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Old 2014-03-30, 11:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #46
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

This thread right here is why planetside was great.
lol drama (c) Ocelli
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Old 2014-03-31, 12:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #47
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
Here in lies the problem. You refrained from posting your actual argument for the longest time(I.E. not debating):
This is probably because i knew this was going to happen...or not. Who knows? It's too late now!

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
Then when you finally did take part in the discussion, any of your clever attempts to "dismantle" anyones arguments basically resulted in you telling them "no" and and telling them it's their opinion, not explaining why you felt this way:
We have some preliminary stuff to hash out before we can actually argue. The formost being you're an arrogant ass. You need to knock that off.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
First of all, no shit it's their opinion. When people are arguing a stance on a subject, clearly they have a opinion. There isn't a right or wrong. That's why you argue. And when you disagree with someone you tell them why. You may have the it all considered in your head (to be honest you probably don't)but that just doesn't mean jack shit unless you can articulate it in a way that others can comprehend it and get behind your idea. You seem to believe that having an opinion somehow invalidates someones argument. Well by that logic, that's your opinion and that's invalid!
Irony. Hilarious irony. Personal attacks based on incorrect assumption make you LEWK KEWL!!!!!@@@!1

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I'm not sure you understand what a discussion is. You can't just shout no or say someone's argument is invalid and that's the end of it. You have to actually back up your claim with reasons. Also, just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you have to have the most hostile and demeaning stance possible. You can argue against something in a diplomatic fashion you know.
Aggression is aggression. Passive or active, they are two sides of the same coin. You have your way, and i have mine. We'll see who ends up on top.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I've said before, if you don't agree with it then nothing is forcing you to post here.
Nothing forced you to create a set of "guidelines" either, yet you did it.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
You argue here as if it's a matter of life and death
No. I'm arguing because i like to pick fights with people like you. That, and i'm just a conflict-oriented person in general. As if that wasn't obvious already.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
As if anything on this list would affect you in any way. Nothing is making you have to take part it in. You would be completely unaffected by anything suggested in this thread
It actually would affect me. The scope of which would be impossible for me to tell, but also completely lame.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
(Oh my goodness, that kind of sounds like the entire point of this doesn't it?)
If this were true, you would've ignored me from the start. You won't though. Your ego demands satisfaction. It's the only way you'll find the balance to stay on the pedestal you've put yourself on.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
You lingering by simply calling people's arguments "invalid" doesn't do anything. In fact, it makes you lose credibility and makes your arguments invalid.
I think it actually has done something. People do the things they do for a reason. You created this thread for a reason. I don't believe that reason is as benign as your attempting to make it look.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
You come off as that child in the playground who is losing a game, quickly changes the rules at the last minute and as soon as anyone protests shouts "no!" until the teachers rush over to change your diaper.
Responses like this are why you're argument is invalid. You're petty and passive, with a deluded sense of entitlement. You're not really interesting in arguing. Your in this to try and verbally beat me into the dirt because i had the AUDACITY to bluntly say that i disagree. You won't succeed.
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Old 2014-03-31, 03:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #48
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Perhaps you know the old saying: "Everyone is entitled to their own set of opinions, but they are not entitled to their own set of facts."

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
You and I may disagree on what particular tactics are destructive to the game and which are enjoyable, however it is simply a fact that certain tactics were seen by the community at large as unenjoyable and the overuse of those tactics caused people to leave the game. That isn't based on my own opinion of those tactics, it is based on the voiced expression of players leaving the game because of them.
A popular opinion is still an opinion. One that can be disputed and proven false. More people would do it, but it's so...unpopular...and hard...

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
We don't merely "wage war" in Planetside, we play a video game for entertainment. If the only objective in this game had was to turn pixels from one color to another we'd all be ghost hacking 24/7.
People enter conflict for numerous reasons. The overall concept is to prove your superiority to others and walk away intact. Your making the incorrect assumption that "waging war" follows only a single aspect. This is why i do not believe you and i were playing the same game. If we were, you would understand this.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I couldn't care less about your pity, nor, I suspect, could the 'victims'.
I just said i had none. do they work? Am i right?

