer SRV to hendrix, SRV imitated Hendrix to such an extent, and had the same heroes as Hendrix to such an extent, and tried to even dress like Hendrix to such an extent that you can't listen to SRV without listening to Hendrix.

SRV's wife told a story about him waking her up in the middle of the night -- air guitaring in his sleep, so intensely that he would be crying out, and she would shake him awake and ask him what it was. And he would tell her that he had been playing with Jimi, and Jimi was showing him new chords and fingerings and transitions, and that he kept forgetting them.

I think Stevie Ray Vaughan could probably gauge Jimi's musical worth a tad better than you or I.

Btw, how did either of us get this far without mentioning Carlos Santana? There's another guitar player more talented by himself than your entire list. Also, a lesser-known but extremely talented guitarist: John Mayer, who is without a doubt the best currently performing *all-around* guitarist out there. He can make classical guitar sing, dance and cry, he can do blues, he can do a lot of insane stuff. I'd put him after Mustain but ahead of anyone else on your list. (If you have never seen Mustain play you really can't appreciate just how skilled he is. He has a very delicate touch for a metal man. It's kind of a bummer that Mustain isn't more creative minded).

Aside from (arguably) Mustain, who is a very talented and, rarer, well-rounded guitar player, your list does not have "great guitar players". It has great rockers that play the guitar. There is a huge, huge difference.

And Ozzie? Please. I respect Black Sabath's musical influences, but Ozzie was just a guy that got lucky and was in the right place at the right time to get famous and get by on lots of spectacle and some good (not great, but good) music. He was in the right place at the right time to really step into an important role in defining a genre, but he was not nearly revolutionary. Not even Nirvana-level revolutionary.

Jeez I'm tired. (Just got home from work a few minutes ago .
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Old 2003-03-26, 08:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #105

Originally posted by NeoTassadar
To Beowulf: Urrr?
Huh???? what do you want?

also about you saying NC is like ultor???why? ultor was more like TR. or vs becasue they were tryying to make a super being..i just dont see the conection

Last edited by BeoWulf; 2003-03-26 at 08:20 AM.
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