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Old 2009-09-27, 04:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Vehicle Hardpoint System

Made this for PS1, but hell, would be nice to see it for PS2! Basically it adds a huge amount of customisation of weaponry and equipment to a vehicle driver, and adds significantly to the game. I've been working on this on and off for about 3 years, even after I left the game and then came back for the reactivation.

Hard Points
All weapons and equipment would be selectable via a BFR style interface, where the user can switch on or off weapons to combine fire or select specific ones.

Specific vehicle weapon and ammo load outs could be saved as Favourites when the driver pulls up to a vehicle rearm terminal, then, the player could get his favourite vehicle straight from the vehicle pad, rather than having to go and swap out the weapons immediately. For example, if I wanted a Magrider with a Plasma Mortar for anti infantry work instead of the standard gunners rail gun, as the driver I'd pull up to a rearm silo, choose the gun, save it as a "Flayer" and could then�get a �Flayer� from any vehicle bay (well, where a tech plants connected).

Common Pool
12mm Rotary Machine gun
Thumper Grenade Launcher
Dragon Flamethrower
Rocklet Rifle
Hellfire Rocket Launcher/Decimator (Merge)
Scorpion Rocket Launcher
AA Missile Pod
Cloaking Device (driver must be an infiltrator, must have a Light Hard Point of his own to equip)
Search Light
EMP Burst

Gauss Rifle

15mm Rotary Chain gun
Pounder Mortar Launcher (single arm)
Burster Flak Cannon (single arm)


Common Pool
20mm Recoilless Cannon
25mm Machine gun
35mm Cannon
75mm Tank Cannon (Vehicle Only)
Ground Pounder
Flak Cannon
Rocket pod Launcher (Vehicle Only)
NTU Siphon
Armour Siphon

Hammer (Vehicle Only)
Gauss Cannon/Firebird Rocket Launcher(Merge, Vehicle Only)
Anti Tank Machine-gun
Falcon Rocket Launcher
Sparrow Missile Launcher

Rotary Chain gun
Tank Defence Cannon/100mm Cannon (Merge, Vehicle Only)

Flux Cannon
Flux Pod Launcher
Continuous Laser
Pulsed Particle Accelerator (Merge of the Magrider and BFR weapon)

Common Pool
Liberator Bomb Bay (aircraft only)
Vulture Bomb Bay (aircraft only, AV focused)
Regenerating Shields
Cloaking Bubble
Repair Bank

Rocket Pod
150mm Cannon
Particle Cannon

Mortar Launcher
100mm Cannon x 2

Plasma Mortars
Heavy Rail Beam
Immolation Cannon

Vehicle Hard Points
Common Pool
ES Deployable Manned Turret: 1 Medium Hard Point
ATV (Basilisk/Wraith/Fury): Driver 1 Light Hard Point
ANT: Driver 1 Light Hard Point
AMS: Driver 1 Heavy Hard Point
Harasser: 1 Light Hard Point
Overhauled Harasser: Driver 1 Light, 1 Light Hard Point
Skyguard: 1 Light, 1 Medium Hard Point
Overhauled Skyguard: Driver 2 Light, 1 Light, 1 Medium Hard Point
Lightning: Driver 1 Light, 1 Medium Hard Point
Deliverer: 2 Medium Hard Points
Sunderer: Driver 1 Light, 2 Light, 4 Medium Hard Points

Phantasm: Pilot 1 Light
Mosquito: Pilot 1 Light Hard Point
Reaver: Pilot 2 Medium Hard Points
Liberator: Pilot 1 Medium, 1 Medium, 1 Heavy Hard Point
Galaxy: 3 Medium Hard Points
Galaxy Gunship: 5 Medium Hard Points
Lodestar: 2 Heavy

Enforcer: 1 Medium Hard point
Vanguard: 1 Heavy, 1 Medium Hard Point
Vindicator: Driver 1 Light, 2 Light, 4 Medium Hard Points
Overhauled Vindicator: Pilot 1 Light, 2 Light, 2 Heavy Hard
Eagle: Driver 2 Medium Hard Points
Peregrine: Pilot 2 Medium, Gunner 1 Heavy Hard Point
Overhauled Eagle: 2 Medium, 1 Heavy Hard Point (option of turret)

Marauder: 1 Light, 1 Medium Hard Point
Prowler: 1 Medium, 1 Heavy Hard Point
Overhauled Prowler: Driver 1 Light, 1 Medium, 1 Heavy Hard Point
Raider: 4 Light Hard Points
Overhauled Raider: Driver 1 Light, 4 Light Hard Point
Juggernaut: Driver 1 Light, 2 Light, 4 Medium Hard Points
Juggernaut: Driver 1 Light, 4 Light, 4 Medium Hard Points
Invader: Driver 2 Medium Hard Points
Colossus: Driver 2 Medium, Gunner 1 Heavy Hard Point
Overhauled Invader: 2 Medium, 1 Heavy Hard Point (option of turret)

