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Old 2014-05-27, 04:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

I wouldn't imagining it happening for atleast a year, but I'm a big proponent of SOE just doing the necessary legal work to protect their IP, and then just making Planetside 1 open source. Lucas Arts recently did something similar with Jedi Academy, Microsoft did it with .NET... at this point is there that much code worth protecting in an 11 year old game?

So, if Planetside 1 were made open source, what would you recommend the talent within the community to focus on? (CC and Wasp fix aside)

For me a few big ones would be:
  1. Restore the continental map view. It's a mess right now.
  2. Cut the time it takes to reload or change weapons in half.
  3. Look into the game being made *entirely* server-side to reduce a majority of the cheating. Game was built to work with T1 at best, and most of us have 10x that now and can afford the ping hit.

    If you think the server couldn't take it, someone from SOE had said that an old Pentium 4 is what runs the current server PS1, so I imagine with a modern $4,000 server (we'll need some donations >_>) the game could easily handle a server-side load.
  4. If server-siding doesn't solve the ADADAD problem, see about making strafing less effective.
  5. Close-range infantry combat is fairly terrible in PS1. I wouldn't recommend reducing the TTK, but maybe add in locational damage similar to the new War Thunder: Ground Forces to spice it up and make it more interesting.

How 'bout you?
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Old 2014-05-27, 06:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Babyfark McGeez
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Well, realistically i would opt for getting the game in a presentable state for a start.
Currently with the locked out content and funny drops it can sometimes feel like playing on a bad private server lol.
So fixing what's there is what we really need as a first step for anything.

And i definetely don't think it would be a good idea to fiddle with any gameplay / shooting / balance parts.

But i also would love to have the old world back, pre-bending. I don't mind new oshur but the (galaxy) map is confusing, the old world map was way more elegant. It's also inconsistent with the in-game messages which for example still mention empires gaining home "continent" benefits.
And second on my wishlist would be going back to old, low battle ranks. No br40 jack-of-all-trades stuff, i prefer altoholism, i mean specialization, over that.

So there you have it, just plain old regular, pre-bending world map, pre br40, current balance planetside. I bet that's a mix that would get us enough people for fun fights.

Edit: Let's be realistic though, for SOE to do this would require some serious black magic.

Last edited by Babyfark McGeez; 2014-05-27 at 06:40 PM.
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Old 2014-05-27, 06:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Edfishy View Post
Cut the time it takes to reload or change weapons in half.
Trust me this is a bad idea. Besides the fact that it is pointless, it will divide the community. Look at Quake/CS in their respected primes. Quake 3 had CPMa(best)/vq3/osp/ra3/Freezetag/insta/.... list goes on. CounterStrike had 1.everything till 1.6 was established competitive mode. All these community splits were based off of minor changes.
Don't mess with any weapon changes, maybe old lasher but that's it.

Originally Posted by Edfishy View Post
[*]If server-siding doesn't solve the ADADAD problem, see about making strafing less effective.[*]Close-range infantry combat is fairly terrible in PS1. I wouldn't recommend reducing the TTK, but maybe add in locational damage similar to the new War Thunder: Ground Forces to spice it up and make it more interesting.
This sounds like you want a community made Planetside 2 to me. Changing the ADADAD "problem" is changing the way Planetside is played. Yes, Planetside 1's gunplay is horrific, but it's also loads of fun and what makes Planetside what it is.

For me,
  • I wouldn't want any higher br than 25 (23 ideally tbh).
  • Ability to toggle your armor
    so br25 can have br7 armor ect
  • I wouldn't want to do CEP again, you can keep my ./comall and OS I just like my backpack's they look awesome.
    So cr5s for everyone who has one? Possibly a horrible idea, but I hate CEP grinding xD
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Old 2014-05-27, 11:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

If you're going to list ideas for "fixing" the game don't do silly ones.

Reduced reload times and messing with strafing (warping is almost entirely caused by clientside anyways). No, focus on actual issues.

Change how base capture works
- Opening a new continent should stay at 15 minutes
- But if you have a linked base on continent, hacks should take 10 minutes.

