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Old 2013-05-15, 04:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #91
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Quality of Life
-Allow outfits to create an in-game page advertising themselves. Also, allow outfits to add tags to that profile (e.g. 'Mature', 'Casual', 'TS3 required', etc.)
-Add small rewards for reaching BR milestones - e.g. a special decal (not a rank one), small armour changes
-Add armour fom alpha screenshots (or similar) to the store. In fact, just add more armours. We have about 100 helmets and about 7 armours
-Reduce the respawn time for facilities. The timer should be shorter than a Sunderer, to give the defenders an advantage. Surely a big facility has more advanced tech then a mobile unit?

-On logging on, the terminals, players, etc. take a long time to load. When terminals do load, interacting with them will simply produce a blank screen.
-Triple/double loading screen
-When logging in, occasionally the bar gets stuck at 34%, then the loading bar itself rapidly fills repeatedly.

QoL - the base capture/defence ribbons all have the same image. Even the same thing in different colours would be good (maybe different colours for small base/med base/facility, with a shield/sword for defence/attack respectively)

Last edited by Nathaniak; 2013-05-15 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 2013-05-15, 04:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #92
StraitDumpinSMF's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

The muther fucking reavers landing gear when I spawn one.

This shit is uninstallworthy. Get's me so rustled.
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Old 2013-05-15, 04:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #93
Shogun's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

thought of some more quality of life:

the squadlist needs the info which cont the squad is on. (but you already stated that you are working on all the menu and cuommunity stuff)

in big battles most of the time it is impossible to heal or repair. there seems to be a delay of several seconds before the repairing starts, and most of the time the "victim" rund away before the repairing/healing kicks in, or he is already repaired by someone else
***********************official bittervet*********************

stand tall, fight bold, wear blue and gold!
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #94
Master Sergeant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Most of my responses related to managing the outfit and platoons.
  • Outfits : additional ranks (associated with permissions)
  • Outfits : custom titles (no permissions)
  • Outfits : accurately display last login, join date, battle rank, playtime 7 and 30 days
  • Outfits : a larger MOTD
  • Outfits : outfit info page, the private bio / list of teamspeak, forums, chat, steam etc..
  • Outfits : message wall : able to display last 5 messages I was thinking this is for event notices
  • Outfits : an in-game public profile page where we can put a bio so anyone seeing outfit tag in game can easily find out who we are.
  • Players : Messaging! Please give us the ability to message players in-game and send messages to friends/outfit/officers etc
  • Platoon : Many good suggestions so far /leader channel, additional waypoints, move/see squad waypoints
  • Platoon : remove squad / squad leave to make it easier to work with other squads
  • Chat : Custom text channels ! Pretty please.
  • Chat : Filters. I don't want to see 'you killed X' in /leader. I want just /leader in /leader. Options per channel.
  • Chat : 'Combined channel tabs'. I am quite happy to have platoon, squad and outfit chat in the same window .. but I cant join them up.
  • Chat : Moveable. Minimise.
  • Chat : Modal. Let me split a tab from the rest and display in addition.
  • Chat : Toggled/Visible on the Map screen. Useable if not dead.
  • Command : allies. I'd like to add whole outfits to a list of 'allies' that I can then toggle my squads open to.
  • Command : a "share my location" toggle. If I add a player to my friends list and they are leading a squad or platoon : I'd like to see where they are on the map. See allies above.
  • Command : platoon/outfit markers. platoon leader can place a marker on the map that displays some flare/icon on that hex. (Nato Map symbols with outfit logos?)
  • Command : platoon/outfit markers can be toggled to 'auto update with platoon leader'
  • Command : Map drawing. Freehand lines. Some basic shapes. A Text tool. Platoon and Alpha through Delta symbols.
    (Symbols would be rotatable and can have an arrow dragged out of them free hand)
  • Command : outfit leadership : platoon waypoints for outfit squads can be made visible to outfit ranks
  • Squads/Platoons : list automatically shows continent the SL is on.
  • Squads/Platoons : mission statement. On mouse over you can see additional info about that squad. (Option to load/save your text)

  • Terrain : tracked tanks get stuck in a dip.
  • Loadouts : I've got too many camoflage and loadout options! Ability to toggle them active/inactive and only see the 'active' items.
  • Loadouts : Exclude camo option. I set my camoflage globally - then go back to a couple of classes (Infiltrator) and set for that class. I'd like to 'exclude from camo selector'.
  • Consumables auto-purchase: i'd like to put them in a priority order and when over 400 infantry resources purchase them in that order until maxed out.
  • Redeploy : instantly to warpgate
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #95
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

  • Please make an option to break "Zoom Toggle" after reloading or switching weapon.

Let me explain:

For aiming down sights, I play with "Zoom Toggle" ticked on in the Settings because I can aim better without any button pressed on the mouse.