Thresher: 1 Medium Hard Point
Magrider: Driver 1 Medium, Gunner 1 Heavy Hard Point
Leviathan: Driver 1 Light, 2 Light, 4 Medium
Eclipse: Driver 2 Medium Hard Points
Aphelion: Pilot 2 Medium, Gunner 1 Heavy Hard Point
Overhauled Eclipse: 2 Medium, 1 Heavy Hard Point (option of turret)

Ancient Technology weapons and vehicles are not included in the list, as they are designed for specific roles.
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Old 2009-09-27, 04:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

Issues Raised

Weapon Variants
There are a variety of different version of the same weapon, in particular the various rotary cannons (15-20mm) which have different speeds and damage depending on the vehicle; this is also true of the flux cannon on the Thresher and Leviathan, PPA on the Magrider and VS BFR and the 2x100mm cannons on the Prowler and TR BFR along with others. These would have to be standardised or spilt into separate weapons. There are other weapons that simply fill the same or very similar roles when broken down this way, which would have to be differentiated further for usefulness. For example I have merged the Fury's Hellfire rocket with the Decimator, as these are almost the same weapon.

I would like MAX units to be able to choose their weapons from the medium pool of weapons, however this leads to certain overpowered situations (a MAX with a Thunderer's Gauss Cannon indoors?) so constraints would have to made or severe balancing would have to be done. I do believe that MAX weapons belong in the medium bracket, however I am undecided if �long� weapons belong in there as well (for example AV weaponry). If that is not the case then it may be worth moving MAX weapons to being Light and then allowing infantry to use them as part of the AV, HA or a new AA cert. TR MAXs would get to choose 2 light weapons; one for each arm so they can either go for one type of damage or be more versatile.

Heavy Assault and Sniper Rifles
I have not included HA weapons or the Sweeper Shotgun as they are designed to be close range weapons, and would be largely ineffective when mounted to a vehicle (MCG may be an exception, but this type of weapon is covered by the 12mm Rotary Machine Gun). Conversely, the sniper rifles would be too effective when fired from a stationary stable vehicle, so have not been included.

As you can see they have identical hard points but the Skyguard requires an extra crewman. I suggest that the Skyguard gets an extra light hard point controlled by the driver, this makes them much more appealing than the empire specific buggies, so they would have to have extra armour, handling or speed bonuses to make it up.

Support Vehicles
I have given support vehicles heavy hard points as this allows the owners to pick how they want to kit out their vehicle for their defence; either stealth, weaponry or a regenerating shield. There are repercussions of this; for example a tank with a repair bank on it, which would turn it into a support tank for its armoured column. The Lodestar and basic Galaxy and Sunderer would have AMS style equipment terminals in them once landed or stationary (the Galaxy and Sunderer's passengers would be able to access the terminal from their seats, allowing those that spawn in to choose their equipment before leaving).

Note on the Terran Republic Vehicle Balance
The TR have always had elements that complain about needing more people to adequately crew their vehicles, with this hard point system it will give the TR much more flexibility to kit out their vehicles with multiple useful weapons for their current goal, allowing them to be much more effective. One vehicle where the TR have a �disadvantage� is after these changes the Raider, however with 4 customisable Light Hard Points (instead of 2 medium) they will be able to kit it out to destroy near enough anything very quickly, or be versatile enough to deal with any threat. In addition to this I would give the Raider's driver a Light Hard Point. There will be some that complain regarding the Prowler vs the Magrider, as they have the same weapon slots yet the prowler requires another gunner. While this initially seems valid, the Magrider has much less armour than the Prowler to compensate already, but the Prowler's Driver could be given a Light Hard Point to follow the TR trend of the more guns the better. You may notice that the TR appear to have very few Medium and Heavy weapons; this is due to their trend of doubling up the smaller weapons to increase their fire rate.

Additional Weaponry
I have given the ANT and Harasser drivers a light hard point, so they can help defend their vehicles to some degree.

I suggest that BFRs get extra crewmen for each arm, for balance purposes. They should also choose one of the following: extra turret, cloaking field (requires infiltrator pilot), flight pack and regenerating shield. This extra crew requirement and potential removal of the shield would warrant an armour increase. The different names would also become redundant and the game would finally have the heavy tanks it deserves. This coupled with the above hard point system would make the game very appealing to mechwarrior fans while keeping the game balanced.

