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Old 2011-07-14, 06:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Registered User
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

People worry to much, it might work out quite well. Remember that Planetside has many many flaws hope they fix them this time around. And yes, that means it won't be the same, hopefully it will be allot better.

(don't get me wrong, Planetside gives a unique experience unclassed by anything I've played so far, but that doesn't make it a good game)
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Old 2011-07-14, 08:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
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BlazingSun's Avatar
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Headshots and sniperrifles could work, if there will be damage degradation over range again. Let's say up to 10m a Headshot of a sniperrifle would be lethal, but beyond that you could survive the shot. It will also depend how detailed the hitboxes will be. It should also depend on which kind of armour the target is wearing. A Reinforced Exo-Suit has a better helmet that provides better protection while for an Agile-Exosuit a headshot would be lethal at up to 20 or 30m, but it has the bonus to allow for quicker movement and increase the chance to avoid beeing hit.

Bottom line is this: Instant kill due a headshot by sniperrifles would only be OK for this game at close range. Keep in mind, that the Sniper will most likely be it's own class and won't be able to pull out a HA gun when the enemy gets close to defend himself. At range a headshot should never be instant kill. It would simply not work out well for battles that big.
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Old 2011-07-14, 10:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
Tikuto's Avatar
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

I believe it's poor development on their part. It's like ignorance. Hope they reconsider an alternative, and maybe that alternative be something I suggested on this forum recently.

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Last edited by Tikuto; 2011-07-14 at 10:14 AM.
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Old 2011-07-14, 10:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Originally Posted by Tikuto View Post
I believe it's poor development on their part. It's like ignorance. Hope they reconsider an alternative, and maybe that alternative be something I suggested on this forum recently.
I'm glad they continue to say if things frustrate players they won't delay in fixing them or modifying them. I feel like this may be one of those things that yes, in theory it's OK, but when it boils down to it the scale of the game I feel is too large for something like this.

Only time will tell.
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Old 2011-07-14, 10:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

This is not a joke and it sounds like a pretty sound way to go about things. Means someone with an MCG can't spray bullets all around and get random headshots.

Originally Posted by Forsaken One View Post
Its hard to have faith when everytime they speak its like a slap in the face to Planetside as a whole.
Everytime they open their mouths its something self over teamwork.
Everything they say tends to lean for ADD Monkey drool bucket twitch kid over mature players with tactics and strategy.
Negative Nancy here won't be happy unless it's PlanetSide 1 reskinned. Seriously dude a slap in the face? The game needs to compete with modern FPSs and retain the PlanetSide Feel if they want it to be a success.

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Click here to go to the next VIP post in this thread.   Old 2011-07-14, 10:55 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
PlanetSide 2
Game Designer
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Does't seem like a joke to me. Makes sense.

If the deviation of the weapon is high enough that typically you won't be able to "aim" for headshots effectively and will get them mostly by random chance or by the law of averages, they could simply remove them from the equation to make balancing easier.

From the way Matt described it they are balancing based on weapon accuracy. If it's an accurate weapon then rewarding head shots makes sense. If it's an inaccurate weapon designed for spraying then it it'll just lead to random deaths or "lucky shots" because you can't reliably make headshots with the weapon.

More reliable accuracy = more damage reward on the headshot.

Makes sense to me.
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Old 2011-07-14, 10:56 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
First Lieutenant
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

I'm going to make one last post on this subject, then I'll try my very best to stop thinking about it until beta (where I'll probably raise hell about it again).

Regardless of how hard you make it, or how much skill training it requires, or how well it's balanced, one hit kills are simply not a fun game mechanic. In fact I don't think it's fun for the sniper either, though maybe I'm wrong there. Maybe it takes a special kind of person to get enjoyment from being able to position his mouse just so in order to cap someone totally oblivious to his existence in the middle of a 1000 man battle. I don't know. I've always found it more fun to peg someone with the sniper rifle, then watch him panic in my scope before I unload the second round on him. That to me was a lot more enjoyable than, say, playing sniper in TF2.

Now that's from the sniper's side. From the side of the receiver it's never fun, in fact it's about the most frustrating game mechanic I can think of. It all boils down to the fact that you have no chance to respond, and that little fact makes all the difference. You either see the sniper in time to avoid him, or you don't see him and you die. In a game limited to 24 people on static maps this isn't such a big deal, it's pretty easy to learn the common sniper nests and keep tabs on who's using them. But in a game with huge, open, multilevel maps where 1000+ people could be fighting at once? Forget about it. Planetside dealt with this by giving people a chance to respond. You get hit once and think "Oh shit a sniper!", and now it's a contest of skill. Can you evade him long enough to get to cover? Can he land a second shot on you before that? Both sides now have a chance, and that chance makes all the difference.