Reduce cert points back down to a BR20-23 level.

Decaying CEP

Remove BFRs/Galaxy gunships/Flails

Give XP for assisting in kills outside of squads (including XP based on damage dealt)

Begin fixing a number of in-game bugs.

Better in-game tutorials

Increase size of bases
- Bases were rather tight, being just slightly larger would still keep bases defensible without the tightness.

Rebalance Max units
- Reduce TTK vs infantry on AV/AA Max units
- Combine max suit timers into 1 suit
- Allow freely switching of max weapons
- Reduce max suit cert cost.
- Prevent max units from using using specific implants (Dark light/Pshield).
- Make max unit armor function as normal armor.
- Disallow maxes from using abilities/implants while auto-running.
- Add a resource (either stamina/unique energy cost) to auto-running in maxs
- Reduce AOE damage dealt by AV maxes, goal being in mind to reduce accidental suicide from CQC against infantry/maxes. If not that, consider adding a 4th type of max weapon. A Anti-Max type weapon, but non-explosive.

Rebalance Aircraft
- This would take some debate and careful work

Rebalance Viruses
- Make viruses last less time (Especially NTU viruses
- Rework radar disabled
- Viruses should be cleansed if the person who set the virus leaves the SOI
- Virusing CE should permanently (until cleansed) disable the CE/Wall Turrets
- Buff the TRek's ranged function
- Consider combining T-Rek/Normal rek (allowing you too not have to carry 2 of them if you have it certed)

Rebalance in-game weapons
- Cycler needs to be brought up to par with other ESMA
- Striker needs several fixes to keep it on par with the lancer. Name projectile speed and reload animation
- Phoenix make closer to PS2 Pheonix
- Lasher could be made easier to use. A slighty tighter COF at it's widest edges would make it more useable during sustained fighting.
- Scatmax, remove it's primary and tertiary fire mods.
- Sparrow could use some buffs to bring it up to par.
- Remove jackhammer tripleshot (useless in it's current state)

Rebalance CE
- Remove upgraded AA/Spitfire turrets
- Combine Assault/Fortication CE into one 3 point cert.
- Remove placing spitfires in enemy SOI's
- Fix sensor disruptor fields to being spherical and not cylindrical

Buff AMS engine horsepower

Consider shrinking AMS size and allowing galaxies to carry an AMS with them

Enhance the speed at which bases repair themselves when not actively being attacked. The goal in mind here is to help prevent mass base draining by a single person.

Rebalance implants (there are some more radical changes that would need som discussion.
- Remove personal shield/second wind
- Consider adding passive/active functions to all implants
- Audio Amp should drain stamina quicker while active. Passive mode would grant let you hear footsteps from further out. Prevent from being used in vehicles
- Enhanced Targeting. Passive same as always. Active any proposals?
- Advanced Regneration. Passively restore HP at a slow rate outside of combat. Active will be a much faster HP restore at the cost of stamina.
- Range magnifier. Passive same. Active proposals?
- Darklight. Prevent from being active in maxsuits/vehicles. Increase charge up time. Passive propsals?
- Sensor shield. Silent footstep passively. Actively prevent radar signature from showing.

Improved sniping mechanics

Rebalance Grenade/grenade launchers
- Remove explode on impact for frags/plasmas
- Buff thumper/punisher plasma

Hmmm... there's probably more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.

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Last edited by Effective; 2014-05-28 at 12:23 AM.
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Old 2014-05-28, 04:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Why remove BFR/Flail/GG when you can just rework them?

It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
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Old 2014-05-28, 05:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by SArais View Post
It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
Because what if that topping is mustard, you can't just remove some of the mustard, it's been soaked up into the bread, and in the meat. Sandwich ruined.
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Old 2014-05-28, 06:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by SArais View Post
Why remove BFR/Flail/GG when you can just rework them?

It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
I'm all for BFR's if they bring back the 45 minute timers.
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Old 2014-05-28, 06:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by SArais View Post
Why remove BFR/Flail/GG when you can just rework them?

