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Old 2012-06-28, 08:52 AM   [Ignore Me] #76
Second Lieutenant
megamold's Avatar
Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

yup, i have over a 100$ worth of subs for ps1.
and your morning is my night, so chat wont be available for me till about midnight.
i dont really mind that i dont have it yet, i do however mind that lots of people did not get their 30 days and there is no tweet or post or whatever to tell us that they know about the problem and are/will be fixing it.

now i just feel left out and slightly paranoid about recieving my ps2 beta veteran acces
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Old 2012-06-28, 09:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #77
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Old 2012-06-28, 09:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #78
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Originally Posted by Bahamut View Post
The producer's letter says that all accounts will have the 30 day grant by 11:59 p.m. PST, June 27th- and ALL accounts will get it. I don't think they've arbitrarily stopped activating accounts.

Yep. Pretty sure they've arbitrarily stopped activating account; since I still haven't been activated and plenty of others haven't. I guess support is the only way to go, then.
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Old 2012-06-28, 09:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #79
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Originally Posted by MrTinkles View Post
Well...yeh...but I think it's more that people can't access the free time...and are trying to find out why!

I can't ...and it would be a help to find out if it's "my fault" as it were or if it's that SOE underestimated how long it would take to credit the free time to everyone's account..

I don't think that's a complaint...just wondering...

Frankly I'd be more than happy to pay a months subs while waiting for beta...if the pops are as high as they sound...but don't want to do that if I get the 30 days credited to my account 20 seconds later.
Originally Posted by Azovyr View Post
Exactly this, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful and I would have subbed anyway for the 1st event, just wondering why we haven't got the free time yet or perhaps they missed some accounts out for some reason?
Originally Posted by megamold View Post
lol, really?
its the people that didnt recieve anything that are complaining, and rightly so.
I haven't even checked mine. SOE probably just hasn't made the deadline, that isn't exactly unprecedented lol.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2012-06-28, 10:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #80
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Originally Posted by Baneblade View Post
I haven't even checked mine. SOE probably just hasn't made the deadline, that isn't exactly unprecedented lol.
aint that the truth
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Old 2012-06-28, 12:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #81
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

I just got off live support chat, here's the log.

TSR Timothy A.: Hi, my name is TSR Timothy A..
XXXXX soe: Hello!
XXXXXX soe: How are you?
TSR Timothy A.: I'm doing well! How about yourself?
XXXXX soe: Just swell thanks!
TSR Timothy A.: Excellent!
TSR Timothy A.: In regards to your problem description, the actual due date for all accounts to be granted the game time is July 1st.
TSR Timothy A.: Any accounts that received it before hand pretty much just got lucky that the PlanetSide team was able to grant it a little early.
XXXXX soe: Hmm, but the PS2 producer's comm says " support of this monumental occasion, SOE is granting 30 days of free game time to every current subscriber and former PlanetSide player who had an active subscription! This grant will be processed by 11:59 PM PST June 27th, 2012, however as there are a large volume of accounts some may receive grants earlier than others."
XXXXX soe: And online RadarX, the community manager for PS2, said to contact support if we still haven't received the playtime.
TSR Timothy A.: Correct, however, July 1st was supposed to be the day that all accounts should receive the time granted onto their account.
XXXXX soe: "If you have not received your free time, I would encourage you to contact Customer Service at as they are always happy to assist.", said a few hours ago
TSR Timothy A.: Like I mentioned before, there are a lot of accounts that they need to grant, but all accounts should be granted the game time by July 1st.
TSR Timothy A.: All the granting privileges are completed by the PlanetSide team.
XXXXX soe: Haha alrighty then!
XXXXX soe: I'll hold you guys to it, thanks.
TSR Timothy A.: You're welcome! Is there anything else I can help you with today?
XXXXX soe: Nope, I'm good thanks!
TSR Timothy A.: You're welcome!
TSR Timothy A.: Thank you for contacting Sony Online Entertainment and have a great day!
XXXXXX soe: you too thanks!
TSR Timothy A.: Thank you!

TL;DR SOE representative says all accounts will be given 30 days by July 1 for some reason, contrary to all other sources.
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Old 2012-06-28, 12:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #82
Bahamut's Avatar
Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Just talked to tech support via the online chat and got activated.
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Old 2012-06-28, 12:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #83
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Yeah he must have realized after me that something was up, since I was first in line anyways.