And in the end it doesn't matter how hard you make sniping, how many skill points you need to invest or how balanced it is. None of that will change the fact that you're dealing with a game mechanic that creates frustration instead of fun. This is why games have had to come up with all kinds of ridiculous things to cover up this broken mechanic, like forced "hardscoping" and bunny hopping. Not only that, but make it as hard as you want. Eventually people will become good at it, eventually a lot of people will become good at it. CCP made this mistake with titans, "well we're making them super expensive so very few people will own one" they said. Fast forward a few years and you have alliances fielding dozens of titans in major engagements, it's beyond ridiculous. The fact that they were hard to acquire did nothing but cover up the inherent flaws in the underlying game mechanic.

Lastly I'll say I understand the need to modernize Planetside. There are a lot of changes I can't wait to see in action, some changes I'm not too thrilled about but am willing to try and even to overlook. Planetside definitely needs to be made faster, a little more hectic, but there's a select few things in modern FPS games that I feel have no place in a game like Planetside, and this is one of them. So anyway, that's my last get-off-my-lawn rant on this topic. Bring on the beta and prove me wrong
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Old 2011-07-14, 10:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
ShowNoMercy's Avatar
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Hamma, you must not be very good with how percentages work. if a sniper rifle does 250 base dmg and a head shot is 200% of base then it would do 500dmg. If an MCG does 15 base dmg per shot and a head shot was 200% it would only do 30 dmg. Thus the conclusion is that it would save you 1 shot in order to get a kill. Since the MCG has a high fire rate and takes multiple shots to get a kill, 1 shot saved equates to a fraction of a second reduction in the time to kill which in essence is not that important. However, if you are using a gun with a tight cone and could fire off a burst aimed at someones cranial region, it would make a difference. Bottom line is HS dmg increases may or may not make a difference depending on things such as fire rate, CoF, and clip size. We just have to wait and see how the devs incorporate it before we complain about it.
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Last edited by ShowNoMercy; 2011-07-14 at 11:08 AM. Reason: typo
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Old 2011-07-14, 11:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Very well said mate.

Im right there with you raising hell once we have a chance. In fact, im going to cert sniper and just start oneshotting the devs until their brains start to function again. And im going to do that until this entire stuff is completly removed.
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Click here to go to the next VIP post in this thread.   Old 2011-07-14, 11:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
PlanetSide 2
Game Designer
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

If a sniper rifle does 250 base damage, an MCG round is going to do a lot more than 15, in which case a headshot damage would scale a lot better.

They just want to avoid situations where you spray some bullets down a hall and the deviation was just right that several shots were headshots due to pure random luck. Dying to that sort of thing really frustrates most players. But if it was a headshot with a sniper rifle, well...chances are that wasn't random luck.

Its a good thing to try to minimize random death and reward skill.
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Old 2011-07-14, 11:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

I have been against any OSOK scenario since it was first mentioned. Selfishly because my own skills have degraded to where I feel like I'll get owned and that doesnt appeal to me much. I have son who is 16. He very politely reminded me that back in the day when I would play CS my favorite loadout for a time was Deagle/ AWP or Scout. I never camped (I used to Ban campers) Long story short.... this morning I got all charged up on Mt Dew and coffee and installed CS. I played an hour or so did ok for an old man... But I got bored with OSOK pretty quick and nobody else on the server liked it much either. I wonder if we arent over reacting a bit and blowing this all out of proportion? I dont play any of the new online shooters. Tried BF2, didnt care for it. Are these Youtube vids of sniper carnage we see the norm out there or in reality just a select few showing off? I'm just curious.

Last edited by Rarntogo; 2011-07-14 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 2011-07-14, 11:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Sounds great for where I stand.

Back in PS I believe weapon tweaking was a nightmare as each bullet type had a set damage, so if you tweaked the Mosquitos cannon then the Harassers was effected as well.

Having each and every gun not only have its own values but also have tweak-able values for head shots means that its easy to adjust it in the future and during testing to get the balance just right.

Don't forget that we will have ballistic trajectories in PS2; if your sniper isn't skilled he wont land the head shot at all, and at large ranges may miss you altogether even when you're stationary for the first few shots.
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Old 2011-07-14, 11:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

As long as your reticle being red doesn't mean the difference between full hit or full miss, I don't care about headshotboxes.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2011-07-14, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

All I hear is " I cant aim for shit so please dont have headshots - Ill get rolled"

Every decent fps in the last 10 years has had hitboxes for different parts of the body

And guess what - they are all fine

If you want noob fps - stick to planetside 1
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Old 2011-07-14, 12:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Re: Anyone else think this must be a joke?

Originally Posted by Cartel View Post
All I hear is " I cant aim for shit so please dont have headshots - Ill get rolled"

Every decent fps in the last 10 years has had hitboxes for different parts of the body

And guess what - they are all fine

If you want noob fps - stick to planetside 1
TF2 only has hit boxes for one class.

Let me strawman too: people who like headshots only like them because they like OP sniper.

Last edited by Bags; 2011-07-14 at 12:43 PM.
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