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Old 2014-03-29, 12:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Master Sergeant
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Fine. Here's your wall of text. I can't say i didn't try...

Oh yea...i'm sure your collective QQing totally stopped them in their tracks...OH WAIT. They never wanted or needed your respect or acceptance. That's why they did what they did. That, and it was probably the most hilarious shit ever to them. Trolls have an odd sense of humor.
I didn't say they stopped, I said it was the point where the majority of the community recognized them as a collection of asshats, and there was a collective outcry against their actions. Which, as it happens, is more important to this discussion. No one here is arguing that there aren't trolls, nor that they can somehow be prevented from trolling. Rather, the objective of this thread from the start was to point out game play elements which are destructive to the game, and to ask those that care about making "the game more enjoyable as a whole" to do their part to keep numbers up by providing fun fights, rather than running players off with cheap tactics.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
All of this could've been avoided if they'd just done their stupid-ass "funeral" in a Warpgate or something...

Better yet, they could've gone to his ACTUAL funeral like oh i dunno...real people? GAMES ARE SUPER CERAL GAIS!
The people at that funeral were from around the globe, and attending a funeral in real life wasn't an option (though if memory serves, there were several of the player's outfit mates who did travel to his funeral to pay their respects in person). They also planned to do a few things like OSes, which made doing it in an WG impractical, and (as this was the first PS funeral) there was no precedent for jackasses trying to disrupt it. I doubt the organizers of the service considered that a group of twats would take it upon themselves to fly to an out of the way cont, and an out of the way place on that cont, with the sole intention of being little shits.

This may seem unthinkable to you, since you appear to be the type of asshole nit-wit that doesn't develop real tight friendships, but some of the players playing PS1 had spent hours upon hours with each other, they shared the joys and grief of not only in-game triumphs and losses, but cheered and consoled each other when real life situations arose as well. No, the game isn't super serious, but the relationships that have been built in it can certainly be quite serious. And it is only natural when a dear friend dies to want to mourn them in the way you spent so much time with them.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Anyhow, the only way the instance you describe and this argument are the same is this: A statment was made. In my case, its something along the lines of...

None of you have any actual authority to enforce the rules that were stated, so why bother in the first place? Why give even a single fuck? What that answer is, i can't say for certain. All I can say for sure is that i don't agree with it. If i have to delve any deeper than that, then i'm going to get irritated.
Oh, I think I see the issue here. You're one of the immature dolts who can't fathom a situation where people would work together if there isn't a overriding authority figure forcing them to do so, one of the people with little-to-no moral fiber or integrity who only follows a rule or code because you're afraid of the consequences if you get caught not doing so... Well, this might come as a crazy surprise to you, but not everyone is like that; some people will actually work towards a common good because they recognize the benefit for themselves if the common good prospers.

In this case, the common good is the extended life of PlanetSide 1, and the more players who are playing in a manner similar to the code D2A laid out, the more fun the game will be for everyone and the long the game itself will last. Some people will see that, and work towards that common good, others (like yourself) will not, and will 'play the game, and everyone else can leave'...

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
He insisting on something. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered. As are you, since you bothered me. This list of "guidelines" sounds like something that should be taken up with an outfit or clan. Not tossed on here like you've got the balls and brains to make it stick.
You should try reading a bit closer, as you seemed to have missed a few key points from the first post (and then undoubtedly overlooked them as they've been reiterated time and again):
Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
This is, obviously, a voluntary list of mostly general guidelines that I personally feel players could follow to make the game more enjoyable as a whole and cease in detracting players from the game.
Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I understand that some people will probably read this and do the exact opposite just in spite of it being suggested, and that's fine. But I would like to encourage as many people as possible to follow through with this list and just try and make the game as enjoyable and frustration free as we possibly can.
The point of this list is to give those who do care about the longevity of the game a place to discuss the things that can be done to make it as fun as possible, and the things that, when done, detract from the game experience as a whole...

