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Old 2012-12-17, 12:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Originally Posted by Higby View Post
Wow, talk about lost in translation. I think I know the player they're quoting, but my translator just said something like "they want to know if there will be more to do than just attacking/killing" which I'm not sure got the full point across! I talked a bit about how the Mission System is designed to help player coordination and will help out a lot with coordinating defenses and strategy.

Just for the record, if lattice or sanctuaries were brought up it wasn't by me. I did talk about how a true intercontinental conquest via connected warpgates would come once we had the right number of continents to support it, as well as that a more robust tutorial and training area akin to the PS1 VR training was in the works. To be clear, there are no plans to add a PS1 style "lattice" system or sanctuaries to the game.

Nothing I talked about out here at DiGiChina should be a surprise or news to anyone who has been paying attention to what we've been talking about at recent events like SOE Live, etc.

edit: oh, and it was about 100 degrees in that tiny room, packed to the gills, so thats why I was sweating my ass off! =D
Appreciate you stopping by to set the record straight, Matt. We like seeing you over here!

Support the use of a dynamic XP system in PlanetSide 2!
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Old 2012-12-17, 01:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Originally Posted by stargazer093 View Post
-Higby does have realized that some people only do backhacking and never go to frontline, and also most of the people dislike defense so when attacking, the base is normally empty. They are making some sort of LATTICE system, some sort of SANCTUARY will be there at future. However, it is a bit unrealistic to change the whole base layout at this stage of the game, but they will do minor change to the detail environment.

-The squad/platoon mechanism will change soon, attack/defense mechanism will also change but later, defense will be tying up with mission system somehow, defending faction must accomplished some type of mission in order to gain specific amount of exp, there may be "official" mission system, such as " Mission A: Battle of the Zurvan amp station".
-Afterward from this guy: Matt isn`t as mean as I thought earlier, he looks young but not arrogant at all. He does listen to what other says. Mission system sure does sound like a great thing, fix current problems without change too much core stuffs...

-TR and NC people under the stage were not less rager than him, a constant of "YEAH!" "TRUE!" "YOU`VE RUINED PS!" can be heard all long, VS people however, are the most calm

to those who can read chinese, here`s the original link
Well as usual SOE fail once again to understand it's players. The majority of players are exp hoes. As attacking gives more exp then defending no one wants to defend. Not because we don't want to defend our bases.
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Old 2012-12-17, 01:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Well... spit.


Not that I ever had a giant hardon for the lattice system, but... I hope it all works out. I honestly bygodly do.
No XP for capping empty bases -- end the ghost-zerg! 12-hour cooldown timers on empire swaps -- death to the 4th Empire!
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Old 2012-12-17, 01:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Originally Posted by Higby View Post
Wow, talk about lost in translation. I think I know the player they're quoting, but my translator just said something like "they want to know if there will be more to do than just attacking/killing" which I'm not sure got the full point across! I talked a bit about how the Mission System is designed to help player coordination and will help out a lot with coordinating defenses and strategy.

Just for the record, if lattice or sanctuaries were brought up it wasn't by me. I did talk about how a true intercontinental conquest via connected warpgates would come once we had the right number of continents to support it, as well as that a more robust tutorial and training area akin to the PS1 VR training was in the works. To be clear, there are no plans to add a PS1 style "lattice" system or sanctuaries to the game.

Nothing I talked about out here at DiGiChina should be a surprise or news to anyone who has been paying attention to what we've been talking about at recent events like SOE Live, etc.

edit: oh, and it was about 100 degrees in that tiny room, packed to the gills, so thats why I was sweating my ass off! =D


To be fair, the "lattience system" made it pretty clear that something is off. Lattience just doesnt work in PS2, also never quite worked in Planetside. IT doesnt fix the metagame or anything, it just makes it terrible.

Anyway, no to sancs? I bet my balls that we will see sancs again. THey are required for the continent metagame, unless you are able to magically allow us to have 666 + 666 vs 666 (Two pop locks of people of one faction against another faction), and thats not gonna happen.
People need a space to go in case shit hits the fan. Cant be the home continent as that system would break whenever said home continent is under full attack.

DirtyBird, im with you on that one. Pretty much whenever you actually listen to the dude you notice he got a rather big clue. However, if you dont listen enough, or language barrier strikes, then its easy to get this "hes talking down to me" feeling. Quite a few folks got this, especially PS1 vets who didnt follow the game very closley, and only listened to Higs and the crew once or twice.
Most likley its just the usual effect of "this guy is taking away my toys" from PS1 vets who dont quite like how PS2 turned out to be. It appears that those chinese in question are within that category.
So, dont misunderstand me. Higby is a stellar guy, and i hope i can get to drink with him at Gamescon till 5 am again next year.
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Old 2012-12-17, 02:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

no sanctuaries? thats means no home continents in the future either?
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Old 2012-12-17, 03:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

I've never got the impression of Higby being a dick, I dunno where people who think that about him got it from, I do think he is wrong on a lot of things but we all probably do about each other because of our own opinions.

