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Old 2011-07-13, 02:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lieutenant General
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Planetside 2 Information Thread

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Official PS2 website:


Q&A with Matt Higby:

PS2 Page:
T-Ray Dev Profile:
Josh Hackney Profile:
Matt Higby:

Announcement of game at fanfare:

Planetside Universe Q&A Articles:
Part 1, 2 and 3:
Interview with Smed:

Misc. Interviews:


Misc Articles:
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Does Planetside 2 have a new engine? Yes, it's called the Forgelight and it is designed specially for MMOs.

What is the certification System? The certification system is still really free-form. Similarly to Eve, you can gain “skill-ups” in your certifications while offline after setting which certifications you want to unlock, however actively playing online will result in quicker skill-ups. You can be as specialized or as unspecialized as you want; if you want to only put certification points into improving your galaxy, you can. If you want to have decent grunting, vehicle, and support skills, you can.

What is the class system? The class system in Planetside 2 is a bit of a misnomer. It is not as free-form as the original load-out system of Planetside, but it is not as restrictive as other shooters. When you spawn, you can choose a different set of certs for that life and you are forced into that role until you die or access an equipment terminal. There appear to be restrictions such as a deeply specialized medic will not be able to access heavy assault weapons, and classes with jetpacks will not have access to heavier armor or weapons.

How will the Command System function? Commanding is not based on command rank like in Planetside. Rather commanding is based upon a cert tree within all of the other certifications. In order to be a deeply specialized commander you need to give up some other perks. Also, squad leaders and commanders will be able to create “missions (think quests from an RPG) that average players can follow in order to receive bonus experience. The orbital strike is making a return.

What new FPS functions are there? Iron sights, headshots, sprinting, and faster TTK have been confirmed. Prone and "BLOODY SCREEN, SO REAL" have been confirmed not in Planetside 2.

How is squad spawning going to be balanced? Squad spawning will not work indoors, will require your squad leader to be heavily specialized as one, will occur in a drop pod, and will be on a cooldown. It is not meant to be your primary respawn method.

Are AMS returning? No.

Why are sanctuaries being removed? Apparently they slowed down gameplay too much so they have been replaced with uncapturable continental footholds.

Will my computer run it? They are gunning for 4 – 5 year old machines as their low-end. No exact specifications yet.

What features have been removed? Inventories(at least as free-form as it is now), sanctuaries, and vehicle entering animations.

Will I have more tools as an outfit / squad / platoon leader? Yes. In addition to the mission system there will be many things you can specialize in using the certification system.

How close will a new player be to a vet? A veteran will be no more than 20% stronger than a new player.

Will there be night and weather? Night cycle and weather systems are supported with Forgelight.

Will lag be as bad as Planetside? Forgelight uses a combination of CSHD and SSHD and lag will not be as big of an issue as with Planetside.

Will there be customization? Yes. There will be vehicle, weapon, and outfit customization. They want you to be able to tell what outfit a player is from while still being able to tell what empire they are at a glance. Check Food 4 Less Ad and Food City Ad. More of this may be released post launch.

Will there be “4th empire” ? The current plan is to lock you to one empire per server. This may change if we give them compelling reasons.

Will there be advanced vehicle physics? The Forgelight engine has built in physx support by NVIDIA which will allow for all vehicles to handle differently and more realistically.

Is there an assist system? Yes, there is some form of shared / assist experience for kills.

Will hacking be a problem? Hacking is their number one concern, as they hate it as much as we do. They will have an entire team dedicated to it and will be using a third party software to handle it.

Killing sprees?!??! Killing sprees will not offer a substantial bonus like in Call of Duty.

Will voice macros return? Yes, there will be more voice macros than in Planetside; some activatable, some automatic.

Do I spy a jetpack? Jetpacks will be mostly used for traversing terrain vertically and you cannot use them with heavy armor and weaponry.
What we know:
• Squad spawning
• No vehicle hacking
• Command rank is now a certification tree
• Mission system allows for clearer objectives and better leadership
• No more free-form inventories
• Much of the sandbox aspects will be included post-launch
• No Battle Frame Robotics
• No release date
• Outfits have a skill tree for improved specialization
• Weather effects that affect game play like volumetric fog/clouds are not togglable
• Prowlers, Liberators, Vanguards, ATVs, Galaxies, Mossies, Reavers and AMS are returning
• Battle Rank is character based
• No restriction on cross-empire communication
• One empire per server
• No heavy weapons on light classes
• Maxes can switch out weapons, abilities, and utilities
• Jetpacks will be primarily used for vertical movement
• There will be some F2P aspect; Smedley says they "like League of Legends' model"
• No third person for soldiers
• Bullets are simulated objects with physics
• No vehicle animations
• There is a priority based kill spam (your kills, squad kills, and deaths will hang around longer)
• There will be a way to show off your accomplishments in game
• SOE wants us to have access to almost all in game data out of game, in real time
• SOE wants to listen to our feedback
• There will be more voice macros than in Planetside, some automatic
• Orbital Strike is returning
• Killing sprees will not grant ridiculous bonuses like in Call of Duty
• No plans for prone
• Headshots and locational damage on vehicle
• Thousands of players
• All land has value to be captured
• Resources needed from this land to pull advanced vehicles
• There will be some terrains that favor infantry, vehicles, and air
• Vehicles can capture some objectives
• Sanctuaries replaced with continental footholds
• Grief system with tweaks is returning
• BETA will be "sooner than people think"
• Nothing is set in stone
• It will not be on PS3
• All empires will have variations of the same weapons
• AMS will not be returning
• You can eventually squad spawn on teammates if your leader specs deep enough
• MAXes switch out weapons like BFRs
• Vivox integrated voice chat
• You can switch between classes when you die
• ANTs will return in some capacity
• No Flail or other AT weaponry
• Locational damage for knives
• PS2 is "not as fast" as BF:BC2
PSU Higby Lunch Interview:

• Drivers gun their own vehicles too
• Can spawn in flying galaxy; has equipment terminals, and can spawn maxes (if the pilot certs it)
• Each continent will not by 100% one environment
• Trying to use as much space as possible on each continent for fighting
• Big marketing push planned
• Spawn tubes still in for deconstructing and transportation
• Death screen allows you to look at certs and choose class; *A* terminal let you change class
• MAX can still heal with medkits
• Hacking is in PS2; mechanism is not some mini-game, focus on action
• Boomers in PS2 in some form
• Data of play time and play trends mined from PS1; but not how many bullets have been fired and the like
• Equipment timers still in
• Resources never limit what vehicles you can pull; tanks will not require grass!
• Resources used to add modifications to vehicles, such as mortar/better AI/etc on tank for secondary gunner
• Resources can unlock things forever; not a 100% constant drain of resources for everything
• Choose between saving for an upgrade and adding small things to weapons / vehicles (with resources)
• Place turrets, someone mans it (not auto), such as a heavy machine gun, you get xp for their kills, but you can use it yourself (you get more xp if you use it to kill)
• Different engineer lines in the trees such as an explosive line
• Classes are nailed down; not ready to reveal
• Tested with entire dev team (50+) and with bots to test load / latency
• Auto-Missions: help new players that login for first time; puts big shiny things on screen to give high priority missions, autosquads you based on preferences (outfit/anyone/never): this is the automatic side, allows to do population balance
• Player Missions: SL, OL, officers allowed to create missions; "infiltrate/capture" base, outfit mates will see these as higher priority mission, higher ranking of mission issuer = more xp
• Resource poor empires can still pull all vehicles / weapons; pretty much impossible to lock down an empire or one continent because of other open continents
• Resources earned passively based on territory that your empire owns on the continent you are fighting on
• Can pick up resource canisters from crashed vehicles, just a few resources
• No specific plan for server transfer function, but not hard to add
• To get to the end of a skill tree (some are more in-depth depending on if they are core class skill trees or vehicle/ class), so can take anywhere from days to weeks
• Only one character can train per account at once offline (F2P so make as many as you want!)
• Probably add Facebook integration kind of stuff, but not a requirement to play the game, can use it to send information about capturing a base
• Group transports keep everyone together, nice to sit back and take a breathe while en-route, Sunderers in game, will have some unique aspect - some cool stuff, very well armored at the moment, but up to the person speccing the vehicle, maybe adding gunports to shoot out of (jackhammers!)
• Reaver is one seater
• Empire specific fighters confirmed
• Hot dropping from mossies (and all air): yes
• Bases are completely different from PS1 bases; no more room hallway room hallway, much more open and cyclical; one of the bases feels a lot closer to sort of level design in Call of Duty
• Bases designed to be captured in the end
• In-game rez, medics healing ray increased by progressing down class, no stimpack thing, mostly about healing and resurrecting
• Time to kill variable, general faster than PS1, slower than Bad company, much slower than Modern Warfare
• Shields replace armor, shields regen if you don’t take damage, health takes full damage, no BLOODY SCREEN health heal, different types of shields (regen slower, higher max, faster regen timer)
• Medkits in PS2
• Character creation has relatively limited face customization, but weapons / vehicle / armor / undersuit has a lot, most of the time you will have a helmet on
• Developer sprint cycles are one month
• F2P chosen as that is the direction of industry, maybe a box price, maybe not
• Enemies probably can’t see into footholds; footholds will not move or rotate
• No hacker class
• TR max face no longer exposed
• Not sure if music composer has been picked yet
• Lots of ways for air vehicles to hide such as in cloud = literally invisible
• Higby loves me
• Plan to take care of PS1 players in PS2, some benefits for PS1 players
• Right now can’t pull bullets out of a dead player’s backpack
• Spawning happens
• No DX9, using DX10+ (he thinks)
• Hopefully a ton of servers at launch
• Flying and hovering works very well, requires you paying attention to the game, hard to be precise, transition isn’t so great though; easy to learn, difficult to master
• If shot in an open air vehicle, hurt the player most likely
• All stuff is WIP
• In-game voice, can set ignores on people, lots of voice macros, some automatic (I’m taking fire!), some manual (hotkeyed)
• Cannot hear enemies via vivox voice
• Hopes weather system is in at launch; lots of weather effects
• Change classes at terminal and respawn
• 3 year dev plan is already being planned, want to allow players to decide which features are more important for the 3 year dev plan (expect to see within a couple months)
• Higby loves naval warfare
• Uncapturable footholds are like a base, well more like a fortified warpgate
• Trying to figure out how salvaging will work; if it’s an actual item, or just get resources
• No seat switching at the moment
• Grenade killing depends on type of character and grenade
• Yyyyes to empire specific heavy assault weapons
• Beta as soon as ready
• Jet-troops will not be medics / engineers, agility but can get cut off
• All classes allowed at BR1
• There will be a max killer class
• Auto-run for MAX is still in
• MAXes are maybe on timers
• MAXes cost no resources
• There will be merits hopefully
• You will be able to allow people to apply for your outfit
• Might be a self kill command, probably not a good strategy to use it
• Galaxy can hold ten people
• Buggies on list of things to put in, hopefully
New Screenshots:

Last edited by Ghryphen; 2011-09-16 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 2011-07-13, 02:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #2
Brigadier General
Misc Info
Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

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Old 2011-07-13, 03:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #3
Desoxy's Avatar
Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Two panel videos to add:

The PS2 Public Panel (just added today ):

The PS2 Press Panel (which is basically the two GT.TV videos combined):
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Old 2011-07-13, 03:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
First Lieutenant
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Grief system confirmed, 'Slightly Revised' in G4TV Public Panel.

Friendly Fire is in.
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Old 2011-07-13, 03:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
First Sergeant
Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Any further info that I can find I will relay it to this thread as well, gj Bags.
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Old 2011-07-13, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
PSU Admin
Hamma's Avatar
Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Aye nice work Bags!

I will use this as some of the ground work for the new PS 2 FAQ, with credit of course.

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
Hamma Time - Evil Ranting Admin - DragonWolves - Commanding Officer
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Old 2011-07-13, 04:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Brigadier General
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Well done, sir! Now gotta get rid of the My Little Pony stuff. Seriously dude. It's hard to take you seriously with that.
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Old 2011-07-13, 04:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Brigadier General
Misc Info
Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Bags, here is JUST the annoucment of the game, without all the other stuff.

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Old 2011-07-13, 05:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant General
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Originally Posted by Raymac View Post
Well done, sir! Now gotta get rid of the My Little Pony stuff. Seriously dude. It's hard to take you seriously with that.

Originally Posted by basti View Post
Bags, here is JUST the annoucment of the game, without all the other stuff.

Thanks, I'll add it

Completed a rough transcript for the g4tv video.

Last edited by Bags; 2011-07-13 at 05:26 PM.
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Old 2011-07-13, 05:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Originally Posted by Bags View Post
I see what you did there. Well played, sir.

And, no, thats not better at all. lol I guess I just have a viseral reaction to My Little Pony from when I was 6 years old and that was the girls toy and GI Joe was the boys toy, and I'm afraid your avatar is gonna give me cooties.
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Old 2011-07-13, 05:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Originally Posted by Raymac View Post
I see what you did there. Well played, sir.

And, no, thats not better at all. lol I guess I just have a viseral reaction to My Little Pony from when I was 6 years old and that was the girls toy and GI Joe was the boys toy, and I'm afraid your avatar is gonna give me cooties.

Well, this time around it's actually a legitimate cartoon. Not sure if the other generations had Hydras, Manticores, Gryphons, or Cockatrice.

Oh, how the times have changed.

Anyhow, to keep this on topic, I'll be doing some more rough transcripts tonight.

Edit: Testing colors Orange Red Blue Green Teal Yellow Purple

Last edited by Bags; 2011-07-13 at 07:35 PM.
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Old 2011-07-13, 06:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Hopefully this becomes as good of a source of info as RO2's Fact Thread!
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Old 2011-07-13, 06:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #13
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Hmm, I could do a FAQ type write up which includes answers to all of the questions like

How will classes work?
Won't squad spawning be over powered?

and the such.
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Old 2011-07-13, 07:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #14
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread

Added an FAQ.
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Old 2011-07-13, 08:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #15
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Re: Planetside 2 Information Thread


With each update it gets closer to ending up on our official FAQ page

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Hamma Time - Evil Ranting Admin - DragonWolves - Commanding Officer
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