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
You must've been playing another game for the last decade or something. You do know that we're talking about Planetside...right? The game's entire existence revolves around ruining someone else's day. IT'S A WAR GAME. The only objective of war to walk away from it intact, more or less.
I guess we must have been playing another game indeed, because the game I was playing had players TK'ing people who ruined fun fights by dropping the gen. The game I was playing had vast numbers of people complaining very, very, loudly about the CNs 'lame' tactics of using absolutely overwhelming force to overrun fights and destroy all fun (SgtMAD knows something about that, I believe). That the community opposed such 'lame' tactics so aggressively and vocally suggests that (in the game I was playing) there is certainly an understanding that somethings are destructive towards the game as a whole, and it is in the interest of all players that such things aren't done...

Given that such a sizable block of that community existed, it seems perfectly logical to work out what those destructive tactics are and how they can be avoided...

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
First off, fuck you for being a passive aggressive weiner. Secondly, there are varying "guidlines" in the escalation of battle. Most of which are murky at best. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst. Your team is counting on you to SUCCEED. Not make excuses or whine. More than anything else, people like to "win". This isn't to say that exploits and hacking are acceptable, but if my crew needs me to blow a generator, pull a MAX, Flail an enemy courtyard, etc. then i'm going to do it. It's your job to figure out how to stop me and vice-versa.
I'm not sure passive aggressive means what you think it means, because nothing I said there is passive aggressive at all, in fact quite the opposite, I stated my opinion blatantly and frankly... As for the 'more than anything else people like to win' bit, I'd suggest that is true of only a small minority of players, and I point to the above examples of protests against of gen blowing and CN-style lameness as exhibits of people unhappy with the tactics their own empire uses to win. This is a game after all, and turning pixels colors isn't what's important. It's having fun playing the game that's important.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
There. The first of many here. You and D2A have made my shit-list. A mistake on your part. SgtMAD can attest to this...assuming he cares at all. My guess is he's waiting for his popcorn in the microwave.
Words truly fail me, indeed there is not a word known to me in the whole of the English language which adequately encompasses the absolute lack of care on my part as to having been nominated and confirmed as a member of your shit-list.

Last edited by Mightymouser; 2014-03-29 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 2014-03-29, 01:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by ChipMHazard View Post
Just a reminder. If people find it impossible to behave with even a modicum of civility then I will close this thread down.
You are free to disagree with each other as mucn as you like. However, stop making it personal.
Of all the possible outcomes I anticipated for this thread, I did not expect this sort of brazen, unwarranted hostility.

I'm not sure what exactly it is about this community, but when people have strong feelings towards a matter regarding PlanetSide, they argue it passionately. Some conduct themselves in a responsible manners while others blossom into some sort of indescribable, intolerable ignorance that begets antipathy from everyone else involved.

These were not my intentions when making this thread. I was trying to shine on an issue that plagues the game. I don't think I could have possibly foreseen that reaction that this would have invoked.

It's just such a strange thing to me, this thread. "If you have don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all" should be the theme of this thread. In no way does anything suggested in this list impose upon the apparently afflicted posters here. It is -as mentioned before- an unconstrained, voluntary list of guidelines. If you don't agree with it, then begone with you. But why shit all over the thread whilst contributing nothing to the discussion?

So the point of this all is, instead of locking the entire thread, why not deal with the ones directly responsible for it's demise? It's not fair to blot out an entire idea because the third party reacting to it are babies.


