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Old 2003-11-11, 09:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
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*sigh* more cr 5 problems

Today I logged in for an hour or hour and half of action. Found my outfit finishing up on searhus and our next attack was to be on esamir. I was excited since I like esamir and rarely get to go there. We got there took about 5 or so bases when Schitzer comes on global Guys Ishundar has a hack we need to secure that. Soon after that another cr 5 gets on and goes large enemy force at ishundar please recall. For the next 15 minutes all i hear is recall now we need reinforcements NC are invading us recall blah blah blah. We had esamir down to only 35 positions left, 15 minutes later it was 100+. The vanu were just starting to spawn there and we had the potential to have an excellent sized battle on esamir (im talking like zerg caliber, but much more fun) But no, once again seemingly every CR 5 whines about Ishundar, when many werent even on ishundar. I used to care about "home" continents, but now i dont give a rats ass. Fact is we were having a good invasion of esamir and having fun, but becuz our "home" is invaded we have to recall. Worst thing is- people actually listen. Hamma was there with me, we had a good discussion on CR 4 about it. I can only hope the day when myself and more people like me are cr 5. perhaps then the TR will actually invade continents rather than always owning the same 4 (ish, for, cery and searhus)

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Old 2003-11-11, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
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You've got a high opinion of yourself. You cannot have "good commanders" withut having "bad commanders", everything is balanced. And usually the "bad commanders" are the ones that people listen to because the populace is a sheep and the "commander" the sheperd. People don't give a damn about "good commands" that will make them work for something, because people are lazy. Locking the same 4 continents is easier than going out fighting for others.
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Old 2003-11-11, 09:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
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If i came off as arrogant in that post, i apologize. Was just trying to get the point across that I will not conform to what the current cr 5's do when i get my cr 5. And if people decide to listen, it will likely effect which continents we take.
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Old 2003-11-11, 09:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Rarzo's Avatar

I was there! omg, I know... All there was "100+ Tr! We Need more over here, drop what your doing and get over here now. What your fending off a tower on another continent, who cares, get over here!!" My whole chat window was full of globel messages saying that we need to go over to Ishundar. I like CR5s but come on... Say it once...wait 5 minutes maybe say it again. But please limit it. Maybe they should put a limit on how many Globel messages CR5s can send
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Old 2003-11-11, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #5

cr5s suck. We once got more than half way into Cyssor and suddenly we get global spam that Forseral is getting its ass wooped because one base got haxxored but only because the base went nutral.

hey, they may be attacking our homebase, but what are we attacking? Some base on Searhus? Some base on one of the far moons on Endor? NO! We're fucking attacking the enemy's home cont. Plus we're half way through their cont when they just got 1 stinkin Interlink Facility. WTS is up with cr 5s today?
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Old 2003-11-11, 09:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
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If they could only know how moronic they sound...
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Old 2003-11-11, 10:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
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I'm getting tired of it too. I know for a fact there are good CR5's but they are too passive, either they are being overruled when they are chatting in CR5 command chat or they just dont have any balls. When I get CR5 someday I will lead offensives while the other CR5's tuck tail and run back to the home conts.

There are only a few times I agree with recalling. If its just one continent that is compromised LET THEM HAVE IT. IF we are under full scale invasion or there are 2 continents under possible siege pick one and secure it. Let them have the other. But I DO NOT agree with cancelling a GOOD scale offensive, to defend a home continent.

Im also tired of Searhus - The CR5s now think its our 3rd home cont. Fact is it serves no purpose, I would much rather be raiding some other empires home continent than running off to searhus.

I know its hard to command, so dont try and feed me that its just the stupid commands people start spouting off over global. Whining we need to pop lock ish. We were engaged on that continent for AT LEAST 3 hours, we should have left it. In that time we could have owned 1-2 other empires home conts.