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The point of the analogy to the funeral (which MAD brought up) was to draw a parallel to how trolls can ruin gameplay, and my response to it was to note that the community as a whole objected to those trolls. That they (the community) would do so shows that there is indeed a sizable number of players out there who felt there should be a modicum of decorum in the game.
Using a group of trolls that ruined a player-driven event unrealated to the actual game in comparision to the mechanics and meta of Planetside is a pretty poor analogy. You're gonna need to re-think that bit. That being said, i do understand what you're getting at. None of this really matters and people are going to do what they want. This was stated towards the beginning of this thread. All we're doing is dick-measuring and wasting time.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
This thread is directed at those players, not the trolls who will do as they will regardless.
Unless you have some sort of telepathic link to what D2A is ACTUALLY thinking, this is bullshit.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
While I will admit that my impression and description of your personality is unflattering, I mentioned it not as an attack but in order to frame the following sentences, which answered your earlier query as to why the players felt the need to have an in-game funeral for their fallen friend.
Again, all of this predicated on a matter of perception and opinion. Further discussion is an even bigger waste of time than the rest of this thread.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
That the common good is the extended life of Planetside 1 is indeed an opinion, as it happens though, it is a common opinion.
Common to who? So far, its just you and D2A who are debating the matter. Everyone else who's posted (besides me of course) just sort of threw in their two-cents and called it good. Even more are waiting for the flames to erupt.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
That is to say, most of the players who played PS1 enjoyed the game and wanted it to live on as long as possible. Many of those players are hoping that it will be playable again shortly, once it goes F2P, and the point of this thread is to see that it remains playable for as long as possible, because that is in the interest of all of us who will be playing. That it is an interest shared by the majority of players would make it a common interest and working towards it would be what one might call the common good.
I'd call it irrelevant. It should be abundantly clear at this point that you have the authority to do nothing to anyone in any way. Why you wasting your time defending a set of "guidelines" with no point or place in the game you wish to impose them is baffling to me.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
As to which parts of your post I am completely disregarding; I must say, I don't know what part I may have disregarded, but I can understand your irritation at me having skipped over it, as surely it held the entirely of your meaningful argument (as all the parts I did address seem to have been drivel).
Petty, sad, and disapointing.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
You seemed of have misinterpreted my intent in specifically citing (and emphasizing) the lines I quoted from the OP. I didn't quote the guidelines, nor the reason they were posted. I quoted the lines which stated the guidelines are voluntary and are expected not to be upheld by some, but that if they are upheld by many it will be overall beneficial to the game.
Assumption based on a false-positive opinion. Tell yourself this as many times and you feel you need to, but it will not make it a "fact".

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
There is some undoubtable irony that you would seem to misread both my words and my intent so shortly after criticizing me for having done so...
More irony.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
While I, as a solitary player, do not have any control over how Planetside dies, the player-base as a whole does have that power.
No. You don't. You, nor anyone else has the authority to make SOE keep Planetsides server up. If they do, it will not be for your benefit. If you do, it will be tertiary at best and basically at SOE's whim anyway.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
So, once again, the point of this thread is to voice ways the player-base can use the power it has to extend the life of the game.
SOE has proven on more than one occasion that your "power" is ineffectual. You have no control over game. At all.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Well first of all, I am very well aware of reasons to drop a generator, having done it myself very often during my Planetside career (perhaps it escaped your notice, but it actually features prominently in my signature).
I don't know or care who you are. Your signature implies that you are vermin and that you belong to an outfit called DARK, which i have fought against...

Not impressed.

I can also assume that you're an Infiltrator, which means you do less than than a Lodestar pilot, but have somehow deluded yourself into thinking you're more nescessary. Which isn't to say that you aren't. Sabotage plays an important role in conflict. It's just that the suit and the shitty attitude aren't a requirement.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
What's more, I don't believe I ever whined about it in my post, and certainly not so much as to reach an objectionable level.
It reached enough of one for you to support a set of vague (at best) set of "guidelines" on the subject.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
What I did do was note that the Planetside 1 community as a whole recognized that there were times when the generator was dropped and it ruined an otherwise fun fight
So it's ok for you to do it because it's "justified" somehow, but when someone else does it for reasons that you can't possibly fathom, it's lame. Do you see why general rules and guidelines won't work? Why it's pointless? There are too many variables. Too many reasons. Too many paths to take to the "end" result.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
and that those players would frequently show their dismay at having lost that fight by TK'ing the gen dropper
Petty. If it were me, i'd sit there and let you grief lock yourselves. At least then you'd have an excuse to be wasting time.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Of course, the intent of me bringing this up was to show a case where (despite your assertion to the contrary) the majority of the playerbase was more interested in a fun fight than winning.
Your idea of a "fun fight" is selfish at its core. Where ever you are, you are no where else. There are a lot of places to be in Planetside. Places where you might actually help. Or hell, might even be NEEDED.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
As you point out in your post, the playstyle of the CNs was just to 'steam-roll entire continents' in campaigns that were fun for neither the enemy (you) nor the players on their same empire (SgtMAD's post following yours). The point, therefore, in bringing it up is to show that there are indeed destructive playstyles, and they are better avoided for the overall well being of the game.
It was only destructive because we didn't know how to fight them properly. It isn't too much different than fighting a typical "zerg" outfit, it's just the scale was just so daunting. Combine that their communal and socialist tendencies and get the idea. SgtMAD probably had a worse time with them than i ever did though. From what i gathered, they operated just like The Enclave, or any other group of trolls out there. There were enough of them that they simply didn't need to play/interact with the rest of us. So they didn't.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
While I don't know that I would go so far as to say this is Planetside's only flaw; I would agree that it is a flaw nevertheless. In a perfect world we would expect that SOE would be able to correct the problems of destructive playstyles
I hope to hell you never hold any part of this "correction". You have no idea what you're talking about.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
however as I mentioned very early on in this thread, we cannot expect SOE to do anything about it, therefore it is in our interest to work together as a community to see that as many players as possible disavow such destructive playstyles themselves.
Matter of opinion, not saving anything, not a hero...etc. Could you be more of an arrogant jackass?