Last edited by Death2All; 2014-03-29 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 2014-03-29, 04:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

To be fair I was attacking someone in defense of another. As for D2A's idea, I personally agree with it. In fact on all my 6 characters I have less than 200 kills while using a max, and less than 50 gen kills.
To be honest though, I do not believe everyone will be willing to play less-lame. A lot of people have the "win at all costs mentality" and that is what makes planetside planetside. Playing lame is a result of people hating being farmed. One empire has 30% pop and is just defending base after base (most fun fight for me and a lot of other people) but the other 70% HATES constantly getting killed so they will pull maxes/blow gens. That's how the game works, it's really annoying yes, but that's how it has been for 10years.
As for exploits (wasps bug/router glitches) that's just super lame imo and should be a bannable offense.
And there is nothing wrong with flail use imo. A flail is planetside's artillery and does a damn good job at that. That being said, I've never used one because sitting in one spot pressing mouse1 is just boring and I would rather not, but it still doesn't make it lame.
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Old 2014-03-29, 05:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Second Lieutenant
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

I wonder how Batsteg feels about this
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Old 2014-03-29, 06:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

The Generator Assassin need not apply.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2014-03-29, 09:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Look if enough people play with the Ehonour suggested and rein in their empire (CR5's) we can have really amazing fights. That means don't global quick all to Dagda if there are only 7 enemy. Sometimes the whole empire turns up and steamrolls the situation resulting with the main fight suffering for your side. Just getting Dagda back might result in you being kicked off the continent of the main fight. Not only does that make it frustrating for the enemy you just steamrolled but it equals boredom for your own empire. The global meta game is affected by your actions, something sadly missing from PS2.
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Old 2014-03-30, 03:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Rather, the objective of this thread from the start was to point out game play elements which are destructive to the game, and to ask those that care about making "the game more enjoyable as a whole" to do their part to keep numbers up by providing fun fights, rather than running players off with cheap tactics.
Your concept of what's "destructive" and "enjoyable" to this game is an opinion. One i do not share. If you want a "fun" fight, then take it up someplace else where it or you makes no difference. We wage war on Planetside.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The people at that funeral were from around the globe, and attending a funeral in real life wasn't an option (though if memory serves, there were several of the player's outfit mates who did travel to his funeral to pay their respects in person). They also planned to do a few things like OSes, which made doing it in an WG impractical, and (as this was the first PS funeral) there was no precedent for jackasses trying to disrupt it. I doubt the organizers of the service considered that a group of twats would take it upon themselves to fly to an out of the way cont, and an out of the way place on that cont, with the sole intention of being little shits.
All of this is irrelevant. I have no pity for victims, especially those that somehow expected different.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
This may seem unthinkable to you, since you appear to be the type of asshole nit-wit that doesn't develop real tight friendships, but some of the players playing PS1 had spent hours upon hours with each other, they shared the joys and grief of not only in-game triumphs and losses, but cheered and consoled each other when real life situations arose as well. No, the game isn't super serious, but the relationships that have been built in it can certainly be quite serious. And it is only natural when a dear friend dies to want to mourn them in the way you spent so much time with them.
Save your personal attacks for someone who cares. I am not that person. The problem here is what is considered social interaction. Our opinions on this subject differ.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Oh, I think I see the issue here. You're one of the immature dolts who can't fathom a situation where people would work together if there isn't a overriding authority figure forcing them to do so, one of the people with little-to-no moral fiber or integrity who only follows a rule or code because you're afraid of the consequences if you get caught not doing so... Well, this might come as a crazy surprise to you, but not everyone is like that; some people will actually work towards a common good because they recognize the benefit for themselves if the common good prospers.
Again, this matter of opinion that you seem to be hot-blooded and flustered over. Personal attacks just make you look weak and your argument invalid.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
In this case, the common good is the extended life of PlanetSide 1, and the more players who are playing in a manner similar to the code D2A laid out, the more fun the game will be for everyone and the long the game itself will last. Some people will see that, and work towards that common good, others (like yourself) will not, and will 'play the game, and everyone else can leave'...
Once again...matter of opinion. Your arrogance is starting to irritate me a bit. You also seem to be completely disregarding parts of my previous post as well. Either that, or you can't read very well.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
You should try reading a bit closer, as you seemed to have missed a few key points from the first post (and then undoubtedly overlooked them as they've been reiterated time and again):
I read them. I don't agree with your "guidelines". I also don't agree the reason they were posted in the first place. Just like all other social interactions, this will be determined by numbers. Plain and simple.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The point of this list is to give those who do care about the longevity of the game a place to discuss the things that can be done to make it as fun as possible, and the things that, when done, detract from the game experience as a whole...
Knock it off. You're not saving anything you twit. You have no control over how Planetside dies. No one does except the people that own it.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I guess we must have been playing another game indeed, because the game I was playing had players TK'ing people who ruined fun fights by dropping the gen.
There are a number of reasons to drop a generator. The fact that you seem incapable of pondering why and it's impact else where in the game bothers me. Otherwise, you'd be whining about this alot less.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
The game I was playing had vast numbers of people complaining very, very, loudly about the CNs 'lame' tactics of using absolutely overwhelming force to overrun fights and destroy all fun (SgtMAD knows something about that, I believe). That the community opposed such 'lame' tactics so aggressively and vocally suggests that (in the game I was playing) there is certainly an understanding that somethings are destructive towards the game as a whole, and it is in the interest of all players that such things aren't done...
The same thing happened when MARKOV invaded Emerald. Just about everyone worth a shit from all three empires on Markov picked one empire (TR) and steam-rolled. The CN invasion differed little in intent and execution.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Given that such a sizable block of that community existed, it seems perfectly logical to work out what those destructive tactics are and how they can be avoided...
All it did was point out to all of you Planetsides' one actual flaw.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
I'm not sure passive aggressive means what you think it means, because nothing I said there is passive aggressive at all, in fact quite the opposite, I stated my opinion blatantly and frankly...
You did state your opinion. Then you also stated that my opinion had the capacity to destroy planetside. You also managed to not actually engage my reponse in any meaningful way either. Ok...i don't know what words mean now...


Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
As for the 'more than anything else people like to win' bit, I'd suggest that is true of only a small minority of players, and I point to the above examples of protests against of gen blowing and CN-style lameness as exhibits of people unhappy with the tactics their own empire uses to win. This is a game after all, and turning pixels colors isn't what's important. It's having fun playing the game that's important.
No one likes being on the ass-end of a ass-kicking they can't avoid. Lame or otherwise. The CN seemed to understand this, and were not interested in letting it happen. They didn't break any rules, or hack the game in any way, they simply played the game. They were more willing to do what it took to make sure their tribe/community had fun playing Planetside. That's how Planetside works. How it has ALWAYS worked. Every bit of fun you derive from it comes at the expense of someone elses. Ally or enemy.

Originally Posted by Mightymouser View Post
Words truly fail me, indeed there is not a word known to me in the whole of the English language which adequately encompasses the absolute lack of care on my part as to having been nominated and confirmed as a member of your shit-list.
That's what they all say. I'll getcha though. I'm a patient guy.

Last edited by GodlessHeretic; 2014-03-30 at 03:28 AM.
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Old 2014-03-30, 03:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
Of all the possible outcomes I anticipated for this thread, I did not expect this sort of brazen, unwarranted hostility.
Then i showed up. Conflict defines us all.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
I'm not sure what exactly it is about this community, but when people have strong feelings towards a matter regarding PlanetSide, they argue it passionately. Some conduct themselves in a responsible manners while others blossom into some sort of indescribable, intolerable ignorance that begets antipathy from everyone else involved.
This is why i'm starting to not like you much and why i disagreed with the OP in the first place.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
These were not my intentions when making this thread. I was trying to shine on an issue that plagues the game. I don't think I could have possibly foreseen that reaction that this would have invoked.
I'm right here buddy. Take a swing at me.

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
It's just such a strange thing to me, this thread. "If you have don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all" should be the theme of this thread. In no way does anything suggested in this list impose upon the apparently afflicted posters here. It is -as mentioned before- an unconstrained, voluntary list of guidelines. If you don't agree with it, then begone with you. But why shit all over the thread whilst contributing nothing to the discussion?