However, when I'm out of ammo or reloading the weapon while aiming down sights, it drops out of the cross-hair view. This is usually the time to take cover or run away. But just when I'm about to run, it automatically changes back into cross-hair mode, slowing me down, and I now have to manually get out of cross-hair again.

You don't have to change the current behavior, just make an option to break zoom toggle when reloading or weapon swap.

Last edited by laoss; 2013-05-15 at 05:10 AM.
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #96
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

1. Voice call outs. The current system of v1, v2 etc is hard to use quickly. Please return to vve, vvh, vvw, vdg etc.

2. Behind the lines base wrecking for the purpose of farming XP. PLease reduce xp gain for killing gens and turrets to something small e.g. 20xp. Base wrecking behind the lines ios becoming an epidemic and while I enjoy the xp from doing repairs I don't think it is healthy. But whatever you do don't add in an adjacency requirement, leave the world as open as you can.
(it should be possible to wreck a base 1 pace along the lattice from the base you are currently capturing - not that this would done often but it would be a tactical/strategic play that should remain in game)

3. Something that's just happened to me and I know happens to everyone. I was riding along in an armour column when there was an explosion and I got a message to stop griefing, you know the one. What had happened was a flash has ridden into me and exploded. I never saw him and I had no chance to avoid it. It was probably a 'no fault' tk on both our parts. Please make damage to flashes for collisions less fatal.
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #97
Emperor Newt
Second Lieutenant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

- "Unresponsive F Usage". Often when I come out of cloak or something similar and I want to hack a turret the hacking progress doesn't show up although I am already hacking. So sometimes I release the F button and THEN the game shows me that I actually already was hacking and I have to restart.

- Also: most likely related: heal and repair delay. Seems to be the same issue.

- In areas with a lot (like an unusual lot) of players I still tend to get the "no damage bug", where my weapons simply stop doing damage. I think it's client performance related but still very annoying.

- People walking through G2A scope breaking the lock

- Soooo many ditches where Lightnings get stuck. They actually seem to be that wide on purpose. So many have the exact size that a Lightning no longer has traction. If I would get a penny for every time I managed to get a Lightning stuck somewhere...

- Since the last update I am experiencing more crashes. All during either loading screens and when opening the map/loadout screen.

- More loadout slots. And please don't charge for them. We already give you money for all the fancy stuff in the first place, it would be a dickish move to make us pay to use them comfortably. Charging twice that would be.

- Redeploy versus /suicide. The later is waaaaay more effective to redeploy.

- Choosing a different spawn location. Sometimes I can spawn in a facility on the other end of the map, but not a spawn room one or two hexes away. If there is a logic behind that, it has to be explained better.

- Real shared kill xp. Not "winner takes it all".

- Add a delay to switching vehicle seats. No more single piloted Galaxies and Libs.

- Make pilots being unable to bail without ejection seat and when not hoving stationary above ground (or add full kill xp when they bail)

- Better shared vehicle xp

- Giving outfits an option to share xp between squads/platoons. Sometimes some squads have less rewarding (xp wise) but maybe even more important jobs then others. Especially platoon leaders get almost no xp when coordinating.
We work as a team so give us the option to share the rewards.

Last edited by Emperor Newt; 2013-05-15 at 05:57 AM.
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #98
Shogun's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

make mana turrets manable!

they could actually be useful if everybody could use them instead of only the engineer who constructed them.
***********************official bittervet*********************

stand tall, fight bold, wear blue and gold!
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Old 2013-05-15, 05:51 AM   [Ignore Me] #99
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

*revive grenades should revive people at the percentage of your healing tool, based on how much is it upgraded
*healing tool should give more overall xp
*healing tool should be able to overheal, giving people more temporary max health
*triage on the medic should instead of being inside the vehicle, be a percentage heal surrounding the vehicle. If you upgrade it, it should increase in healing rate, and healing radius. The closer you are, the more healing you get. (Maybe on a sunderer only)
*flashes should have an ammo pack in the backseat by default. Giving out ammo for infantry in a radius of maybe medium upgraded ammo pack.
*flash physics, let us fly with the afterburner and take way less damage as we land. Just like before they fucked it over.
*nerf gauss saw, damage wise, attachment wise, and recoil wise.
*give more deploy kill xp, more gunner xp in a galaxy.
l*iberator tail gunner should get a tiny bit of xp for each kill the maingunner gets.
*nerf range of engineer vehicle turret
*fix clientside rendering (sprinting around a corner first gives you an advantage of your enemy, aswell as strafing)
*let us have the ability to turn off ANTI AILISING. This probably woun't fix any fps issues, but why the hell aren't we allowed to turn it off
*decrease engineer anti infantry turret overheat time
*liberator can suffer more damage from ESF noseguns
*galaxy should be able to carry several Flashes or a single harasser inside; have a cargo-bay with an infantry terminal inside.
*fix harasser and Flash flipping mechanics. Same goes for these two exploding from landing on the side or from a greater height.
*fix clientside/serverside rendering, vehicles and infantry being delayed on your screen; running over infantry that on your screen were far from being run over, or crashing into the back of a vehicle when its actually far ahead
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #100
Master Sergeant
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