It's like throwing away a sandwich because it had too much of one topping.
Because tanks are fill the role of BFR's. If people really wanted BFR's to stay in the game. Buff it's armor, remove the shields, remove AA/AI options. Remove flight variant. Even this still isn't a great idea. Tanks are still fill the role sufficiently.

Flails have no reason to even exist in the game. Sure, they're unique. But being able to kill people who can't even retaliate against you without taking measures that you may not always be able to do.

Galaxy gunships are broken overpowered. You can't balance a massive flying fortress that boasts more than enough firepower to take down anything while being incredibly durable. It will either be broken OP or worthless, no middle ground. There are 2 ways to kill GG. The pilot has to be bad, or you have to throw enormous amounts of firepower at it to kill it.

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Old 2014-05-28, 07:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Effective View Post
Flails have no reason to even exist in the game. Sure, they're unique. But being able to kill people who can't even retaliate against you without taking measures that you may not always be able to do.
A flail is just Planetside's artillery. The only thing wrong with it is the range is too long.
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Old 2014-05-28, 08:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

I'll just go play on the MF.com PS server and I have to figure just about all the old vets posting here will do the same

Secant has been ready for this for about 6 years now LOL
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Old 2014-05-29, 06:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by Effective View Post
If you're going to list ideas for "fixing" the game don't do silly ones.

Reduced reload times and messing with strafing (warping is almost entirely caused by clientside anyways). No, focus on actual issues.

Change how base capture works
- Opening a new continent should stay at 15 minutes
- But if you have a linked base on continent, hacks should take 10 minutes.

Reduce cert points back down to a BR20-23 level. but 23 you if don't have free rexo your screwed

Decaying CEP so you have to gain atleast 15k cep a week

Remove BFRs/Galaxy gunships/Flailsumm tone them down don't remove them

Give XP for assisting in kills outside of squads (including XP based on damage dealt) yeah like assist xp that's better

Begin fixing a number of in-game bugs.keep a lot of bugs like router

Better in-game tutorialsthe offline one is better then online one

Increase size of bases
- Bases were rather tight, being just slightly larger would still keep bases defensible without the tightness.widen them by 4 squares would make it so two or 3 ppl can run in a hallway

Rebalance Max units
- Reduce TTK vs infantry on AV/AA Max unitstake away ap weapons and use have regular bullets do the damage
- Combine max suit timers into 1 suityes!!!!!!
- Allow freely switching of max weaponsummm have av main and ai second
- Reduce max suit cert cost. 7 certs for all 3 is good deal
- Prevent max units from using using specific implants (Dark light/Pshield).ummm dl is needed for maxes but pshield cant be used
- Make max unit armor function as normal armor.read the bullets thing
- Disallow maxes from using abilities/implants while auto-running.only one that works right is darklight
- Add a resource (either stamina/unique energy cost) to auto-running in maxsthat's like surge
- Reduce AOE damage dealt by AV maxes, goal being in mind to reduce accidental suicide from CQC against infantry/maxes. If not that, consider adding a 4th type of max weapon. A Anti-Max type weapon, but non-explosive. ummm aoe should be taken down for friendly not enemy

Rebalance Aircraft
- This would take some debate and careful workkeep it the same I hate ps2 planes... but increase the turn speed

Rebalance Viruses
- Make viruses last less time (Especially NTU virusesonly lord zotz stays the same
- Rework radar disabledif u have audio amp it works
- Viruses should be cleansed if the person who set the virus leaves the SOIbut the death of them could screw that up
- Virusing CE should permanently (until cleansed) disable the CE/Wall Turretsit shouldn't attack you when u spawn
- Buff the TRek's ranged function
- Consider combining T-Rek/Normal rek (allowing you too not have to carry 2 of them if you have it certed)
^^^^^^^^^^ better choice or have cud with that also
Rebalance in-game weapons
- Cycler needs to be brought up to par with other ESMAcycle is worse then mcg that should be fixed
- Striker needs several fixes to keep it on par with the lancer. Name projectile speed and reload animationstriker needs to do more dmg but reload is fine
- Phoenix make closer to PS2 Pheonixneeds more dmg since it takes longer to use and cant move with it
- Lasher could be made easier to use. A slighty tighter COF at it's widest edges would make it more useable during sustained fighting.yes but increase the dmg by maybe 5-7% more
- Scatmax, remove it's primary and tertiary fire mods.its fine. since u still have to hit the person. and tight fires to slow
- Sparrow could use some buffs to bring it up to par.its the worst aa max needs to lock on faster
- Remove jackhammer tripleshot (useless in it's current state)or go back to instakill at pointblank