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
In so far as you offered a response, I certainly engaged it. I stated (openly, and without diversion) that you are certainly entitle to play in whatever fashion you so choose, however if the majority of PS1 players choose to play in such a selfish manner it will be to the detriment of the game overall.
See? There you go again. You're not Planetside's fucking messiah. Neither is D2A. The game isn't going to magically fall apart because not everyone agrees with you.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I completely disagree with the assertion that every bit of fun derived from Planetside comes at the expense of someone else's. In truth, some of the best fights I ever played in were fights we ultimately lost.
I've had some of these too. They are usually far and few between though. I'll bear an ass-whopping, so long as there is something to learn from it. Utimately though, there is a threshold. After that point, i'd be lying to myself if said that i liked losing.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The point of the game is to have fun fighting, not mere winning. After all, if all I wanted to do was 'win' I could sub-up right now and spend hours upon hours winning my way across Auraxis with no troublesome enemies trying to fight me. The fun comes from the fight, not merely the outcome, and if a positive outcome comes at the expense of a good fight, the community as a whole would often express their disapproval (see: above references to gen blowing)
As i stated above, there are many aspects to Planetsides' conflict. There are multiple ways to "win". Also, as stated above, your concept of a "fun fight" is also a matter of opinion. It is also, as stated previously, derived at the expense of someone else's "fun".

In order to have your "fun fight", there are fewer people to participate in another "fun fight". One that might actually result in "victory", as hollow as it may be. Because you are incapable of working with the community-at-large due to your selfish concepts and "guidlines", you have weaked the collective as a whole. Consensus, whether it be imposed passively or actively, through writ or word, makes one inflexible in their own actions. Actions are what determine concepts such as "guidlines" or "rules". They have no substance without them. How do you think your list even came to be in the first place? Ponderous amounts of intro/intraspective thought? A well-worded, flowery, eloquent, wall of text on a forum? No. It did not.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
All evidence presented thus far would lead me to believe you will in fact not 'get' me, but I suppose over centuries even a small stream can crack mountains; I must admit though I wouldn't expect it to happen before the Second Coming.

The attitude oozing from this quote, your entire post (and future posts, i imagine) is exactly why i will "get" you.

Originally Posted by Minigun View Post
Oh PSU forums, how I have missed you.
Originally Posted by cHaM View Post
Wats goin on in here guyz

Originally Posted by SgtMAD View Post
Originally Posted by Secant View Post
Mightymouser. Hi. I miss you. All the homo.

Please disregard Godless.

Secant, you know he won't.

Last edited by GodlessHeretic; 2014-03-31 at 03:22 AM. Reason: Stuffing more quotes in that could fit...*wink wink*
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Old 2014-03-31, 05:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #49
Master Sergeant
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post

A popular opinion is still an opinion. One that can be disputed and proven false. More people would do it, but it's so...unpopular...and hard...
What a vapid statement, there's nothing really to respond to there, except that if something can be proven false, it is by definition not an opinion.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
People enter conflict for numerous reasons. The overall concept is to prove your superiority to others and walk away intact. Your making the incorrect assumption that "waging war" follows only a single aspect. This is why i do not believe you and i were playing the same game. If we were, you would understand this.
People play video games to be entertained.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I just said i had none. do they work? Am i right?

Using a group of trolls that ruined a player-driven event unrealated to the actual game in comparision to the mechanics and meta of Planetside is a pretty poor analogy. You're gonna need to re-think that bit. That being said, i do understand what you're getting at. None of this really matters and people are going to do what they want. This was stated towards the beginning of this thread. All we're doing is dick-measuring and wasting time.
I didn't bring up the analogy, I simply expanded upon it because I think it is in fact quite apt at showing the community's reaction to a violation of 'eHonor' and therefore their inherent willingness to accept and uphold some level of a 'code' for the greater good of the game.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Unless you have some sort of telepathic link to what D2A is ACTUALLY thinking, this is bullshit.
I don't need a telepathic link to D2A to know the intent of the thread when the intent of the thread is written out quite clearly in the OP. I realize from your response to D2A's post that you seem to have some paranoia issues and that you 'don't believe that reason is as benign as [he is] attempting to make it look.' However, I am not operating under any such delusional state and am quite ready to believe D2A's stated purpose for the thread, which is convenient as it coincides with my own purpose for responding to the thread...

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Common to who? So far, its just you and D2A who are debating the matter. Everyone else who's posted (besides me of course) just sort of threw in their two-cents and called it good. Even more are waiting for the flames to erupt.
I'm sorry, are you actually arguing that it is not in the interest of all of PlanetSide 1's players that the game continues to exist and maintain a playerbase? This is really just getting silly now...

