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Old 2012-03-29, 10:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Ait'al's Avatar
Roaming Warp bubbles!

Had this idea along time to to fit a bunch of different PS1 ideas together. One was the old alien towers possibly.

The idea is that you have invsibile(or mostly invisible) warp bubbles, of varying size,shape, and speed, roaming around the continents to break up battles and add randomness. They would be giant spheres unless you like other geometry. 8p Torus doughnuts maybe.

They would when touched load anything in them to either a collective other server(this would ahve been an alt to caves) where you could try to get stuff for your empire. Or it could have been something that lets you suck yourself out to another server for massive battle disruptions. You would have went to the same place on the other server/world. You would then be just a temp load or a perminant one if you binded making server transport a possible reality normal to the game.

Those two ideas would probably be similar to EVEs wormhole world(the new system). Which allowed access to different bases and new fighting terrain. And possibly a server you can't start on but can move to. Or... Not sure what to call the second one. Just mass hysteria hopefully.

They would be of varying sizes and shapes and would have had stuff added potentially to AMP stations, or whatever was appropriate for radar. Someone would have to possibly get a cert and sit and do radar duty to see when they were coming. Obviously depending on how this was implemented(range etc of radar) it could be beneficial to combat knowing enemy troops would suddenly disappear. The amp station would only cover a chunk of the terrain more than likely.

I thought it could have been fun. Doesn't need fast load times either. Just eventual load times.

I don't know where the older threads are for this. They might be too old.

Edit: This would/could have also force some practical use and need for CRT chat etc. Could have helped team work a little if done correctly. If you see it coming and your base can get hit, you could be weakened just like your enemy could depending on what it does. So it also made amp bases useful again and more like their original functioning. Have to modify it to make it useful in that way(I'm thinking PS1 realities since I don't' know PS2 ones but it applies all the same in the end.) IN PS2 this would also lead to a reality of radar men like jobs/necessities, and a lot can be done with those if they are needed and the lack of them affects combat. It would/could be necessary for what you would call overall combat efficiency. If you are loosing things for stupid reasoning you can potential be losing a war because of it. Say if you also had weather affect combat or any other stream of ideas that could go with it. this would help force a macro necessity besides just wanting to take bases to the game. Basically something to give taking bases a little more work. Adding resistance to the current to increase gameplay.

They said they wanted server transport. I think using this to create Interdenominationallity in game would be a cool way to do it. It would be the first MMOFPS with interdemensions having a say in combat. Interdementional combat would be cool. 8) Deals with server pop loss when bad potentially. Could also be used cleverly for sneak attacks if used in a coordinated way across servers! 8p Lots of uses.

Edit: Nobody likes my bubbles. 8p

Last edited by Ait'al; 2012-04-01 at 12:49 AM.
Ait'al is offline  
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