Rebalance CE
- Remove upgraded AA/Spitfire turretscerb are fine they don't do much dmg
- Combine Assault/Fortication CE into one 3 point cert.4 certs is better
- Remove placing spitfires in enemy SOI'sidk why they allowed that at all
- Fix sensor disruptor fields to being spherical and not cylindrical should have them be placed inside the base not the outside

Buff AMS engine horsepower

Consider shrinking AMS size and allowing galaxies to carry an AMS with themthen lodestar is gone...?

Enhance the speed at which bases repair themselves when not actively being attacked. The goal in mind here is to help prevent mass base draining by a single person.like repairing turrets?

Rebalance implants (there are some more radical changes that would need som discussion.
- Remove personal shield/second windsecond wind takes over 4 mins to get sooo........
- Consider adding passive/active functions to all implants
- Audio Amp should drain stamina quicker while active. Passive mode would grant let you hear footsteps from further out. Prevent from being used in vehiclesits op anyway
- Enhanced Targeting. Passive same as always. Active any proposals?that's should be made free at br1
- Advanced Regneration. Passively restore HP at a slow rate outside of combat. Active will be a much faster HP restore at the cost of stamina.
- Range magnifier. Passive same. Active proposals?who uses this dumb implants
- Darklight. Prevent from being active in maxsuits/vehicles. Increase charge up time. Passive propsals?it should stay the same
- Sensor shield. Silent footstep passively. Actively prevent radar signature from showing. needs to work better with radar in mossies

Improved sniping mechanicsthe cof is fine but the fire and zero cof when u reload needs to be fixed

Rebalance Grenade/grenade launchers
- Remove explode on impact for frags/plasmashow would u hit some1 then?
- Buff thumper/punisher plasmapunisher needs 3 rounds. and thumper needs 9

Hmmm... there's probably more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
good ideas check a look at mine maybe we can see in the middle of that and get the community to see it
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Old 2014-05-29, 07:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

I sort of have to disagree on removing BFR options.

BFR's were liked for a majority of reasons, them being:

1: Customizability.
2: Mobility
3: Morale
4: Power
5: It's a friggin' mech.
6: It had a variety of tactical or useful capabilities.
7: More Resilient than other vehicles due to its shield that could be periced by some weaponry
8: You acctually have to earn the damn thing

Last edited by SArais; 2014-05-29 at 07:10 PM.
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Old 2014-05-29, 08:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Wow, I typed out an enormous reply, but PSU logged me out and I lost it. Little bit fucking lame.

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Old 2014-05-29, 08:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by SArais View Post
I sort of have to disagree on removing BFR options.

BFR's were liked for a majority of reasons, them being:

1: Customizability.
2: Mobility
3: Morale
4: Power
5: It's a friggin' mech.
6: It had a variety of tactical or useful capabilities.
7: More Resilient than other vehicles due to its shield that could be periced by some weaponry
8: You acctually have to earn the damn thing
I'll start with this one.

1. Then we can work on making vehicles more customizable, no reason to keep the BFR just because of that.
2. Plently of vehicles are mobile
3. No
4. Tanks have power.
5. Not a valid reason
6. So do every other vehicle in the game, BFR's encroach upon the niche of a well established vehicle
7. Yes, the weapons that can pierce it take forever to kill it.
8. Silly mechanic

I would be alright with keeping BFR's if the shield was removed and the armor was buffed. AND the Flight variant was removed. Remove the AA/AI weapons while you're at it.

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Old 2014-05-30, 01:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: If SOE made Planetside 1 Open Source, what should be community focus?

Originally Posted by bedzike View Post
good ideas check a look at mine maybe we can see in the middle of that and get the community to see it
Try to keep your replys out of the quote box.