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I'd call it irrelevant. It should be abundantly clear at this point that you have the authority to do nothing to anyone in any way. Why you wasting your time defending a set of "guidelines" with no point or place in the game you wish to impose them is baffling to me.
Yet again, no one is trying to 'impose' anything.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Petty, sad, and disapointing.
I take your lack of being able to quote any overlooked or 'disregarded' portions of your previous posts to mean that I indeed did not overlook any. That is indeed sad and disappointing, as it means your argument is just as insipid and empty as I had feared.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Assumption based on a false-positive opinion. Tell yourself this as many times and you feel you need to, but it will not make it a "fact".
I'm confused as to what exactly you are arguing here? That it is somehow not a fact that I quoted and emphasized the specified portions of the OP? Or that you completely failed to address them? Both points seem to be entirely verifiable from your post.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
More irony.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
No. You don't. You, nor anyone else has the authority to make SOE keep Planetsides server up. If they do, it will not be for your benefit. If you do, it will be tertiary at best and basically at SOE's whim anyway.

SOE has proven on more than one occasion that your "power" is ineffectual. You have no control over game. At all.
SOE has the power to shut the servers down. However, as I noted in the lines you bizarrely decided to delete from the quote, when PS1 dies it will likely not be because SOE shuts the servers down, but rather because the community stops playing (as the current state of the PS1 server exemplifies)

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I don't know or care who you are. Your signature implies that you are vermin and that you belong to an outfit called DARK, which i have fought against...

Not impressed.

I can also assume that you're an Infiltrator, which means you do less than than a Lodestar pilot, but have somehow deluded yourself into thinking you're more nescessary. Which isn't to say that you aren't. Sabotage plays an important role in conflict. It's just that the suit and the shitty attitude aren't a requirement.
I'm not entirely sure what all that hot air is supposed to mean, except that you seem to be trying to attack my in game abilities and/or play style. You seem to be using words you don't fully understand, for example to say I have deluded myself into thinking something would imply that the something I have deluded myself into thinking is not true, it is incongruent to then state " Which isn't to say that you aren't." Because that is, indeed, exactly what you've just said. Perhaps this would be easier if you limited yourself to a vocabulary with which you are fully comfortable. At any rate, both my play style and abilities therein are moderately well known, and I feel no concern for your opinion of either.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
It reached enough of one for you to support a set of vague (at best) set of "guidelines" on the subject.

So it's ok for you to do it because it's "justified" somehow, but when someone else does it for reasons that you can't possibly fathom, it's lame. Do you see why general rules and guidelines won't work? Why it's pointless? There are too many variables. Too many reasons. Too many paths to take to the "end" result.
The point of general rules and guidelines is to address exactly that problem, to give a space for discussion as to what qualifies a 'justifiable' circumstance in which to drop a gen so that fights are not constantly and consistently preemptively ended in a manner which ruins the fun of players on both sides of a fight. There is no reason to attempt to layout and account for all the variables, nor to attempt to ensure that everyone is always satisfied that the guidelines have been upheld (as we have covered several times, it is fully expected that there will be times when they won't be). In such an event everyone just has to deal with that in their own way, however if the existence and promotion of these guidelines can extend the life and fun of even one fight, they're worth it. (To say nothing of the personal entertainment I have had obliterating your 'arguments' in this thread so far).

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Petty. If it were me, i'd sit there and let you grief lock yourselves. At least then you'd have an excuse to be wasting time.
I never promoted the idea of TK'ing gen droppers, I pointing to the practice as evidence of the community's opinion of the practice.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Your idea of a "fun fight" is selfish at its core. Where ever you are, you are no where else. There are a lot of places to be in Planetside. Places where you might actually help. Or hell, might even be NEEDED.
Selfish, how? Because I am promoting entertaining fights in a video game the sole intention of which is to provide entertainment? The mental gymnastics you had to preform to reach that conclusion should be an Olympic Sport.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
It was only destructive because we didn't know how to fight them properly. It isn't too much different than fighting a typical "zerg" outfit, it's just the scale was just so daunting. Combine that their communal and socialist tendencies and get the idea. SgtMAD probably had a worse time with them than i ever did though. From what i gathered, they operated just like The Enclave, or any other group of trolls out there. There were enough of them that they simply didn't need to play/interact with the rest of us. So they didn't.

I hope to hell you never hold any part of this "correction". You have no idea what you're talking about.
They were destructive because the fights they generated were not fun to participate in, and therefore people left the game.

As for my being part of SOE's correction (which I already noted I don't believe will ever take place), I already have a pretty well paying day-job, I don't anticipate going to work for SOE any time soon, you can rest easy.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Matter of opinion, not saving anything, not a hero...etc. Could you be more of an arrogant jackass?
Have you devolved to the point that you can no longer form coherent thoughts and sentences?

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
See? There you go again. You're not Planetside's fucking messiah. Neither is D2A. The game isn't going to magically fall apart because not everyone agrees with you.
I've never stated that everyone need agree with me, certainly they do not. What I have stated is that if players maintain playstyles that bring about fights which aren't fun to play in, other players will leave; if too many players choose to maintain such playstyles the game will suffer. This is a fact.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I've had some of these too. They are usually far and few between though. I'll bear an ass-whopping, so long as there is something to learn from it. Utimately though, there is a threshold. After that point, i'd be lying to myself if said that i liked losing.