- Enemies don't show up on the map when they shoot
- Sometimes your weapon just loses the power to do damage for a burst or few (hard one, since I have no idea how to reproduce it. Happens randomly, doesn't feel like lag though)

Quality of life:
- Flash should be better to drive, sometimes it feels like you're on ice, even with the scrapper lvl 3
- Those scope fixes (too big red dot) can't come fast enough. At the moment I'm limited to only use hsnv even in situations where I don't want to use it
- Server and client performance could always be better
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #101
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

White Flicker Bug
Z-Fighting Flickering Ammo Towers
Lighting, prowler, vanguard reverse bug (its still there).
The "its not rendering so i take massive damage" bug. Affects engineer turrets, phoenix, libs, lockon missiles.
The "its not rendering" bug - Lockons, Av turret, phoenix, Libs.
The "its rendering in the wrong place" bug. Affects phoenixes.
The ability to see compass direction when in large radar mode.
All Ammo counts on vehicle hud. (you spend ages and dev resources on fancy 3D huds but dont show one of the most important pieces of info).
Updates to the store/inventory system when displaying bundles so we can see what vehicle the included weapons are for.
It would be nice if the harraser gunner wasnt able to shoot the rumble seat person.
It would be nice if the rumble seat person didnt have view obscured by a gun.
It would be nice if the rumble seat person wasnt able to shoot the crap out of the harraser.
Decals on the rear/front of MBTs, especialy with the latest cosmetic upgrades.
Decals on softies with composite armour.

- Sometimes your weapon just loses the power to do damage for a burst or few, only been happing since the harraser patch and only "seems" to affect when zoomed in. Ive also had it where the rate of fire just slows down for a random reason.

Better shared XP. For example I can keep a harraser alive for an hour. I love driving it and the 3 of us have great fun however Im on 6k xp an hour and the gunners on 25k .

Different sensitivity settings for vehicles and launchers/engi turrets.

Last edited by Eggy; 2013-05-15 at 06:36 AM.
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #102
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Quality of Life

Greater Outfit support (and more)

Outfits are such an important part of Planetside 2, but the support they have in-game is rather lacking. Right now the updates for outfits on the roadmap are superficial and don't address any real issues faced by outfits. Here are some key elements I would love to see implemented:

- Make "outfit" an entire button on the menu UI, not just a tab on the "social" button. This should open it up for greater support.
- Let us have a large message area. Allow us to post rules of the outfit within the outfit page, or at least relay messages larger than 300 characters.
- Outfit calendar. This would allow for planning of Ops/trainings in advance without needing an external means of communication.
- More ranks available. My outfit is trying to have specialized divisions within the outfit, it would be nice to be able to see who is in what division based on outfit rank.
- Make the outfit message of the day pop up upon logging in. What is the point in having a message of the day if it is only visible on the HUD when it is initially changed and then forever hidden on the outfit tab?
- The ability to mass invite the outfit/specific ranks. Maybe even the invite going through if they are already in another squad.

Greater Platoon Control

This is another key area of PS2 that has some rather lackluster support. It is better than what it was before, but still needs much improvement.

- Give Platoon leaders the ability to set each squads waypoint.
- Platoon leaders can move within the Platoon along with giving themselves squad lead. Currently someone is tossed platoon lead but not given squad lead, they are at the mercy of the squad leader to give them squad lead.
- Vote to change platoon lead. This could have a set time between initiation (only one vote in a 15 minute period), and should require a majority of the platoon voting to prevent someone stealing leadership while everyone is busy fighting. This would help diminish the issue of someone who shouldn't have platoon lead holding a platoon hostage because they either do not speak the language of majority in platoon, don't know how to hand off platoon lead to the correct individual, or decide to troll. On that matter...
- Ability to set next in line for platoon lead if platoon lead drops. I would like for a specified squad leader to take over should I get d/c'ed, not worry about who is in the number 2 position.
- Ability to set waypoints/smoke through comrose. Not entirely sure why this isn't already in, but it probably would cut out 1/10th of my deaths as I wouldn't have to bring up my map in order to direct my squad.
- Ability to change squad colors. Biggest issue is Charlie being the empire specific color of Vanu.

Company Formations

Ability to form companies would be a welcome addition. Quite a few outfits either have the numbers to fill up multiple platoons or work closely with a select few other outfits. It would be nice to be able to co-ordinate these platoons better in game without spamming leader chat.