I just don't see why the game was released this early, it was clear it didn't work well in beta and needed sorting and now all the fixing is coming after launch and probably not for another 6 months. I highly doubt we'll see the right amount of conts or any server mergers to balance out the population until the end of next year. I highly doubt we'll see the stuff to fix the meta game until maybe Summer of next year.

By which point I reckon most people wont be playing the game and SOE will probably drop major support of the game and be focusing mainly on EQ3. I see the population has dropped big time on the EU servers I'm on anyways, I dunno about the US ones as you cannot make more than 3 chars unless that has changed. I logged on during peak time yesterday to see on Miller and there was hardly any one around, wasn't nearly as populated as it used to be a week or so ago.

Also because there are so many conts and servers and no restrictions to any of them, all the population during the rest of the day is so spread out the game is unplayable.

I don't get it why SOE went with this lame multiple server system.
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Old 2012-12-17, 03:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

How is lattice worse for meta game ? Something that exists is greater than something that doesn't exist
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Old 2012-12-17, 03:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

They should just shut servers down until each cont is full again, that would be an easy short term fix for now until they fix the game to draw people back hopefully.
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Old 2012-12-17, 03:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Originally Posted by basti View Post

To be fair, the "lattience system" made it pretty clear that something is off. Lattience just doesnt work in PS2, also never quite worked in Planetside. IT doesnt fix the metagame or anything, it just makes it terrible.
PS1 lattice system promoted "OUTFIT" Play. Re-secures/Back hacking, Ninja LLU runs. These where perfected by outfits and the sole reason why we all played PS1 for so long.

PS2 does not promote that style of play. And only caters for Zergfits that roll 40 Tanks and camp a outposts all night.

If i see a Bio lab under attack. I dont think dam i need to defend that for the sake of the emipre! I think of the farm potential. Not my doing its how the game has been designed.
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Old 2012-12-17, 05:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Yea, I have to agree ... I've never detected any arrogance in Higby, he seems like a great guy, same with TRay and Maggie/Luperza and Clegg and Cycles and in fact all the guys.

Lattice - I wonder if that refers to a continental lattice or an inter-continental lattice which Higby has already talked about.

Missions - hmm, I've never had faith in those. So, there's a big signpost saying battle of Zurvan and people will go? Not unless the fighting is good.
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Old 2012-12-17, 06:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

On the topic of defending:
Funny this should come up, because this entire weekend me and my outfit didnt defend one base. We stayed on the attack on Woodman server. We even stopped the TR from locking a continent. I remember asking the mission commander are we going to defend this base he said no, lets move to the next one. It was funny we just did that, attacked attacked and attacked. Now we did go back and resecure bases like our tech plant, and this was after they flipped, we actually waited for the them to take the base before we turned around and took it back. I might add we made a killing on certs this weekend

Im not ashamed to admit it, nor will I try to sugar coat it.
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Old 2012-12-17, 06:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Originally Posted by Levente View Post
no sanctuaries? thats means no home continents in the future either?
No it doesn't.

Higby has talked about continents being tied together in a lattice and there are plenty diagrams of ways that can be done with varying number of continents greater than 3 - when you do this you do get home continents, either 1 or 2 depending on the number of continents in total.
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Old 2012-12-17, 08:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

Originally Posted by EVILoHOMER View Post
They should just shut servers down until each cont is full again, that would be an easy short term fix for now until they fix the game to draw people back hopefully.
You "Shut it down" people are insane.

This game is a ton of fun as it is and it is going to get better. Apparently you were not in PS1 when it first came out. I was. Many of the issues that people are complaining about had similar issues in PS1.

The whole "no one defends" thing was a big problem in PS1. That is why they added the Lattice system. But with the scale of the game that PS2 has, it needs a MUCH larger front than PS1 had. There is no way that everyone on a continent could fight over the same 2 or 3 points like it was in PS1. That is why we have the territory system that is in place.

The issues with tweaking balance and base design is to be expected in a continuously updated game. How many times did bases change in PS1 before it ended up where it did?

And think about this for a minute.

If they "finished" the design of the game so it is no longer in the "Beta" stage that so many of you complain about wouldn't we be in the same place that PS1 is? The whole idea behind this game is that it will continuously evolve. It will never be finished. The fact that they are not charging a box or sub fee should more than make up for the minor glitches that new content and changes bring out.

Personally i hope they NEVER finish this game. Every time they add something awesome like Howling Stones Checkpoint or a new continent or new weapons, i get excited for the next new thing they come up with.

Just enjoy the game like I am!

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Last edited by SGTalon; 2012-12-17 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 2012-12-17, 08:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

PS2 is now about attack... attack... attack as thats where the certs are and thats what people want.

I really don't understand why XP for defending a base was removed. Sure, you can add XP bonuses to tasks like repairing, killing, farming attackers, etc... but there was something psychological about seeing that XP pop up when a base was resecured.

I have a feeling even though you probably get around the same (if not sometimes more) XP now then you did before, it still affects people's mentality that there is no "Ding +XXXXP Base Resecured" pop up and thus people tend to not bother.

Its not all about the maths, its also perception.
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Old 2012-12-17, 08:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
Akrasjel Lanate
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Re: Higby in China, plus some minor infos came out of the chat

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