As i stated above, there are many aspects to Planetsides' conflict. There are multiple ways to "win". Also, as stated above, your concept of a "fun fight" is also a matter of opinion. It is also, as stated previously, derived at the expense of someone else's "fun".
If a fight is fun for both sides fighting in it, it's continuation need not detract from anyone else's fun. Preemptively ending such a fight on the other hand deprives all parties of said fun.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
In order to have your "fun fight", there are fewer people to participate in another "fun fight". One that might actually result in "victory", as hollow as it may be. Because you are incapable of working with the community-at-large due to your selfish concepts and "guidlines", you have weaked the collective as a whole. Consensus, whether it be imposed passively or actively, through writ or word, makes one inflexible in their own actions. Actions are what determine concepts such as "guidlines" or "rules". They have no substance without them. How do you think your list even came to be in the first place? Ponderous amounts of intro/intraspective thought? A well-worded, flowery, eloquent, wall of text on a forum? No. It did not.
Wow, lay off the thesaurus there; you're clearly using words you don't fully understand. You cannot in one breath call me selfish and unable to work with the community as a whole, and in the following decry the follies of a consensus. A writ is something formally written, so "writ or word" is a meaningless distinction. To say that actions determine guidelines is arguing an undisputed point; this list was derived from play styles D2A observed in PS1 which resulted in less-than-fun fights (as measured by the fact that they caused people to leave the game). Intraspective simply isn't a word.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post

The attitude oozing from this quote, your entire post (and future posts, i imagine) is exactly why i will "get" you.
You've reached the point that you are arguing just to argue. I could say the sky is blue, and you would undoubtedly come back with some bizarre statement like: "That's just your opinion. The sky isn't blue; it's a light shade of purple." While I will admit some pleasure at pulling apart the absurdity of your responses, it has reached a point of pitiful. Do yourself a favor and just walk away; you're only making yourself look more foolish with each response.

Last edited by Mightymouser; 2014-03-31 at 10:35 PM.
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Old 2014-03-31, 08:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #50
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

If you are not BLUE, you are RED... or that other color.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2014-03-31, 10:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #51
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

please let this thread run,it is the best thread on these forums.

it feels like 2004 on the original PS General Forum

Last edited by SgtMAD; 2014-03-31 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 2014-03-31, 11:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #52
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Dear lord I sincerely hope Planetside 2 players, aspiring to try out the original, aren't reading this thread.

Sure, you three comparing ego's is hilarious to Planetside 1 vets, but this has to be a turn off to anyone who doesn't understand this is what happens the first time you get a kill by spamming adadada better than the person you are shooting.

As for the Honor pact, in my opinion D2A and MightyMouser have a point, in that the pact is the "ideal" way to play planetside. It is the most fun and "fairest" way to play the game according to the majority of players. That being said, in my experience most people curse anyone who plays "lamely" (blowing gen/over use of max ect) to ruin their farm BUT when they are the ones being farmed they'll do the exact same thing they just condemned. Hypocrisy thy name is EVERYONEWHOPLAYSPLANETSIDE.

GodlessHeretic also has a point, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to try and put it in a different way than you did. He is asking "why would I not play lame to win a base." Let's face it, no one likes being the people constantly getting killed when invading a base. It sucks, you hardly get any kills, you die loads (and since you're spawning at ams' spawning takes FOREVER), and it's just not a fun experience. You can be the best player in the game and barely pull out a 1:1 k/d (yes k/d is stupid if you want a good one go play an Arena FPS, still though no one likes dying). So why would anyone not want to just get that hellish experience over with as fast as they can.

Solution #1) try your best not to act lame. I know, I know D2A that was your whole point at making the list. For some reason you asking this was seen as you demanding everyone comply. I don't know why, Heretic is probably just playing devil's advocate (and doing a really find job at that). People are going to play lame, it's just how video games work. And just because the majority of people will agree that this list defines lame play, doesn't mean everyone does.

Solution #2) Stop complaining. Simple as that. Planetside is a war based game and people play to win. And if you're in anything but a bio-lab and your gen get's blown that is your own damn fault unless router exploit. Also for the love of God. If you are holding a bio-lab the gen is going to go down, sure it sucks, but it's a bio-lab. Don't bitch and complain. It's been 10 years, it's a bio-lab, it's going to happen.

Let's look on the bright side, no batsteg, basti, those two TR who were always in AA max's (don't remember their names but if you've ever seen them out of a max in a fight it would make you die of laughter)

Now personally, I hardly ever invade a base. My outfit will always go start a new fight somewhere else because defending is fun, or I just log off. And with that said I still understand why people resort to such lame measures. People don't like getting owned, and invading a base with a semi decent squad is going to suck. So make it end I suppose.