I don't think it should necessarily have an open communication channel. Only squad/platoon leaders within the company talking with each other would be ideal. I also don't think we should necessarily have up to 16 different colors for each squad - each squad could keep their own color within their platoon while company allies are a 5th color.

Random Quality of Life Suggestions

- Split "zoom toggle" between "infantry zoom toggle" and "vehicle zoom toggle".
- Make ammo act like C4. It can be annoying to get ammo set down as it is right now. Making the ammo stick to any surface would be a lot more beneficial. Or just imitate BF3 and make if a wall crushing box.
- Vehicle weapon stabilization. For a game set in the future, it seems to have taken a few steps back from modern armaments. Every little bump shouldn't toss off my gun's aim, recoil shouldn't be nearly as high (annoying in the Prowler since it requires both shots to hit in order to do comparable damage to the other MBTs), and my gunners have been getting seasick since GU8.

Annoying Bugs

- Landing gears on my mossy.
- Right now if a scythe shoots me/I shoot it while in my mossy, I get flashes of a white and black speckled screen (doesn't happen all the time though). Unless this is SOEs attempt to nerf air by giving pilots seizures, I really hope this is gone soon.
- In-game voice. Some days I sound crystal clear, other days my outfit can't understand what I am saying with no change of settings on my part. Other members will go from loud to quiet or vice versa on a day to day basis.
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #103
torokf's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

awesome suggestions,
for me i would love to see
1) a better chat:
like when you type something like /ps it will then keep that /ps as default when saying, this happens sometimes with /sq but usually bugs and doesn't keep the chat you've set, i'm really tired of switching chat tabs, i use it a lot and it's painful, and the ability to write while moving, if the vehicle is in autorun or if you're sprinting with the autorunkey i would love to be able to open the chat and write, saves time
2) as stated by many of you, loadout numbers (1,2,3) rather than the pull-down list
3) i would love to see this implemented in the ui for MBTs gunners

so when you're coordinating with him and you say, at my left enemy spotted let's say he can actually catch up faster with your target and focus, this would help teamplay on the mbt and improve the quality of life of both players
4) fix to AP mines not rendering, as you can clearly see in these 3 screenshots i just took, this has been ingame since idk, maybe 4 months already? sometimes they partially blend with the terrain, sometimes they just disappear from sight
- checking with IR for the AP mine (i just got hit by one so i already know there is one at this doorway aswell)

- checking slowly moving forward

- took another step and gg i'm dead :|

5) a button "don't dye this item" to check, this because the very same day you've put the fast camo switch in-game (which i was so happy about!) i bought the Black Commssioner and since then i have to manually remove the Camo from each loadout once i fast switch camo
it's terribly boring i must tell you

this is a start :P
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #104
psijaka's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

When I go to a terminal to re-equip my MAX for a different duty, say changing from Bursters to Scattercannons because "A" is flashing, the default is often set back to LA instead of MAX, I think always after the MAX deployment timer has timed out.

I often don't notice this in the heat of the moment and unintentionally pull LA; costs 100 resources to re-equip as a MAX and more importantly the MAX cooldown timer is reset.


I would like the ability to type in some chat whilst I am waiting to respawn. This is a good time to warn people that there is an LA on the roof; whatever. Or even to congratulate my killer.


And as others have posted, please make dropping ammo easier for an Engineer. Binding to "F" seems like a good idea. And make the mechanics the same as deploying C4.

And thanks for taking the trouble to ask here, Higby.
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Old 2013-05-15, 06:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #105
Sergeant Major
MaxDamage's Avatar
Re: Your top annoying bugs and "quality of life" issues

Oh, yesterday I experienced the ammo boxes not resupplying underbarrel grenade launcher on TRAC5-S again. I know they increased the reload time from them but it did not replenish at all. After trying several boxes and switching classes away and back again.

-Hacksaw MAXes with no kinetic armour still beat Fracture MAXes if a fight starts at around 30 feet. Including a full duration reload time for the NC MAX.
-It would be nice to be able to "bind" to a base like you could in PS1.
-No instant logout
-No instant character switch, the 12hour timer between faction hopping in PS1 was very useful for a reason.
-No bail on a very damaged ESF, as in PS1.
-Deployed sunderers showing on map.
-Visible rank/purchased/special decals on custom armour (like composite etc)
-Loadouts selectable by numbers rather than clicking. ie: run to a terminal = E, 1, 1 (For Light Assault loadout 1).
-Harrasser noise less annoying
-Purple squad is confusing with VS around
-Leopard print camo, with empire themes rather than another giraffe camo debacle.

-Squad deploy for MAX units. ;]

There aren't many QOL problems for me atm, a *lot* of my niggles have been addressed over time.

Last edited by MaxDamage; 2013-05-15 at 07:40 AM.
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