So the point of this all is, instead of locking the entire thread, why not deal with the ones directly responsible for it's demise? It's not fair to blot out an entire idea because the third party reacting to it are babies.
This just makes you look like a hypocrite and invalid. Despite this being called a forum, i'm starting to get the impression not alot of actual debating has been done here. I'd really like to be wrong though and have this just being a few bad apples ruining a bunch.
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Old 2014-03-30, 11:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
This just makes you look like a hypocrite and invalid. Despite this being called a forum, i'm starting to get the impression not alot of actual debating has been done here. I'd really like to be wrong though and have this just being a few bad apples ruining a bunch.
Here in lies the problem. You refrained from posting your actual argument for the longest time(I.E. not debating):

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I had a giant wall of text in response to this, but i lost it. I'll sum it up for you though:

NO. To all of this. Chivalry is dead in Planetside. Play the game as it is, or go play something else.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I had a giant wall of text in response, but then i realized something...

Your argument is invalid. Also, i just don't care anymore.

Then when you finally did take part in the discussion, any of your clever attempts to "dismantle" anyones arguments basically resulted in you telling them "no" and and telling them it's their opinion, not explaining why you felt this way:

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Your concept of what's "destructive" and "enjoyable" to this game is an opinion.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Save your personal attacks for someone who cares. I am not that person. The problem here is what is considered social interaction. Our opinions on this subject differ.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Again, this matter of opinion that you seem to be hot-blooded and flustered over. Personal attacks just make you look weak and your argument invalid.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Once again...matter of opinion. Your arrogance is starting to irritate me a bit. You also seem to be completely disregarding parts of my previous post as well.

I think you see a running theme here...

First of all, no shit it's their opinion. When people are arguing a stance on a subject, clearly they have a opinion. There isn't a right or wrong. That's why you argue. And when you disagree with someone you tell them why. You may have the it all considered in your head (to be honest you probably don't)but that just doesn't mean jack shit unless you can articulate it in a way that others can comprehend it and get behind your idea. You seem to believe that having an opinion somehow invalidates someones argument. Well by that logic, that's your opinion and that's invalid!

I'm not sure you understand what a discussion is. You can't just shout no or say someone's argument is invalid and that's the end of it. You have to actually back up your claim with reasons. Also, just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you have to have the most hostile and demeaning stance possible. You can argue against something in a diplomatic fashion you know.

I've said before, if you don't agree with it then nothing is forcing you to post here. You argue here as if it's a matter of life and death. As if anything on this list would affect you in any way. Nothing is making you have to take part it in. You would be completely unaffected by anything suggested in this thread (Oh my goodness, that kind of sounds like the entire point of this doesn't it?) and the game would go one as it would anyhow. You lingering by simply calling people's arguments "invalid" doesn't do anything. In fact, it makes you lose credibility and makes your arguments invalid. You come off as that child in the playground who is losing a game, quickly changes the rules at the last minute and as soon as anyone protests shouts "no!" until the teachers rush over to change your diaper.

I'll await your "wall of text" in response to this .