Hmm, looks like some people after me on the support chat had their accounts reactivated. The support guy must have been like... wtf? and changed his mind after my query.
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Old 2012-06-28, 01:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #84
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

so i just got into the support chat and i was told this :

TSR Oliver D.: Ok I will go ahead and grant 3 days to the account and escalated your account to my Tier 2 to have the remaining days added. You will be notified by email once the 27 days have been granted to the account.
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Old 2012-06-28, 02:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #85
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Yeah I don't understand, I got off support chat again and was rejected again. Is my account on their shit list or something? Damn...
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Old 2012-06-28, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #86
Kujo's Avatar
Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Here's my live chat record. After seeing someone else post that they got 3 of their 30 days while their account is being investigated, I tried asking for the same thing for myself, but I had no such luck. I hope they get back to me today. I would hate to miss the weekend. What worries me most about this whole situation though is that I might not be marked down as a Planetside 1 Veteran yet for PS2.

TSR Thomas N.: Hi, my name is TSR Thomas N..
XXXX soe: Hi
XXXX soe: I left a description of my problem. I guess you're reading it now.
TSR Thomas N.: May I have your name please?
TSR Thomas N.: Which account do you have Planetside billing history on?
XXXX soe: The station name is XXXX
XXXX soe: This same one I'm logged in with in fact
TSR Thomas N.: One moment while I investigate XXXX
XXXX soe: k
TSR Thomas N.: For security reasons, we are unable to address your account issues without first verifying your identity. Please respond with all of the following information:

(I provided my info here)

TSR Thomas N.: thank you
TSR Thomas N.: Ok, I will need to submit your account to another department for investigation
XXXX soe: Okay. Does my payment history not show up by just accessing my account? I can see the Planetside 1 payments I made in 2003 just by logging into my station account.
TSR Thomas N.: Most likely, this will be fixed, but since it is not my say, I cannot say with entire confidence
TSR Thomas N.: You do have planetside billing
TSR Thomas N.: You should qualify, but we need to send it off for repair essentially
XXXX soe: I see
TSR Thomas N.: Do you have any additional questions?
XXXX soe: I suppose just one that I've been having for a while. I never bothered with it, but since I'm here
XXXX soe: What might have happened to my payments from june to Sept in 2003?
XXXX soe: My Planetside 1 activation even shows June 2003
XXXX soe: But my payments went missing
TSR Thomas N.: You mean your billing history has holes in it?
XXXX soe: Yes
TSR Thomas N.: June to Sept. 2003?
XXXX soe: I activated Planetside in june 2003. It probably came with a month free like most games. My payment history used to show payments from about June 2003 all the way through to where it ends now
TSR Thomas N.: Well, I wouldn't be able to say, but I can confirm that the billing for 2003 does not start until October
XXXX soe: Yeah, see. That's not correct. I know you see what you see on your end.
XXXX soe: But anyway, I guess it's no big deal.
XXXX soe: So long as I still qualify as a Planetside veteran
XXXX soe: I'm okay with it
TSR Thomas N.: Yeah, you should qualify
XXXX soe: Well that's good
XXXX soe: I'm okay with the holes in the payment history so long as I qualify, even if it's a bit confusing
TSR Thomas N.: Ok, is there anything else I can do for you today?
XXXX soe: Nope. Just this 30 day free time thing. Thanks
XXXX soe: So will i need to talk to someone else right now?
TSR Thomas N.: No, just wait for a response from the other department, everything should work out fine
XXXX soe: k. When should I expect a response?
TSR Thomas N.: They will respond to you as soon as they possibly can
XXXX soe: Is there a deadline for that response? Like today?
TSR Thomas N.: Unfortunately, it is an issue that is being investigated so the time frame is unknown
TSR Thomas N.: Is there anything else I can do for you today?
XXXX soe: I see. Well hopefully they'll respond soon. That's all i need for now. Thanks for your help.
TSR Thomas N.: No problem at all, have a wonderful day XXXX
XXXX soe: Thank you. You too
XXXX soe: oh, actually
XXXX soe: Before you leave
TSR Thomas N.: What's up?
XXXX soe: Would it be possible for you to at least give me like a few days of the 30 days while it's being investigated?
XXXX soe: Like maybe 3. And they can just give me the other 27
XXXX soe: If not, i understand
XXXX soe: That way I can start playing for this weekend's Planetside 1 event
TSR Thomas N.: Unfortunately, no, I'm sorry for any inconveneinces
TSR Thomas N.: inconveniences too, sorry for the spelling error
XXXX soe: I understand. Well thanks anyway.
XXXX soe: Have a good day
TSR Thomas N.: You too! I will send this right away for you!
TSR Thomas N. has disconnected.
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Old 2012-06-28, 02:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #87
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

OK So whatever you do, do not talk to Thomas. Def. asked be transferred to Oliver or just restart the damn thing.

