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Old 2013-11-08, 05:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #106
Re: Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?

Originally Posted by KesTro View Post
I thought we had established that Planetisde 2 =/= Planetisde 1. The more you people try to make this game what it isn't the more you're going to hate it. With that said things are moving slowly right now because of the optimization stuff they're doing. While a lot of us can play the game with reasonable frames you have to understand that a lot of other people can't.

*Edit* To clarify: Let them continue to sort their shit out, they were forced to release the game early and now they're forced to optimize it. Once things have settled down I expect to see plenty of polish and new content alike. They've already addressed in their community thread or w/e you want to call it about the current state of balance in the game. Harassers, ZOE, max AV weapons and the like.
"Forced to release the game early"

That's an interesting phrase. What 'forced' them? And if this is early, which I reckon it is then they're doing the same thing with EQ:Next.

As a summary the stuff that wasn't ready included:
- the engine which couldn't do underground nor water
- the continents, only 3, pah!
- MLG seemed to come along fairly later on and it still doesn't seem to be a coherent system
- PS4 was an afterthough from Higby's and the dev teams point of view, look to what he was saying during beta - that PS2 couldn't run on a console because of the hardware resources it would require.
- level design, so much rework being done, constantly, and even now yet more.
- the overall design and the concept, they have been all over the place on this. e.g. look at the events and the WDS which are sticking plasters on a weeping wound and even the hiring of Malorn and Jimmy Wisenhunt which happened after launch, certainly in Malorn's case. This should have happened in the development phase.

The thing they really got worked out was the shop, nothing wrong with that but the product should come first.
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Old 2013-11-08, 07:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #107
Re: Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?

"Forced to release the game early"
I'm pretty sure that Sony itself was involved in that discision. Still, Smed is equally responsible in my eyes.
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Old 2013-11-08, 07:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #108
Re: Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?

Originally Posted by KesTro View Post
I thought we had established that Planetisde 2 =/= Planetisde 1. The more you people try to make this game what it isn't the more you're going to hate it.
Very true, but as it stands it’s not even worthy of the name Planetside. There’s just too many fundamental things still missing that set Planetside apart from the crowd. None of these things are even in Planetside 2 and all of them are “unscheduled” on the roadmap. They simply shouldn’t have called it Planetside. If this would have been a new IP, nobody would have complained. But they called it PS2 to be able to rely on a still active fan base, and that backfired on them.

During release Smed told us “If you don’t like it, wait a year.” Well, we’re almost a year after “release” and the game is still nowhere near what it should be. The devs have stated several times now that they are happy with the game, and they’d rather remodel existing continents three times then actually put out new ones to get the intercontinental game started (which was the real draw of Planetside). That, combined with all the MLG nonsense and the “sell overpowered stuff, then nerf it” says enough for me about their priorities: They are right on target with drip-feeding us new content and trying to get us excited over new Harrasser windshields and Sunderer tailpipes. They have no intention whatsoever to actually make something out of this game other then a cash grab and as long as people are buying it, they keep pumping out the camo’s and the helmets.

The Playstation crowd will probably fall into the same trap, but by the time that population will die out they will be a few years further down the road and the game will be considered a succes as it brought in the money they wanted. Yeah, it may all sound bitter and negative, but I’m just calling it as I see it. It’s just a waste of a good and original IP, because the more money PS2 brings in, the less likely we will ever see a true successor to PS1.
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Old 2013-11-08, 08:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #109
Babyfark McGeez
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Re: Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?

After reading Aveoxs' post somehow Planetside 2 seems a lot like the J. J. Abrams reboot of the star trek franchise.

Cashing in on an existing ip while replacing ambition and vision with mindless action and flashy effects. Suckering people in due to the name and the proposed idea behind it only for them to find out it's nothing more than a popcorn experience without any substance. Disappointing, but not awfully bad enough for people to completely abandon it.
Instead they keep telling themselves (just like i'm doing it, btw) "man, this has so much potential and the basis is there, maybe they get it right with the next movie patch."

We will see, we will see.

Last edited by Babyfark McGeez; 2013-11-08 at 08:37 AM.
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Old 2013-11-08, 09:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #110
Staff Sergeant
Re: Is Planetside 2 ever going to have as much Content as Planetside 1?

Originally Posted by KesTro View Post
I thought we had established that Planetisde 2 =/= Planetisde 1. The more you people try to make this game what it isn't the more you're going to hate it. With that said things are moving slowly right now because of the optimization stuff they're doing. While a lot of us can play the game with reasonable frames you have to understand that a lot of other people can't.

*Edit* To clarify: Let them continue to sort their shit out, they were forced to release the game early and now they're forced to optimize it. Once things have settled down I expect to see plenty of polish and new content alike. They've already addressed in their community thread or w/e you want to call it about the current state of balance in the game. Harassers, ZOE, max AV weapons and the like.
The very problem is that PS2 is not enough like PS1. Do you hear how silly that sounds? The sequel to the best MMOFPS is not as good as the game it gets its name from. SOE didn't learn from their mistakes and successes to create a truly epic game. They only had 9 years of experience in the genre and still couldn't deliver.

To clarify: The weren't "forced" to release early, they were tapped out on development cash and needed to generate revenue to continue development.

They were forced to optimize, I can understand that one. But why? As the devs and Smed have stated that it will not be on any console as the hardware isn't sufficient to run it. Well, what happened? They (probably Sony, not necessarially SOE) decide to release on PS4 (better hardware than older consoles, but still a console). So are they optimizing for PC or for PS4? Why was quad core support not in the initial PC release? Quad cores now in PS4 and now they're developing for it along with other optimizations to support different hardware, maybe specifically the hardware in the PS4. coincidence?

And lets get this one crystal clear: the devs have said a lot of things. From PS2 will be PS1 on crack to saying it's never going to be on a console to we're going to have many more continents released in the first year. So lets put what the devs say into perspective, instead of some blind faith. The presumption that they're listening to the community and trying to maximize the players' fun is simply not the case. They're a business and as much as I love to complain about the state of the game, they're in it for the money. They're maintaining the balance of keeping and expanding the player base while maximizing the money. If that's how I fed my kids, I'd be right next to them. But I'm on this side of the mirror so I get to grumble about how the said one thing and did another.

Not that anyone from SOE is listening to us that much about it. Its not their focus, nor (no matter how much I'd like it to be) should it be. They gotta eat too. Sales is how that happens.

@Babyfark McGeez That's a hell of a great comparison. <offtopic>I never understood how star trek had so many ways and "rules" surrounding time travel and parallel timelines. No consistency in their space-time continuum, but it is a movie i guess.</offtopic>

Last edited by kubacheski; 2013-11-08 at 09:10 AM.
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