Last edited by Death2All; 2014-03-30 at 11:26 AM.
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Old 2014-03-30, 01:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Master Sergeant
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Your concept of what's "destructive" and "enjoyable" to this game is an opinion. One i do not share. If you want a "fun" fight, then take it up someplace else where it or you makes no difference. We wage war on Planetside.
Perhaps you know the old saying: "Everyone is entitled to their own set of opinions, but they are not entitled to their own set of facts." You and I may disagree on what particular tactics are destructive to the game and which are enjoyable, however it is simply a fact that certain tactics were seen by the community at large as unenjoyable and the overuse of those tactics caused people to leave the game. That isn't based on my own opinion of those tactics, it is based on the voiced expression of players leaving the game because of them. We don't merely "wage war" in Planetside, we play a video game for entertainment. If the only objective in this game had was to turn pixels from one color to another we'd all be ghost hacking 24/7.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
All of this is irrelevant. I have no pity for victims, especially those that somehow expected different.
I couldn't care less about your pity, nor, I suspect, could the 'victims'. The point of the analogy to the funeral (which MAD brought up) was to draw a parallel to how trolls can ruin gameplay, and my response to it was to note that the community as a whole objected to those trolls. That they (the community) would do so shows that there is indeed a sizable number of players out there who felt there should be a modicum of decorum in the game. This thread is directed at those players, not the trolls who will do as they will regardless.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Save your personal attacks for someone who cares. I am not that person. The problem here is what is considered social interaction. Our opinions on this subject differ.
While I will admit that my impression and description of your personality is unflattering, I mentioned it not as an attack but in order to frame the following sentences, which answered your earlier query as to why the players felt the need to have an in-game funeral for their fallen friend.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Again, this matter of opinion that you seem to be hot-blooded and flustered over. Personal attacks just make you look weak and your argument invalid.
Once again, my (albeit unflattering) description of your personality as I have seen it in this thread serves to frame the context of the following sentences, wherein I describe why (though it would appear to be unimaginable to you) there are many players who would uphold a 'code' for the common good of an extended lifetime for Planetside 1.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Once again...matter of opinion. Your arrogance is starting to irritate me a bit. You also seem to be completely disregarding parts of my previous post as well. Either that, or you can't read very well.
That the common good is the extended life of Planetside 1 is indeed an opinion, as it happens though, it is a common opinion. That is to say, most of the players who played PS1 enjoyed the game and wanted it to live on as long as possible. Many of those players are hoping that it will be playable again shortly, once it goes F2P, and the point of this thread is to see that it remains playable for as long as possible, because that is in the interest of all of us who will be playing. That it is an interest shared by the majority of players would make it a common interest and working towards it would be what one might call the common good.

As to which parts of your post I am completely disregarding; I must say, I don't know what part I may have disregarded, but I can understand your irritation at me having skipped over it, as surely it held the entirely of your meaningful argument (as all the parts I did address seem to have been drivel). Perhaps you'll be so kind as to quote the part of your post I overlooked?

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
I read them. I don't agree with your "guidelines". I also don't agree the reason they were posted in the first place. Just like all other social interactions, this will be determined by numbers. Plain and simple.
You seemed of have misinterpreted my intent in specifically citing (and emphasizing) the lines I quoted from the OP. I didn't quote the guidelines, nor the reason they were posted. I quoted the lines which stated the guidelines are voluntary and are expected not to be upheld by some, but that if they are upheld by many it will be overall beneficial to the game. There is some undoubtable irony that you would seem to misread both my words and my intent so shortly after criticizing me for having done so...

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
Knock it off. You're not saving anything you twit. You have no control over how Planetside dies. No one does except the people that own it.
While I, as a solitary player, do not have any control over how Planetside dies, the player-base as a whole does have that power. Afterall, Planetside will likely not die because SOE shuts the servers down, Planetside will die when no one plays it anymore (just as now, while the servers are running, the game is dead). So, once again, the point of this thread is to voice ways the player-base can use the power it has to extend the life of the game.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
There are a number of reasons to drop a generator. The fact that you seem incapable of pondering why and it's impact else where in the game bothers me. Otherwise, you'd be whining about this alot less.
Well first of all, I am very well aware of reasons to drop a generator, having done it myself very often during my Planetside career (perhaps it escaped your notice, but it actually features prominently in my signature). What's more, I don't believe I ever whined about it in my post, and certainly not so much as to reach an objectionable level. What I did do was note that the Planetside 1 community as a whole recognized that there were times when the generator was dropped and it ruined an otherwise fun fight, and that those players would frequently show their dismay at having lost that fight by TK'ing the gen dropper. Of course, the intent of me bringing this up was to show a case where (despite your assertion to the contrary) the majority of the playerbase was more interested in a fun fight than winning.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
The same thing happened when MARKOV invaded Emerald. Just about everyone worth a shit from all three empires on Markov picked one empire (TR) and steam-rolled. The CN invasion differed little in intent and execution.
I could go into some detail about the motives and actions of the CNs, but as it happens I don't need to, you've posted about it yourself, here. As you point out in your post, the playstyle of the CNs was just to 'steam-roll entire continents' in campaigns that were fun for neither the enemy (you) nor the players on their same empire (SgtMAD's post following yours). The point, therefore, in bringing it up is to show that there are indeed destructive playstyles, and they are better avoided for the overall well being of the game.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
All it did was point out to all of you Planetsides' one actual flaw.
While I don't know that I would go so far as to say this is Planetside's only flaw; I would agree that it is a flaw nevertheless. In a perfect world we would expect that SOE would be able to correct the problems of destructive playstyles, however as I mentioned very early on in this thread, we cannot expect SOE to do anything about it, therefore it is in our interest to work together as a community to see that as many players as possible disavow such destructive playstyles themselves.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
You did state your opinion. Then you also stated that my opinion had the capacity to destroy planetside. You also managed to not actually engage my reponse in any meaningful way either. Ok...i don't know what words mean now...

