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Click here to go to the next VIP post in this thread.   Old 2012-04-17, 08:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
PlanetSide 2
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Re: Santorum Drops Out


Last edited by Malorn; 2012-09-11 at 03:25 AM.
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Old 2012-04-17, 08:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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Re: Santorum Drops Out

Originally Posted by Malorn View Post
Actually the effect of the Bush tax cuts is, unsurprisingly, not concretely known.

Read for yourself. I'm sure you'll ignore the pro-argument and just read the con-argument, but there's "evidence" for both sides so you can put that soap box aside.

And the economy did just fine until the housing bubble burst - and that had nothing to do with the tax cuts.
That had something to do with a lack of regulation and oversight which is something your probably against.

That's why there's state-run public schools, and why some states like Texas guarantee scholarships based on merit. Top 10% of the class in every public high school in Texas get a free ride to any state school regardless.

Of course a scholarship based on merit does actually require someone to put forth effort and have a culture that values education.

Plus there's countless other forms of financial aid, many of them are not government funded. You have student loans to the private sector who invest in your education with the contract that you'll pay it back when you get out. You have grants and scholarships from the state, charities, churches, and other organizations. Hell you can even get money for simply being born of a particular genetic composition.

The government need not provide you everything and does more than enough.
I did terrible in secondary(high) school, guess in America I'd be screwed. Begging, hat in hand, for money.
But hey in Britain, I'm on track to get a first in software engineering now, no problems, no begging.

Republicans arent ones to really foster a culture of education with their insane conspiracy theories. "LIBERAL COMMIE PROFFESORS GUNNA BRAINWASH YOUR KIDS!" "ELITISTS!"

Why do you say the rich don't work hard? Wealth is generated by someone, and that takes effort, and discipline not to blow it all on stupid shit like 32" rims on a camero.
getting everything paid for you? not having to get a job while at university?

The majority of wealth is generated by the employees, not the guys on top. They only organise things and take a massively disproportionate share of the wealth earned.

Growing up in a harder circumstance can also breed ambition, perseverence, and a strong work ethic. It serves as inspiration and motivation to others. It's the American dream. This is true of many minority groups who come to America for opportunity and sieze it, only to ensure their children get better educations and excel. If they just got handouts some would not be as motivated to excel do more to overcome their adversity.
Some cannot even get started, really why should some people have to work their arses off for 30-40 years with no guarantee of success (most fail) and some have everything given to them by the time they are 25?
Way to inspire people!

Why bother if you can sit on your couch and get a check for doing nothing? Why contribute to society and improve your station when you're content doing nothing and being a parasite to your community?
FYI being poor sucks. Thought you would like to know.

Entirely unfounded and untrue.

Immigrants come to America and steadily improve. In fact many Americans improve. It's not all greatness due to a variety of factors, but "rare escapes" is a bunch of BS.

Even a liberal nutjob like Paul Krugman said this
Studies by the Urban Institute and the US Treasury have both found that about half of the families who start in either the top or the bottom quintile of the income distribution are still there after a decade, and that only 3 to 6 percent rise from bottom to top or fall from top to bottom.
Half of people in the bottom quartile move UP in a decade, as in they're now in one of the other quartiles. Culture has a LOT to do with it, there are social groups that have poor culture, no desire to strive. That also says the rich don't always stay rich like you seem to believe. You can educate yourself on wikipedia by looking up social mobility.

Giving handouts doesn't encourage people to do better. Inspiration, strong culture, good work ethic, values all do that. You can achieve it if you believe and work hard and put forth real effort. If you don't or want to settle then you've already given up.
Of course immigrants work hard, thats the whole point of emigrating.

Also without having to bother to read the wiki I can tell your twisting his words. Seeing as the criteria for a household to move up from the lowest teir is practically one person getting a job (out of a house of 1? 2? 3? 4?) its not a particuarly impressive example of social mobility.
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Click here to go to the next VIP post in this thread.   Old 2012-04-17, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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Re: Santorum Drops Out


Last edited by Malorn; 2012-09-11 at 03:25 AM.
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Old 2012-04-17, 10:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
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Re: Santorum Drops Out

I really wish people would understand that the more people you educate, the higher job requirements get. You aren't helping anyone but Sallie Mae. They get tons of money from students buying degrees to get jobs their fathers could get with a 5 minute interview and a GED.

The more education you have, the less education is worth. Knowledge works just like currency... because knowledge is currency.

Associate's Degrees are actually bad for you now, employers just assume you were too lazy to get a Bachelor's.

Giving everyone a college degree just means that McDonald's and Wal-Mart will require a college degree, while the company you got the degree for, only wants the guy with a PhD and six years internship experience.

There are tons of jobs that don't require any real education to do, but someone has to do them.

Education /= Wealth

Anyone can be a millionaire in a matter of years if they have the willpower and discipline to make it happen... even if they work for minimum wage.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2012-04-18, 08:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Santorum Drops Out

Originally Posted by Malorn View Post
I don't know about the professors but statements like the one you just made there do not make you seem like a rational person with which to have a productive discussion.


And you would have done just fine in the US. You don't need to be in the 10% to go to college, but if you were in that 10% you'd be going to the state university of your choice for free. There's also local colleges, online colleges. The limit is not the money - its your own desire and effort.
No i'd be a lifetime in debt under ever increasing interest rates. Such a inviting prospect.

Individualism is a tough call for a nanny state supporter, but imagine for a second a world where people actually worked for what they have. Think of it, a situation where you control your own destiny and you actually get to keep the stuff you earn. It's yours.
Oh so you are against free education? you have to work to learn to read! Get a job and pay your own way through despite having to have a full time job to get enough money to live and to pay for the education. Imagine the inspiration they will serve to those who cant read!
Really, its not like they are handing out degrees for free, you still have to work for them. Except you wont have to work a job at the same time in order to feed yourself and you can concentrate on your education.

Sure the free ride get-everything-handed-to-you is less effort, less productive to society, and could get you by, but that's as far as you'll go.

Since you seemed to use it as an example of a better society, Britain has less socio-economic mobility than the United States. Fewer people move up the socio-economic ladder than in the US. All that health care, handouts, gunlessness, and free-ride education doesn't do anything to improve people's lot in life. Maybe there's more to success than trying to balance the scales, eh?
Hey, at least we dont have people going bankrupt for the sheer temerity of getting an illness, Still in the top-10 economies and four times less murders than the US.

At least with our system, people have the opportunity of a level playing field with the rich. If people dont take it, sucks for them.
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