Last thing, I know I only addressed the "not letting fights develop part" but that is truly the only thing in the list that bugs me, and is fixable (sorta).
1. Ceasing to let fights develop/ending fights too early See above
2. Use of lame weapons/vehicles
Doesn't exist to me, if it was added to the game it's part of the game
3.General douchebag behavior
People are douchebag's in real life, what about an online alias is gonna fix that. I get on with most anyone in planetside, D2A we've played decent amounts together you can attest to that. If someone is a dickhead in game just treat them how you would in real life, damn.
4. Abuse of exploits/bugs
Well this is no better than hacking in my opinion. If you use(d) a broken wasp that is cheating, if you use(d) a router GLITCH to warp to gen/basement that is cheating. (those things were not added to the game but exploits)

Last edited by Hehateme; 2014-03-31 at 11:36 PM.
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Old 2014-03-31, 11:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #53
Dominion's Avatar
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

This is ridiculous, all of it, you would think the Pope & Charles Darwin were arguing philosophically. I understand everyone is passionate and that this post isn't going to stop that, but I'm pretty sure the point of threads are to discuss the topics at hand, not your petty arguments which would be best spent messaging each other than letting your argument spill over onto the thread where people which actually want to discuss. My English writing to argue essays are shorter and less detailed than this; & now I feel like a hypocrite because I'm just getting as judgmental and angry as some people have acted.

But onto the topic at hand...

I appreciate the effort you put into this thread. Honestly I hope I get a good few weeks out of this server, I was 7 when it came out & it was my first video game, I'm not a very 'nerdy' (sorry if that offends) person so if I ever played a game it was this half the time. I never really noticed the cheats or how unbalanced it was, I thought Core Combat & the caves were cool so I'm sad to see them go. Hopefully someone will think twice before ruining it for everyone else.
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Old 2014-04-01, 12:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #54
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

I honestly have no words. Last time I posted this people simply posted "signed" as in to imply they agree or they furthered the discussion into what is considered a "lame" playstyle or not. Some points were argued upon, but not into the shitfest that this has evolved into. I don't understand nor did I expect the inexplicable resentment. It's just derailed into pointless trolling by this point.

Cliffnotes version of the thread:
  • PS1 is going F2P soon
  • There probably won't be that many people back, so let's try and have a good time
  • Here's some stuff that makes it not a good time
  • What do you guys think
  • Why?

And it's all gone to shit from there. I think this is one of those theoretical examples of an infinite number of monkeys typing on typewriters and one of them eventually types out Shakespeare. Only in this situation it's not Shakespeare, it's just nonsensical, contrived, bullshit.

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Old 2014-04-01, 12:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #55
Zulthus's Avatar
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Yea.... I'll be one of the first people in game when it goes F2P. I don't play many games anymore, PS1 is probably one of the only unique games I still want to play over and over for hours at a time.

However, with a number of people in the PS2 community spewing waste out of their mouths how it's a "shitty game" and "graphiks r bad lul" most likely scaring off plenty of prospective players, I find myself becoming apathetic about what happens next for the game. If it goes on Steam or gets a good active community, I'll ride it out to the end. If it flops within a week, I guess I'll have no more fun games to play and go back to learning the piano and focus on my 3D crap.
ZulthusVS, 34/5 DARK
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Old 2014-04-01, 12:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #56
BeatCrazed's Avatar
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I honestly have no words. Last time I posted this people simply posted "signed" as in to imply they agree or they furthered the discussion into what is considered a "lame" playstyle or not. Some points were argued upon, but not into the shitfest that this has evolved into. I don't understand nor did I expect the inexplicable resentment. It's just derailed into pointless trolling by this point.

Cliffnotes version of the thread:
  • PS1 is going F2P soon
  • There probably won't be that many people back, so let's try and have a good time
  • Here's some stuff that makes it not a good time
  • What do you guys think
  • Why?

And it's all gone to shit from there. I think this is one of those theoretical examples of an infinite number of monkeys typing on typewriters and one of them eventually types out Shakespeare. Only in this situation it's not Shakespeare, it's just nonsensical, contrived, bullshit.
Well I'm signing it. I'd have done so earlier but i was totally lurking, haha.
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Old 2014-04-01, 02:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #57
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
What a vapid statement, there's nothing really to respond to there, except that if something can be proven false, it is by definition not an opinion.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
People play video games to be entertained.
There are multiple ways of being entertained in a video game. This concept must be hard to wrap your head around, because we have dicussed this point to death.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I didn't bring up the analogy, I simply expanded upon it because I think it is in fact quite apt at showing the community's reaction to a violation of 'eHonor' and therefore their inherent willingness to accept and uphold some level of a 'code' for the greater good of the game.
A matter of perception and opinion. Your "expansion" of the analogy still doesn't work.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I don't need a telepathic link to D2A to know the intent of the thread when the intent of the thread is written out quite clearly in the OP. I realize from your response to D2A's post that you seem to have some paranoia issues and that you 'don't believe that reason is as benign as [he is] attempting to make it look.' However, I am not operating under any such delusional state and am quite ready to believe D2A's stated purpose for the thread, which is convenient as it coincides with my own purpose for responding to the thread...
At this point, i'm not really arguing over this list of "guidelines" anymore. They're vague at best, and utterly unrealistic at worst. I'm after you and D2A now. People create rules for a reason. In this case, it's because you two believe that you are authority figures of some sort. Otherwise, you wouldn't have bothered. Since i seem to lack the vocabulary to explain this correctly, let's try a little math...