In so far as you offered a response, I certainly engaged it. I stated (openly, and without diversion) that you are certainly entitle to play in whatever fashion you so choose, however if the majority of PS1 players choose to play in such a selfish manner it will be to the detriment of the game overall.

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
No one likes being on the ass-end of a ass-kicking they can't avoid. Lame or otherwise. The CN seemed to understand this, and were not interested in letting it happen. They didn't break any rules, or hack the game in any way, they simply played the game. They were more willing to do what it took to make sure their tribe/community had fun playing Planetside. That's how Planetside works. How it has ALWAYS worked. Every bit of fun you derive from it comes at the expense of someone elses. Ally or enemy.
I completely disagree with the assertion that every bit of fun derived from Planetside comes at the expense of someone else's. In truth, some of the best fights I ever played in were fights we ultimately lost. The point of the game is to have fun fighting, not mere winning. After all, if all I wanted to do was 'win' I could sub-up right now and spend hours upon hours winning my way across Auraxis with no troublesome enemies trying to fight me. The fun comes from the fight, not merely the outcome, and if a positive outcome comes at the expense of a good fight, the community as a whole would often express their disapproval (see: above references to gen blowing)

Originally Posted by GodlessHeretic View Post
That's what they all say. I'll getcha though. I'm a patient guy.
All evidence presented thus far would lead me to believe you will in fact not 'get' me, but I suppose over centuries even a small stream can crack mountains; I must admit though I wouldn't expect it to happen before the Second Coming.

Last edited by Mightymouser; 2014-03-30 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 2014-03-30, 06:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Oh PSU forums, how I have missed you.
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Old 2014-03-30, 08:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Wats goin on in here guyz
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Old 2014-03-30, 08:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

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Old 2014-03-30, 09:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Mightymouser. Hi. I miss you. All the homo.

Please disregard Godless.
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Old 2014-03-30, 10:22 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
Sergeant Major
Re: PS Code of Honor Pact

Some people play to have fun. Some play to win. Others play to win to have fun. Therefore something like NOT capping a gen as soon as you get to a base is not going to happen a good deal of the time (Let's face it, temptation if nothing else). Especially if the splitting up tactic is applied, where most of the troops keep the main force of the enemy occupied in the main fight yet some are designated to quieter bases to take over to severe enemy supply lines. Some may call it "ghost capping" but if you don't defend a base, it's going to fall, which means all sides must attempt to strike a balance between attack and defense. That's how it works in a real war and that's how it works here.

However, that said, we could perhaps decide on a general area to fight in (perhaps 3-5 bases plus the in between areas) and decide where the borders are to keep the action in a contained area. Provided it's not too small, I imagine that would help with keeping fights constant, and it's even a rule applied in real warfare at times. Of course, you'd have to get all sides to agree to that, which is where the difficulty lies...

Last edited by Taramafor; 2014-03-30 at 10:23 PM.
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