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Old 2003-11-11, 10:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #8

Sorry to hear, but I've got to bother you and ask how you got the dice cert pics in your sig. I can't seem to figure it out.
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Old 2003-11-11, 10:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
First Sergeant

I have noticed that the TR cr5s send massives to searhus when I know there is little to no resistance. I try to avoid making commands like that. If we need searhus taken, but there is no fight there, we (the cr5s) just take our personal squads there. I'm leaning more toward continuing a good offensive if a home continent is threatened (excepting cyssor cause cyssor rocks hard).
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Old 2003-11-11, 11:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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The way I see it, is that those cr5's that have some sort of strategical knowledge and know how to lead, don't because they're afraid of being wrong and having everyone flamming them or something on some sort of forum such as this one.
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Old 2003-11-11, 11:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Thats possible, in wich case they should have stayed CR4

Im used to getting angry tells and getting threads about me, so when im CR5 I wont care

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Old 2003-11-12, 04:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #12

ok, I'll lay it out for you (and yes, I was on esamir with you, then went back to ish ... in fact, it was my squad that pretty much secured Ran, got the ANT there to fill it once it was neutral, held the tower from LazyT and his pals ...)

WE had approx 60 people on Esamir. we were there because all our homes were locked, searhus was locked, perfect position to strike out and take enemy continents (which is what you're all bitching about).

a force of 20 to 25 NC turned up at marduk, and started the hack. we only had 3 5's on defence duty, they pulled in their own squads but didn't manage to get the resecure.

as soon as the continent opened, ALL of the NC decended on Ishundar. yes, ALL of them. as soon as this happened, comm started globalling for help.

the big question is why the hell don't you guys turn up! there's 100 enemy to kill, if we stamp on it before the continent is fully opened you get
a) a great fight (there's at least a hundred enemy in one or two locations, what more do you need!)
b) we keep the base count up
c) we get to relock our home conts, which means the ONLY place we can go next is enemy territory!

after globalling for help for nearly half an hour, some TR *finally* decided that they'd leave Esamir and help on Ishundar. well, here's the news guys ... too frikkin late. FAR too frikkin late. at that point ishundar was lost, and cery was starting to open.

I took my guys over to Cery, to try and ensure we didn't get ANOTHER VS / NC double-team going on that cont, and with the help of Chikin and a few other folks, we managed to push them off. what were all the TR doing right about now ? SITTING ON GODDAMED ISHUNDAR, BEING DOUBLE-TEAM-REAMED.

if you want to attack enemy continents, you need a LINK. to get the link, we need to HOLD OUR HOME CONTS. (at least 2 of them, and searhus is a bonus). this much should be obvious, and this is why we try and make sure home conts get locked red and stay locked red. once the home conts are red, you have your pick of ALL the enemy territory. if we have 2 locked, we're restricted. if we have one locked, we only have two choices. if we have none locked, you ain't going ANYWHERE near the enemy ... why ? no link.

as for all of this "ooh! spitfire on ish! recall!" attitude that Morphius and his ilk are so happy to promote, and you guys seem to think is real, well, that's a load of bollocks. here's a suggestion ... Spend a little time on a locked home continent. watch just how many times it gets hacked, gens get taken down, towers get capped. watch who cleans it all up. see just how many times you get globalled. instead of believing the Morpheius bullshit, get out of the zerg once in a while and see just how much behind-the-lines work goes on to make sure you guys CAN push forwards on enemy continents, without being asked to come back.


Last edited by Fingerbob; 2003-11-12 at 04:34 AM.
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Old 2003-11-12, 07:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Mordith to answer your ? you gotta go to dicepoint and find your character. then you take the url for each individual lil pic and string em all together with the[img] format of course.

and main thing i was pissorzed at was i never get to go to esamir hardly, and for once there was a good fight. plus i hate zergs.
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Old 2003-11-12, 07:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Old 2003-11-12, 11:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #15

Thats 1/2 the problem with the game right now is the fact that I have been on ishundar 1/2 my planetside days....this becomes VERY borring and I personally would never like to see it again. No body hardly goes to ceryshen because it sucks for anyone without air(there are some good battles but not very oftem). Forseral has a lot of good fights on it but we always seem to end up on Ishundar.

The only think that I see to solve this, because it will always happen, is SOE to employ the same rotating feature to the continents as they plan for the caverns. This way there is different home continents every day or so so one side doesn't get board of the fight. I'm sure the NC are probably as sick of Cyssor as we are of Ish.
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