He pretty much made me list my entire life story for "verification" over an unsecured connection (no SSL.) I was already logged in, and everything he asked was something I could have easily changed, because, well, I was logged in.

It took ~30 minutes to go through (wait time was 25 minutes,) and in the end he said:

[12:21:59 PM] me:
I'm surprised you're having me respond to all of these questions over an unsecure connection.
[12:23:23 PM] TSR Thomas N.: Ok, thank you for confirming your identity
[12:23:43 PM] TSR Thomas N.: I will need to submit your account to another department for investigation and they will respond to you as soon as they possibly can
[12:23:54 PM] TSR Thomas N.: Do you have anything else you need me to do at this time?
[12:24:02 PM] me:
That's really strange, since the documentation about similar chats like this do not entail any of this. This seems pretty scammy.
Yeah, I'm definitely reminded of how terrible SOE has been over the past decade.

Last edited by MooK; 2012-06-28 at 02:29 PM.
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Old 2012-06-28, 02:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #88
MrTinkles's Avatar
Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Yep - defo seems to depend on who you talk to....I was told I'd get the 3 days now and the other 27 would be added after "teir 2" investigated...

But then

Quote - "I was just informed that this is a known issue and applies to many accounts. I am unable to grant the game time, I will need to escalate your issue to our Platform team. You will be notified by email with more information regarding your issue or if your issue has been resolved."

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Old 2012-06-28, 03:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #89
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Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Still no luck here either, just got off the phone with SoE & the CSR said basically to stand by and hope its resolved today and he'd pass it up the chain. Damn it SoE.
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Old 2012-06-28, 03:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #90
Re: PS 1 Free time has started.

Same response here, just got off a livechat and it appears there are a whole bunch of accounts that didn't get the time applied to them. The rep I spoke to said normally he would be happy to add a few days of time on now and leave the rest to get picked up when they fix the system but he didn't want to do that now incase it left the account in a state where the free time or ps2 beta access might not get picked up correctly.

[01:31:36 PM] Hi, my name is TSR Tim L..
[01:31:48 PM] *********** soe: Hi Tim
[01:31:53 PM] TSR Tim L.: We know that some people have been having this problem. I am going to notate your account so that you get the time.
[01:32:00 PM] *********** soe: fantaastic
[01:32:07 PM] TSR Tim L.: I am sorry about the hassle.
[01:32:34 PM] *********** soe: do you know how long it will take for the time to show up on my account?
[01:32:47 PM] *********** soe: hopefully in time for the weekend
[01:33:06 PM] TSR Tim L.: It should be.
[01:33:51 PM] TSR Tim L.: Is there anything else that I can do for you today?\
[01:33:57 PM] *********** soe: is there any way you can add 1 or 2 days to the account now and then have the rest added later on? I know some people have been able to get this done for them
[01:34:16 PM] *********** soe: i am just eager to get back playing
[01:34:19 PM] TSR Tim L.: I do not want to mess with the account, because I do not want to put it in a state that might cause it to be overlooked.
[01:34:28 PM] TSR Tim L.: Otherwise I totally would.
[01:34:33 PM] QRGRTheReaper soe: ah, thats ok, better safe than sorry!
[01:34:36 PM] TSR Tim L.: Indeed!
[01:34:46 PM] ***********soe: id hate to end up where it doesnt get flagged for ps2 beta membership
[01:34:59 PM] ***********soe: i shall hang on and be patient then
[01:35:11 PM] ***********soe: hopefully it will get sorted out ready for this time tomorrow
[01:35:15 PM] TSR Tim L.: I hope so too.
[01:35:23 PM] ***********soe: thansk for you help Tim
[01:36:30 PM] '***********soe' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user').
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