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Old 2013-01-10, 02:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Gun variance.

I find myself wondering about how and why all the guns are so similar and how to improve it.So ive come up with a list of characteristics for guns.

firing mode: semi auto, burstfire, full auto,
rate of fire: indirectly influences recoil
recoil: indirectly influencies accuracies
damage: influence: none
reload speed: influences dps in longer fights
Hipfire accuracy: influences cambat ability at close to mid range
ADS accuracy: influences combat ability at mid to longe range
capacity: influences dps in longer fights
Range: influences accuracy and damage range
Projectile speed: influences accuracy at a range
Weight: movement speed, ads HA accuracy

with these characteristics in mind I'm thinking the number of actual variants within a set field like say pistols could be pinned down like this.

pistols: standard, burst fire, full auto, heavy, light, reduced capacity, high capacity, high speed, high damage, etc.

which once you take the time to balance becomes a list of uniqe pistols like:

Standard pistol: semi auto, Rof 4, recoil 6, damage 5, reload 5, HPA 5, ADsa 5, Cap 5, range 5, proS 5, weight 5.

Burst pistol: burstfire, Rof 6, recoil 4, damage 4, reload 5, HPA 5, ADsa 5, cap 7, range 4, proS 5, weight 5.

auto pistol: full auto, Rof 8, recoil 3, damage 3, reload 4, HPA 5 ADsa 5, cap 8, range 4, proS 5, weight 5.

Three basic pistols each one totally different from the previous one. you'll notice that with the increase in damage came a reduction in recoil management and range. all in each gun has a total of 50 points. even though they would handle completely differently at different ranges.

From here you can make variants of these three base weapons like:

a heavy full auto with increased damage and a slower rof
full auto, rof 7, recoil 4, damage 4, reload 5, HPA 5, ADsa 5, cap 7, range 4, proS 5, weight 4.

following the rules, damage up means a drop in Rof which means recoil gets better. damage alos means a cap down which means reload up.

this creates a nearly identical pistol statwise to the burst pistol, with that in mind though the pistol would behave entirely differently.

this would be because the fire mode is different, and the fire mode forms the base difference from standard, all 5s.

to save you the reading time I wont list them here but you can create about 15 different pistols that would all behave differently with ease. Thats not including additonal possibilites like shotgun sidearms etc.

but when you apply this to different weapon types carbines, assault rifles etc you have to take into account the base of the weapon type in example:

Lmg: high capacity, damage down, weight up, rof up, reload speed down,

Carbine: light weight, slight all around stat shift down, ability to use undermounted equipment

Smg: high damage, low range, low capacity, Rof up

assault rifle: range up, rof down

sniper: rof dropped, bolt action introduced, damage up, range up,

shotgun: damage up, range bare minimum

with those in mind ther should be almost a hundred possible results but what good does having that many do?

I'd personally prefer having unique weapons like in pistols how about
vanu lazer pistol or one that fires plasma bolts, for TR how about a dual barrel revolver, for NC hows an extremely high damage bolt action mag pistol sound?

well any ideas?

Last edited by adaroe; 2013-01-10 at 02:43 AM.
adaroe is offline  
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