Sunderer and Variants
With the hard point system the Sunderer variants would become obsolete, so I suggest differentiating them with the following:
VS: Remove the wheels, allow it to hover
TR: Give it an additional 2 Light Hard Points for its passengers
NC: Change the 4 Medium Hard Points for 2 Heavy ones.
Sunderers would also have the option of swapping 3 of its standard infantry seats for 2 MAX seats, potentially allowing the Sunderer to transport 6 MAXs.

The standard Galaxy could be given more options; as it is the vehicle bay is very rarely used, and when it is the vehicle is often do light that it only lasts a matter of seconds before it is destroyed. While this would be kept as an option, I would like the Galaxy to be given more options, allowing it to fill more support roles as it is so rare. As noted above the Galaxy would have an additional AMS style equipment terminal. In addition to this the vehicle bay could be removed and the pilot could then fit it out with a spawn point which works when it is deployed or there are spaces in the infantry seats. The pilot could also have the option of replacing the vehicle bay with extra infantry seats: either an extra 6 normal slots or 4 more MAX slots. This change could also be made in the standard passenger slots, allowing the Galaxy to carry 4 more MAX units.

Galaxy Gunship
Although the Galaxy Gunship is currently impressive, I am undecided if it should have 3 Medium, and 2 Heavy Hard Points, or 5 Medium Hard Points.

Galaxy Orbital Re-entry
The Galaxy and the Galaxy Gunship can now enter a continent at any point by entering a new warp gate at the centre of their Sanctuary. Akin to a drop pod the Galaxy chooses its entry point and then enters from the atmosphere, the pilot regaining control at 400m and potentially levelling out at 300m. This is designed to avoid warp gate stalemates, and allow for more guerilla strikes.

The Lodestar vehicle transport feature is rarely used, so would get an overhaul, allowing a single Lodestar to carry more smaller vehicles than larger ones: 2 Buggies/Deliverers or 4 ATVs. When not transporting a vehicle the Lodestar could be used to acquire vehicles in the field via a new terminal on the side.

Doubling up Light and Medium Weapons
2 Light weapons = 1 Medium
4 Light Weapons = 2 Medium = 1 Heavy
Careful balancing will be required with implementation of this.
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Old 2009-09-27, 04:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
PSU Admin
Hamma's Avatar
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

This would be cool

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2009-09-27, 07:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Major General
Navaron's Avatar
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

I really would like to see them get away from the hyperfuturistic, and come back to the near future. Like 2030, so everything is based in reality, with a little flex for gameplay items that could still be feasible.

I think we all want a game that's popular with a lot of people, sci fi is much less popular than modern warfare.

I've said since day one of PS that BF1942 with 1000 people and PS stats/squad would be the best game ever.

Now I think that CoD:MW2 scaled x1000 with full accoutrement of vehicles would be the most amazing thing ever.

Imagine C130's instead of galaxy's, you and a dozen of your buddies decked out as modern day SEALs, HALO dropping on to an enemy held power plant. If you take it down, their satellite and autonomous surveillance systems go down. That's as good as it gets.
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Old 2009-09-27, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
PSU Admin
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Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

That would own.

I wouldn't mind something around that time frame before the TR/NC/VS were all formed, something earlier in the storyline that we never saw before.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
Hamma Time - Evil Ranting Admin - DragonWolves - Commanding Officer
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Old 2009-09-28, 01:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #6
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

Yeah on the survey I did say near future; simply because it will sell better and get more players.

Say when the Terran Republic was formed?
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Old 2009-09-28, 10:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #7
Major General
Firefly's Avatar
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

I have to disagree. I don't want my Planetside to be like BattleTech.
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Old 2009-10-06, 02:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

It would be nice if it took place on an inhabited planet. One with big cities, countryside, etc.

<Smaug> omg kyonye is hot
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Old 2009-10-08, 05:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

nice i like the changes lov the galaxy idea an idea make give the lode a teleport cape veh only like the router then we might see more of them around but the pad is limited to outside SOI
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This is the last VIP post in this thread.   Old 2012-06-16, 02:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #10
PlanetSide 2
Game Designer
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

Seems like they're doing this with customizable weapons on the vehicles w/ defensive, performance, and utility upgrade slots.

Only difference is that instead of the upgrades being common to every vehicle there is a specific set for each vehicle. I think this prevents the vehicle from having broken combinations and allowing certain vehicles to fill specific roles. Idea seems much the same as classes - some common weapons between them with a lot of customization options but still some class-exclusive things.
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Old 2012-06-16, 04:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #11
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: Vehicle Hardpoint System

Yeah it is a pretty similar system - really pleased they are doing it and as you say it limits the potential overpowered selections which my more free system would have allowed.
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