1. Thanks for reminding me, remove free rexo.

2. 15k CEP decay a week might not be quite what we're looking for. There would need to be a timer before decay begins to occur since your last base capture. Fast enough that you could keep CR5 permanently but not slow enough that you could have a whole squad of CR5's.

3. You can't really tone down BFR's/GG's/Flails without making them useless. That's just the kind of vehicles they are. Game would just be better off without them

4. As far as bugs are concerned, it would be better just to fix as many as possible to prevent abuse.

5. Max armor - I'm fine with either making it so normal bullets apply damage to max units. But my goal was have it so that max's take HP damage and not just armor damage. The idea is that someone can't use a max suit with 1 HP and therefore get a free card to life.

6. My concept would be the max suit is 3 cert points. Additional weapons cost 1 point each, and you must purchase the AA weapon before the AI weapon. This would make it a 5 point cert. I think 7 cert points would be too expensive.

7. Max units don't need darklight. Cloakers already don't have any tools to really deal with them except for hoping they stand still long enough to be boomered twice.

8. Yes, a resource for max auto run would make it like surge. Finding a sweet spot for how long they could run would be the difficult part.

9. AOE from max units doesn't need to be outright taken away, the goal is to simply make it so that they're better suited for CQC combat.

10. Aircraft as they are in PS1 are simply too powerful without many downsides. The fact that they're so powerful is why the game is flooded with a ridiculous amount of AA. Rebalancing aircraft would allow us to remove some of the excessive AA tools and better balance other tools in the game.

11. Radar virus rework - I'm not sure if you're saying AA currently works in disabled radar virus (which I know it doesn't), or if you're suggesting that be the rework. That is a possiblity, but I think more could be done with it.

12. As far as losing the virus upon leaving the SOI, if you don't have a spawn point in the SOI then you've probably already lost the base. This actually gives me a good idea though. A rework of how the respawn system works, I'll explain at the bottom

13. I feel pretty strongly about simply making it so that virused CE simply is disabled permanently or under the same conditions as base viruses (leaving the vicinity removes the virus) .

14. I think CUD and REK should stay seperate tools personally.

15. Striker damage is a possible fix. But I would prefer faster projectiles. Also, the reload animation is not fine. When you reload it blocks the middle of your screen, it actually breaks your missile lock.

16. Phoenix's issue isn't it's damage. Faster projectile speed, and allowing you to get out of camera mode/reload without exploding the rocket would be good starts to give it better useability.

17. Lasher's damage isn't an issue, it already deals more damage than MCG.

18. instakills on a weapon that already excels at shortrange is silly, no.

19. On cerb turrets, I wasn't just talking about them. I'm talking about removing all upgraded spits + AA wall turrets. Reworking aircraft would allow us to remove the rather excessive amount of AA that exists.

20. 3 Certs is fine for the a combined Fort + Assault CE without upgraded spits in enemy SOI's + upgraded AA wall turrets. On that note Assault turrets need a buff.

21. Sensor disruptors indoors would be ridiculously op

22. No, lodestar still would serve a purpose of moving absolutely enormous vehicles + providing a strong repairing station. When was the last time you've even seen someone carry an AMS in a lodestar?

23. Second wind still goes against the original premise of a BR 1 being able to defeat a max BR with equal footing.

24. Hence why I suggested increasing stamina drain on audio amp. Not that it's OP just too good not to use.

25. I don't see why it should be free at BR 1. ET That is.

26. That's why I'm suggesting to buff those implants to make them worth using.

27. Darklight should definitely not stay the same. Increasing the charge up time to the same as sensor shield would put cloakers on a more even footing with darklight users. Preventing it's use in vehicles/maxs actually gives them a chance to avoid them.

28. Sensor shield works fine inside mosquito radar unless you take damage.

29. You would hit someone by physics. Bounce it. Removing explode on impact prevents players from cheesing with and just firing at other players feet.

30. Punisher/Thumper ammo capacity really isn't a problem. Plasma from those weapons is useless in comparison to frags.

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Last edited by Effective; 2014-05-30 at 01:51 AM.
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