Mightymouser + D2A = Al Gore

This is why even starting this thread was a waste of time, why you arguing with me is a waste of time, and why i'm going to butt-fuck you in text-form until you just be quiet.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I'm sorry, are you actually arguing that it is not in the interest of all of PlanetSide 1's players that the game continues to exist and maintain a playerbase? This is really just getting silly now...
No. I'm arguing that despite this apparent mass outcry, all i see are two people genuinely arguing the point. Neither of you are even doing that great of a job either. What does this say about your entire movement if you two pud-whackers are the best your collective has to offer?


Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Yet again, no one is trying to 'impose' anything.
Yes. You are. In a passive aggressive, guilt laced pile of visual diarrhea. If we follow your rules, then we have fun. If we don't? We destroy Planetside...


Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I take your lack of being able to quote any overlooked or 'disregarded' portions of your previous posts to mean that I indeed did not overlook any. That is indeed sad and disappointing, as it means your argument is just as insipid and empty as I had feared.
Grasping at straws. Desperation stinks like bitch. You reek of it.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I'm confused as to what exactly you are arguing here? That it is somehow not a fact that I quoted and emphasized the specified portions of the OP? Or that you completely failed to address them? Both points seem to be entirely verifiable from your post.
I'm saying that you have no actual facts to support anything you said. You're just assuming they are for...who knows what reason?

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
SOE has the power to shut the servers down. However, as I noted in the lines you bizarrely decided to delete from the quote, when PS1 dies it will likely not be because SOE shuts the servers down, but rather because the community stops playing (as the current state of the PS1 server exemplifies)
Planetside is an expendable novelty item to SOE. Should even the slightest bit of shit hit the fan, what do you think will go first?

People stopped playing because the game costs a monthly fee they can't justify. Over time, it can add up. They also stopped because certain aspects/game mechanics were poorly implemented. That's about it. Reasons beyond that are a revolving door.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I'm not entirely sure what all that hot air is supposed to mean
Let me help you:

-Outstanding Infiltrators are hard to come by, you are not one of them.
-Your outfit, at least from what i've seen, is about as gray, amorphous, and unremarkable as the spooge stains i leave in a wad of tissue paper every night. The tie-in here is that both could be discarded and no one would care.
-The signature at the bottom of your posts is dumb.
-Beyond this thread, i have no real idea who you are.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
except that you seem to be trying to attack my in game abilities and/or play style. You seem to be using words you don't fully understand, for example to say I have deluded myself into thinking something would imply that the something I have deluded myself into thinking is not true, it is incongruent to then state " Which isn't to say that you aren't." Because that is, indeed, exactly what you've just said. Perhaps this would be easier if you limited yourself to a vocabulary with which you are fully comfortable. At any rate, both my play style and abilities therein are moderately well known, and I feel no concern for your opinion of either.
I am baiting a giant hook. That's all.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The point of general rules and guidelines is to address exactly that problem, to give a space for discussion as to what qualifies a 'justifiable' circumstance in which to drop a gen so that fights are not constantly and consistently preemptively ended in a manner which ruins the fun of players on both sides of a fight.
This is not possible. The reasons are too varied and you're not capable of outlining them all. That much is certain.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
There is no reason to attempt to layout and account for all the variables, nor to attempt to ensure that everyone is always satisfied that the guidelines have been upheld
Yes there is. If the potential here is for these "guidelines" to become a more concreate way of acting, then everyone and everything involved should be satisfied and accounted for. This is why you're not capable.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
In such an event everyone just has to deal with that in their own way, however if the existence and promotion of these guidelines can extend the life and fun of even one fight, they're worth it.
You do understand that Planetside is a game of prepetual conflict, right? There is always more than one battle occuring, always another fight on the horizon. Another chance for a moment of glory, honor, or the thrill of the kill. Yet, here you are focusing on this one, isolated, almost non-existent moment.

I pity you. The game is over a decade old and you missed almost all of it.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
(To say nothing of the personal entertainment I have had obliterating your 'arguments' in this thread so far).
Buckle up, bud. I haven't even shifted out of first yet.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I never promoting the idea of TK'ing gen droppers, I pointing to the practice as evidence of the community's opinion of the practice.
Yes. Because the community at large is supremely informed and oozing with foresight in the middle of virtual armed conflict...

Or at all....

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Selfish, how? Because I am promoting entertaining fights in a video game the sole intention of which is to provide entertainment? The mental gymnastics you had to preform to reach that conclusion should be an Olympic Sport.
Planetside players will find their own entertainment from the game. I can assure you they will not need your invaluable services. Be sure to offer it as often as possible though. There might a be a few that fall through the cracks that absolutely require someone like you to imply "right" or "wrong" decision-making in a VIDEO GAME.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
They were destructive because the fights they generated were not fun to participate in, and therefore people left the game.
At first? Yes, they were. Shock and awe have that effect at first.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
As for my being part of SOE's correction (which I already noted I don't believe will ever take place),
So if they won't do it, and you, nor anyone else involved in your "changes" has the authority to do it...why?

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I already have a pretty well paying day-job, I don't anticipate going to work for SOE any time soon, you can rest easy.
Not really what i meant, but it's adorable you went there. More desperation.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Have you devolved to the point that you can no longer form coherent thoughts and sentences?
You have a recurring pattern in the things you say. I got the key points down and figured you'd get rest. I apologize for my assumption.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I've never stated that everyone need agree with me, certainly they do not.
You said this.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
What I have stated is that if players maintain playstyles that bring about fights which aren't fun to play in, other players will leave; if too many players choose to maintain such playstyles the game will suffer. This is a fact.
Then, said this! BRILLIANT!

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
You don't have to agree with me and are "entitled" to your "opinion"...but if you don't, then you "ruin" everything because I CAN'T POSSIBLY BE WRONG!!!! I'M A SOMEBODY!
Creepy. It's like i AM you...


Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
If a fight is fun for both sides fighting in it, it's continuation need not detract from anyone else's fun. Preemptively ending such a fight on the other hand deprives all parties of said fun.
You are making a huge and horribly incorrect leap in "logic" here.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Wow, lay off the thesaurus there; you're clearly using words you don't fully understand. You cannot in one breath call me selfish and unable to work with the community as a whole, and in the following decry the follies of a consensus. A writ is something formally written, so "writ or word" is a meaningless distinction. To say that actions determine guidelines is arguing an undisputed point; this list was derived from play styles D2A observed in PS1 which resulted in less-than-fun fights (as measured by the fact that they caused people to leave the game). Intraspective simply isn't a word.
Now you're nit-picking. More desperation. Also, deflection. I do apologize for not busting out my thesaurus though. I'd certainly hate to bother you through the use of words that don't exist and distinctions that make no sense...that would be rude.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
You've reached the point that you are arguing just to argue.
Partially. There are more reasons, to be sure.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I could say the sky is blue, and you would undoubtedly come back with some bizarre statement like: "That's just your opinion. The sky isn't blue; it's a light shade of purple."
You're so close to understanding it's making my balls twitch.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
While I will admit some pleasure at pulling apart the absurdity of your responses, it has reached a point of pitiful. Do yourself a favor and just walk away; you're only making yourself look more foolish with each response.
Irony. Desperation.

I won't be going anywhere. I've got so much to do...

Last edited by GodlessHeretic; 2014-04-01 at 02:43 AM.
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Old 2014-04-01, 02:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #58
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I honestly have no words. Last time I posted this people simply posted "signed" as in to imply they agree or they furthered the discussion into what is considered a "lame" playstyle or not. Some points were argued upon, but not into the shitfest that this has evolved into. I don't understand nor did I expect the inexplicable resentment. It's just derailed into pointless trolling by this point.

Cliffnotes version of the thread:
  • PS1 is going F2P soon
  • There probably won't be that many people back, so let's try and have a good time
  • Here's some stuff that makes it not a good time
  • What do you guys think
  • Why?

And it's all gone to shit from there. I think this is one of those theoretical examples of an infinite number of monkeys typing on typewriters and one of them eventually types out Shakespeare. Only in this situation it's not Shakespeare, it's just nonsensical, contrived, bullshit.
This is all your fault. Own up to being an idiot at least, would ya?
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Old 2014-04-01, 02:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #59
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Hehateme View Post
As for the Honor pact, in my opinion D2A and MightyMouser have a point, in that the pact is the "ideal" way to play planetside. It is the most fun and "fairest" way to play the game according to the majority of players. That being said, in my experience most people curse anyone who plays "lamely" (blowing gen/over use of max ect) to ruin their farm BUT when they are the ones being farmed they'll do the exact same thing they just condemned. Hypocrisy thy name is EVERYONEWHOPLAYSPLANETSIDE.

GodlessHeretic also has a point, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm going to try and put it in a different way than you did. He is asking "why would I not play lame to win a base." Let's face it, no one likes being the people constantly getting killed when invading a base. It sucks, you hardly get any kills, you die loads (and since you're spawning at ams' spawning takes FOREVER), and it's just not a fun experience. You can be the best player in the game and barely pull out a 1:1 k/d (yes k/d is stupid if you want a good one go play an Arena FPS, still though no one likes dying). So why would anyone not want to just get that hellish experience over with as fast as they can.

Solution #1) try your best not to act lame. I know, I know D2A that was your whole point at making the list. For some reason you asking this was seen as you demanding everyone comply. I don't know why, Heretic is probably just playing devil's advocate (and doing a really find job at that). People are going to play lame, it's just how video games work. And just because the majority of people will agree that this list defines lame play, doesn't mean everyone does.

Solution #2) Stop complaining. Simple as that. Planetside is a war based game and people play to win. And if you're in anything but a bio-lab and your gen get's blown that is your own damn fault unless router exploit. Also for the love of God. If you are holding a bio-lab the gen is going to go down, sure it sucks, but it's a bio-lab. Don't bitch and complain. It's been 10 years, it's a bio-lab, it's going to happen.
This guy...

For the record, those PS1 vets you're refering to include myself as well. I'm just a very well kept secret. Like an STD...or a crooked dick.
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Old 2014-04-01, 11:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #60
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
This guy...

For the record, those PS1 vets you're refering to include myself as well. I'm just a very well kept secret. Like an STD...or a crooked dick.
Where did I suggest you weren't a PS1 vet? I merely tried to reword your arguments factoring out the arrogance.
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